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Perception Of Farmers On Effectiveness Of Agricultural Extension Agents In Knowledge Transfer To Maize Growers In Kilindi District

ABSTRACT The interaction between extension agents and farmers and the extent to which farmers perceive extension agents as useful to them is paramount to bringing about change in agriculture output. However, little information is available in Kilindi District; therefore, this study was conducted to assess farmers‟ perception on the effectiveness of their extension agents in knowledge transfer to maize farmers in Kilindi District. Specifically, the study intended to: identify socio-economic ...

Structure Of Farmer Based Organisations In Agricultural Development In Peri-Urban Tamale In The Northern Region Of Ghana

ABSTRACT The study examined the role of farmer-based organizations (FBOs) in agricultural development in peri-urban Tamale in the Northern Region of Ghana. The study used the mixed method for the research. Both primary and secondary data were collected. It used a questionnaire and an interview guide with a sample size of 125 in the gathering of data and generating tables through analysis of data. The findings revealed that 97.1 percent of FBOs operating in Tamale Metropolis are officially re...

Effect Of Farmyard Manure And Mineral Fertilizers On Maize Yield And Soil Properties In Huye And Bugesera Districts Of Rwanda

Agriculture in Rwanda is today characterized by low agricultural productivity due to soil fertility decline. This is mainly attributed to the mining of nutrients due to continuous cropping without adequate external addition of inputs. The adoption of Integrated Soil Fertility Management (ISFM) technologies such as the combination of organic manure and mineral fertilizers is being taken as one of solutions to this situation. A study was therefore, conducted to investigate the effects of f...

Poverty Traps And Wildlife Conflicts: A Livelihoods Case Study Of Mgori Village Land Forest Reserve, Singida

ABSTRACT Changes of conservation policy from fortress to community conservation aimed at balancing sustainable conservation and rural livelihoods. However, little is known as to how much Community Based Forest Management (CBFM) approach contributed to livelihoods enhancement. Similarly, impacts of wildlife conflicts as a result of successful conservation, and causes of poverty among local communities are poorly known. This study aimed at assessing poverty traps and wildlife conflicts in Mgor...

Farming Methods And Food Security In Uganda A Case Study Of Nyakwea Sub-County Abim District

ABSTRACT The main objective of the study is to examine the impact of farming methods on food security in Uganda. It was guided by three specific objectives that were to investigate the forms of farming in Nyakwea Sub-county, to find out the relationship between farming and food security in Nyakwea Sub-county as well as to investigate the measures to address food security in Nyakwea Sub-county. Literature review was done by reviewing related literature on study variables as put forward by diff...

Persistent Organic Pollutants In Water, Sediments And Fish From Lake Victoria And Implications To Human Health Risks

EXTENDED ABSTRACT Lake Victoria is an important freshwater resource in Tanzania and its neighbouringcountries namely Uganda, Kenya, Rwanda, Burundi and the Democratic Republic of Congo(DRC). Millions of people dotted around the lake depend on it as a major source of household and industrial water supply, irrigation, transport and provide for fishing as the main source of animal-derived protein as well as income. In Tanzania, the lake provides employment opportunities to more than four mill...


Abstract: Fish provides nutrients that are essential to cognitive and physical development, and an important part of healthy diet. However, fish post-harvest loss, resource tragedy, overfishing, low management and traditional fish harvesting practices are discouraging fish market supply and fishers profitability. Therefore, this study was sought to analyze fish value chain and post-harvest loss of Lake Hawassa. The study used cross-sectional data from representative fishers of 166 and key in...

Practices In Using Pesticides In Urban Agriculture: A Case Of Vegetable Sector In Dar Es Salaam

EXTENDED ABSTRACT Urban Agriculture is crucial to the supply of food especially fresh vegetables in many urban areas including Dar es Salaam in Tanzania. In addition to the supply of food, it serves as a source of employment and income for many urban dwellers. However, the intensive and continued growing of vegetable on same piece of the land tend to trigger enormous pests pressure of diverse species which calls for the most effective and robust pest management practices. As such, most urban...

Agriculture and Economic Growth in Uganda; A Case Study of Kalungu District

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATIONAPPROVAL iiDEDICATION iiiACKNOWLEDGEMENT ivTABLE OF CONTENTS vLIST OF ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS xABSTRACT xiCHAP1ER. ONE8~18~.0.00. .......~1.1.0 Introduction 11.1 Background of the study 11.1.1 Historical perspective 11.1.2 Conceptual perspective 41.1.3 Theoretical perspective 51.1.4 Contextual perspective 51.2 Problem statement 61.3 Objectives of the study 61.3.1 Purpose of the study 61.3.2 Specific objectives 61.4 Research questions 61.5 Scope of the study 71.5...

Effect of Language of Instruction on Pupils Academic Achievement, And Interest in Agriculture in Primary Schools in Imo State

Abstract This study was designed to determine the effect of language of instruction on pupils’ academic achievement and interest in Agriculture in primary schools. The study adopted a pretest, posttest, non-equivalent control group, quasi-experimental research design which involved groups of pupils in their intact classes assigned to experimental and control groups. The population for the study was 17,542 primary five pupils in Owerri Education Zone of Imo State out of which 145 pupils wer...


PROPOSAL  It has because very imperative to examine the role of commercial Bank in financing of A agricultural projects PLC, (1999 – 2003), is s topic so crucial that interested parties in the work many.  It is very vital considering the role of commercial banks in general and first Bank in particular play in financing of Agricultural. Project in Enugu state, in sustaining the Economy.   This creditable role being played by the above bank in sustaining the economy of Enugu state and the ...


 ABSTRACT The study evaluated the toxicological effects of paraquat on Oreochromis niloticus fingerlings. Two hundred and sixteen (216) fingerlings (Average weight: 7.50g) were purchased from a local farmer in Ikole-Ekiti, Ekiti State, Nigeria and were transported to the Wet Laboratory of the Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture, Federal University Oye-Ekiti, Nigeria and acclimatized for two weeks. After range finding test, the fish were exposed to acute concentration of 2.96 mg/I, 3.3lmg...

Farm Settlement Scheme in Nigeria

Farm scheme can be seen as a method of advancing rural development in a rapid speed by the effort of the government. Farm settlement scheme can also be described as an intervention of the government to promote efficient utilization of land resources and dignity in farming by the provision of basic social needs. In Nigeria, this type of settlement scheme has been in operation since the 1950’s. Each of the three Geo-political zones i.e. the Hausa’s, the Igbo’s and the Yoruba’s had its o...

Effect Of Heat Treatment On Corrosion Of Mild Steel Weld Metal In Cassava Juice ~

INTRODUCTION In west African and other tropical countries cassava tubers are a source of major staple foods. They are also used in the .manufacture of ethyl alcohol and the production of starch used as a binder in tablet making and as an animal feed, and are being proposed for use as an addition to wheat flour for bread making. Corrosion of mild steel machinery, storage facilities, and agricultural implements used in processing cassava roots has been widely reported by the processing industr...


ABSTRACT Across the continent of Africa, there are young people who use their experience in farming and knowledge in business to engage in agriculture in a whole new way. Unlike traditional farmers, these young people are in tune with technology and are passionate about changing the status quo on the continent. They are called Agripreneurs. The world bank projects that the world’s population will reach about 9.6 billion by 2050 and this means that current food production needs to be increas...

706 - 720 Of 986 Results