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Film combines many diverse disciplines, each of which may have its own rules of aesthetics. The aesthetics of cinematography are partly related to still photography, but the movement of the subject(s) or the cinema and the fact that result is a moving picture experience that takes place over time. An Essay.

Audit Committee And Banking Stability: A Case Of Listed Banks In Ghana

ABSTRACT This study sought to investigate how the effectiveness of the audit committee influences banking stability in Ghana. In doing so, the researcher aimed at examining the effect of independence of the audit committee, the size of the audit committee, as well as how the relationship between other variables such as the composition of gender, bank size, among others influence the stability of the bank. Employing a quantitative research design together with a descriptive approach, the resea...

Socioeconomic Factors Affecting Efficient Utilization Of Micro Credit Among Women In Morogoro Municipality

ABSTRACT This study was conducted to identify socioeconomic factors affecting efficient utilization of Micro Credit among women in Morogoro Municipal. Specifically, the study examined major economic activities that women perform with credit, assessed performance of women activities, identified socioeconomic factors influencing efficient utilization of Micro Credit and determined the extent to which credit money was spent on unintended activities. The study involved 80 respondents in which 75...

Exploration Of Strategies Used By English Language Teachers To Enhance Pupils’ English Language Learning In Primary Schools: A Case Of Rorya District In Mara Region

ABSTRACT This study explored the strategies that primary school English teachers in Rorya District apply in enhancing the learning of English language among the pupils. The study was motivated by the fact that the District has different ethnic community languages; thus, teachers of English teach pupils with diverse linguistic backgrounds. In specific, the study identifies the strategies used by teachers to enhance learning of English and the effectiveness of the strategies used. Also, to ass...

Genetic Characterization of Rhizosphere Bacteria that Inhabit Common Bean Nodules in Western Kenya Soils

Abstract Background: With the increasing world population, there is increasing demand for food. This has led to overuse of agricultural farms causing reduced soil fertility and accumulation of phytopathogens. Inorganic fertilizers and pesticides have been extensively used in response to these challenges. Extensive integration of inorganic fertilizers and pesticides in the farming system has contributed to soil and water pollution worsening the eutrophication in rivers lake waters. Alternativ...

Bacterial Diversity in the Haloalkaline Lake Elmenteita

Abstract Lake Elmenteita is one of the alkaline saline lakes within the Kenyan Rift valley. The lake is situated on the floor of the Kenyan Rift Valley at 1,776 m above sea level and has no direct outlet. The microbial diversity of the lake was investigated using a culture-independent approach. Five different sampling points were selected randomly within the lake. Wet sediments and water samples were collected from each sampling point. In addition, dry mud cake was collected from three point...

An investigation of the risks of using new integrated accounting information system (A case study of Zimbabwe Statistical Agency)

ABSTRACT The accounting information system (AIS) is of utmost important in providing the financial information for decision making purposes within the organisation. The research explores on the risks of using new integrated (AIS) and the effect of operating non- integrated accounting information systems. For the past years the ZIMSTAT has been facing challenges due to the operation of non- integrated (AIS), various departments operated stand- alone systems divorced from each other. The o...

Determinants Of Voting Behavior Among The Youth In Kajiado County, Kenya

Abstract Voting behavior has been a factor of interest in political science studies. With the youth making the largest percentage of the population and registered voters in Kenya and the world, they still remain underrepresented in leadership spheres and their participation in governance is minimal. This study sought to understand their voting behavior considering how cultural factors, ethnicity, intergenerational factors, political ideologies and legal literacy determined voting behavior of ...

Women's Participation in Post-Conflict Peacebuilding in Juba, South Sudan

Abstract: The purpose of this study was to examine prevalent underrepresentation of women in the post conflict peacebuilding process. South Sudan which recently gained in 2011 has been experiencing a myriad of conflicts which has seen several post conflict peace building efforts. South Sudanese women have played significant roles in efforts to promote peace in the country, however, they continue to be underrepresented in formal levels their achievements have often gone unrecognized and undoc...

Ananse As A Folkloric Character In New Ghanaian Drama

ABSTRACT This study explores the various roles that Ananse play in Ghanaian Drama and how this folkloric character has evolved and transformed with time. The study also seeks to determine if Ananse as a folkloric character is justifiably a villain as society has most often dubbed him, or if he has other redeeming qualities which equally need to be highlighted. This thesis therefore seeks to answer the question of who Ananse really is as a folkloric character as well as what motivates his acti...

School Dropout: The Role of Gender Inkira Municipality

TABLE OF CONTENTSTable of contentsDECLARATION ivAPPROVAL vDEDICATION viACKNOWLEDGEMENT viiKEY TERM viiiABSTRACT ixCHAPTER ONE 1INTRODUCTION 11.1 Introduction 11.2 Background to the study 11.3 Statement ofthe problem 21.4 Purpose ofthe study [general objec(ive] 2The purpose ofthis study was to investigate school dropout and the role ofgender in Kim municipality. .21.5 Specific objective 21. To find out how gender causes school dropout in Kim municipality 21.6 Research question 21.7 Significanc...

Online Civil Registry

ABSTRACT Civil registry is an online services or agency that helps citizen to register with the government. Through their services cut across almost every disciple but in this project work, the birth, the death and marriage registration is considered. The implementation of this project work is designed using CS4 Dreamweaver (Adobe Collection Suit), PHP (Hypertext processor) scripting language and java script and MYSOL (Structural Query Language) database in other to have a robust design.   �...

Effects Of Board Nationality And Ethnic Diversity On The Financial Performance Of Listed Firms In Nigeria

   ABSTRACT This study examined the effect of board nationality and ethnic diversity on firms’ performance in the Nigeria stock exchange. With the aim of investigating the level of influence ethnic diversity and board nationality would affect firm performance in terms of profitability and growth in a developing economy, the study made use of ROA, ROE and Tobin’s Q for financial measures. The study analysed date from 60 non-financial firms with periodic observations from 2012-2015 usin...

Child Labor in the Rural Setting: the Case of Employed Child Cattle Keepers (the Qenja) in Andabet Woreda, South Gondar Zone

Abstract     Cattle keeping duties are the most frequent task of children in rural Ethiopia. At worst, there are many children who are trafficked within and outside country borders for forced herding activities. This study explored child labor in a rural setting among employed child cattle keepers (in Amharic it refers to the Qenja) in Andabet Woreda focusing on perspectives of the Qenja towards the work, their tasks, and challenges they experienced. This study employed a qualitative ap...

Influence Of Maternal Characteristics On Academic Performance Of Lower Primary School Children Aged 8 Years Old In Kosirai Division, Nandi County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Parents being the educators of children play a key role in their learning. Children’s learning from their parents not only forms the foundation of future learning but also has a great influence on their performance. Even though parental involvement in children’s learning has been associated with high levels of achievement. Mother’s involvement is not as anticipated. This has be attributed to emerging issues that include economic inflation, HIV and AIDS and change in family sys...

691 - 705 Of 959 Results