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Land Utilisation And Welfare Of Farmers In Sabbatical Legislation Of The Book Of Leviticus

ABSTRACT Sabbatical legislation in the book of Leviticus is a set of land laws capable of promoting agricultural productivity and the welfare of the people. Previous studies on Sabbatical legislation in Leviticus have focused on land acquisition and distribution, neglecting various mistranslations that led to their misinterpretations. This anomaly changed the understanding of the concept of rest, which originally applied more to the human agentive utilisation and welfare agenda in ancient Isr...

Role of Extension in Food Security and Livelihood in Developing Countries

Best for students of agriculture ·        Food security in a broader sense has to do with having at all times and adequate level of food products to meet increasing consumption demand to migrate fluctuation in output and price (indria, Gwary and Shehu 2008) United Nation (2009) defined food security as “all people at all times having both physical and economic access to the basic food they need”. The world food summit of 1996 defined food security as existing “when all people at...


ABSTRACT The topic of this project is the problem that faces agriculture in Enugu state and possible solution to them using phionmer Nigeria limited as a case study.The purpose of data collection involved the administering of questionnaires to respondent and conducting interviews with farmers. The respondents were selected through random sampling. Having analyzed the data, the research finding shows that:- 1.Poor marketing system of agricultural product in the economy. 2.Financial problem in...

Perception Of Farmers In Rural North-Eastern Nigeria On A Newly Introduced Sustainable Agriculture Technique

ABSTRACT The world is at the verge of having a global crisis, with environmental degradation and malnourishment being two points of focus. Industrial agriculture, otherwise referred to as conventional agriculture, has led to ecological degradation globally. The use of heavy machinery, chemical fertilizers, heavy irrigation, and intensive tillage have had negative impacts on the environment and future generations. A solution in form of sustainable agriculture and its methods have the potentia...

Farm Livelihood Impact Of Apron Star 42 Ws – Dressed Bean Seeds And Its Commercialization Viability In Mbeya And Mbozi Districts, Tanzania

ABSTRACT  Commercializing subsistence agriculture is essential for improving the smallholder farmers‟ productivity in Sub-Saharan African countries including Tanzania. However, without the adoption of productivity-enhancing technologies such as improved seeds, the realization of such an improvement is inevitable. Arguably, for smallholder farmers to adopt new technologies, they need to feel their impact on their livelihoods. This study assesses the adoption, commercialization and impact of...

Conflict And Employee Performance In Organisations A Case Study Of Sameer Agriculture And Live Stock Fresh Diary Uganda (1967) Limited

ABSTRACT The study was about conflict and Employee performance in an organization case study of Sameer Agriculture and Livestock fresh Diary Uganda (1967) Limited. The purposes of this study was to establish relationship between conflicts and employee performance, to find out what forms of conflicts existing at in Sameer Agriculture And Livestock fresh Diary Uganda (1967) Limited. The Objectives of this Study were to find out what forms of conflicts existing in Sameer Agriculture And Livestoc...


Abstract: Many smallholder farmers in the developing world live in adverse poverty, and rely on agriculture as their primary source of income and household food. In Zambia agriculture production is the main activity for people in rural areas of the country. The study evaluated the effects of climate-smart practices; Gliricidia sepium Alley cropping, conservation agriculture Basin, Ripping and conventional agriculture cropland on selected physicochemical properties of soil and crop productivi...

Effects Of Non-Farm Activities On Household Income In Selected Rapidly Urbanizing Villages In Mufindi District In Iringa Region, Tanzania

ABSTRACT Although, agriculture remains the main source of income and employment in developing countries, it is a universally accepted fact that agricultural sector is incapable of creating sufficient income in the middle of increasing population. Thus, the non-farm sector is increasingly becoming important. Generally, the study assessed the effects of non-farm activities to household income in purposefully selected rapidly urbanizing villages in Mufindi District, namely; Nyololo Shuleni, Lug...

Biogas Energy Electricity Generation And Interconnection To The Power Grid

Executive Summary Increasing energy prices and the availability of new small generation technologies are encouraging many small consumers and mid-sized business to consider alternative energy sources. Renewable energy sources include power from wind, solar, hydro and biomass projects. Alberta Agriculture Food and Rural Development would like to develop the steps required to effectively interconnect small and mid-sized generation applications to the electrical utility systems. The steps for i...


ABSTRACT The construction of the Akosombo and Kpong dams have led to a change in the watershed ecology which has in turn contributed to the change in land use and land cover of the Lower Volta Basin (LVB). Inevitable changing global climate has also played a role in the alteration of land cover and crop production which have affected livelihoods. In this study, a post-classification comparison change detection algorithm was used to determine changes in land use and land cover that have taken ...

Effect of flooding on socio-economic livelihood of the farmers in lower Kano plain, Kisumu County, Kenya

Abstract/Overview Periodic flooding is a menace to agricultural activities in such regions due to disruptions on farmlands, grazing grounds, sweeping of human beings and animals, and socio-economic livelihood and infrastructure of the residents. The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of flooding on socio-economic livelihood of the households living in Lower Kano plain, Kisumu County. The study was conducted at Lower Kano plain for a period of three months and targeted 950 ...

Economic Analysis Of Beekeeping In The Jasikan District Of The Volta Region

ABSTRACT Agriculture in the Jasikan District in recent times is predominantly based on arable crop production, using traditional slash and burn techniques, which encourages extensification. There is the need for the development of sustainable agricultural practices that will not require new land but could still be incorporated into the farm business and be a source of income for farmers. Beekeeping has been identified as one such sustainable agricultural practice in the district. Unfortunatel...

The effects of physical properties of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) varieties on soaking and cooking time

Abstract: Cookability of common bean is constrained by hardness which results to extend cooking times, low widespread consumption, and high cost of cooking fuel, the consequence of this is malnutrition due to nutritional deficiencies and food insecurity. A study was conducted in the seed Laboratory of Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Institute (KALRO)-Katumani to investigate the effects of physical properties of eleven bean varieties (GLPX92, KATX69, EMBEAN118, WAIRIMU, EMBEAN14, GL...

Predicting Rainfall Pattern in Kakamega County using Time Series

Abstract Rainfall patterns play a critical role in shaping various aspects of our lives. Understanding the patterns, trends and predictability of rainfall is essential for effective planning and decision making in various aspects including agriculture, water resource management, disaster preparedness and social economic planning. In agricultural activities crops require specific amount of water at the right time for growth. By understanding the rainfall patterns, farmers can adapt their farm...


ABSTRACT Current soil management strategies are mainly dependent on inorganic chemical-based fertilizers, which caused a serious threat to human health and environment. The exploitation of beneficial microbes as a biofertilizer has become paramount importance in agriculture sector for their potential role in food safety and sustainable crop production. The eco-friendly approaches inspire a wide range of application of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPRs), endo- and ectomycorrhizal f...

676 - 690 Of 986 Results