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The Effect Of Internal Audit On The Performance Of The Private Firm A Study Of M. B Anamco Ltd, Emene Enugu State

The study is centred on the effect of the internal audit in M.B ANAMCO LTD, Emene Enugu State, the research covers all department under the firm in other to ascertain whether auditing has an effect in the private firm and if not what is the cause. INTRODUCTION Internal audit is a management tool used in ensuring transparency in conduct of business. Auditing took the entire stage after the industrial revolution since before this period, transactions increased, precipitated by the development ...

Impact Of Eligion On Academic Performance Of Pupils In Bibirioni Sub Location In Kiambu District, Cental Province Kenya

ABSTRACT A descriptive and quantitative study was undertaken to examine the impact of religion on academic performance of the pupils in selected schools of Bibirioni sub location. The specific objectives that guided the study included, to find out whether the pupils attendance is affected by religious practices; to find out if religious upbringing affects the learners ability to participate fully in school activities, to find out whether religion influences the children’s ability to interac...

Impact of Non-Governmental Organizations On Women's Ability to Cope with Problems. A Case of Action for Development (Acfode) Kitoba Division - Mpigi District

ABSTRACT The study examined the impact of Non-Governmental Organizations ' ability to cope up with problems. The study was carried out in Kitoba sub-county Mpigi district. The study was carried out under the following objectives finding out the problems faced by women, finding out the services offered to women by NGOs and how accessible they are, finding out the challenges faced by Action for development in their service delivery and the impact ofNGOs on women's ability to cope with problems....

The Effect Of Socio- Economic And Cultural Factors On Access And Participation In Secondary School Education In Igembe North District, Meru County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Although the government has attached so much importance to education through finance and policies, there is still poor performance, low participation, high levels of wastage and poor transition from primary to secondary school in Igembe North district. The purpose of this study is to establish the extent to which cultural and socio-economic factors affect participation and access of students in secondary education in Igembe North district, Meru County. The main objectives of this stu...

Effect of Mobile Phone-Based Digital Technologies on the Performance of Refugee Women-Led Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises in Kakuma Refugee Camp

Abstract The contribution of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) to economic development as well as the role of digital technology in MSME performance are underscored in many studies globally. MSMEs provide over 70% of employment, contribute to national revenue, and are considered key to increasing productivity. In Africa, MSMEs are also recognized for skill development and upward mobility in diverse geographic areas and economic sectors, provide livelihood and income for diverse se...


ABSTRACT The qualitative study investigated the causes of girl child dropout in five selected schools in Kachonga Sub-County, BUTALEJA district Eastern Uganda. The study was guided by the following objectives; to establish the institutional factors leading to school dropout, to find out if there are some cultural factors in society which cause girls to dropout of schools, to establish if the government policies have influenced girls to dropout of schools and to f...

Design and Performance Evaluation of a Waste water Treatment Plant.

The study aimed at the design, construction and performance evaluation of a model domestic wastewater treatment plant was carried out. The treatment unit was a Waste Stabilization Pond (WSP) comprised of one facultative pond, three maturation ponds, and a contact filtration unit, all in series. The effluent of the WSP, after filtration through clay media, had the BOD reduced to 15.4mg/l, from 356mg/L indicating a 95.67% removal level. A Faecal Coliform (FC) count of the influent sample gave 1...

Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi Associated with Rhizosphere of Tomato Grown in Arid and Semi-arid Regions of Indian Desert

This  study  provides  knowledge  on  the  diversity  and drivers  of  AMF  in  the  ecologically  stressed  ecosystem  of  arid and  semi-arid  regions  of  Indian  desert  and  reveals  promising findings  that  would  provide  baseline  information  for  a  better understanding  of  more  important  roles  that  AMF  plays  in enhancing  resource  allocation  and  increasing  tolerance  of tomato plant to the  various  environmental  stresse...


ABSTRACT Blogging has become a major tool for people to interact and make known their various perspectives on life and the world at large. The study investigates the usage and practice of blogging by Ghanaian women. Using the theory of technology diffusion and adoption, liberal feminist theory and the sense of agency and community, the study establishes that Ghanaian women are actively engaging with blogs by creating personal journal blogs, writing on diverse themes but predominantly on love...


ABSTRACT The research work analyses the cause of child abuse and neglect. The various form of child abuse and their impact on the child and the society. Child abuse and neglect leads to denial of the child’s right which includes: education, food, health, medical care etc. to determine the trend and pattern of child abuse and neglect, identifying factors that lead parents/guardians engaging in abusing their children. Questionnaires were distributed to respondents in the study area. Data...

Political Parties and National Integration: A Comparative Analysis of Political Parties in the Second Republic (1979-1983) and Fourth Republic (1999-2003)

ABSTRACT This research was born out of the desire to investigate the extent to which the second and fourth republic political parties impacted on national integration. As the great philosopher, Aristotle posited “man is a political animal”. This means that in every society, there must exist individual diverse interest and that of Nigeria is no exception Political parties are there to aggregate these diverse interests to make way for stability and national integration. To what extent have ...

An Investigation On the Relationship Between Fishing and Academic Performance of Lakeshore Schools Inhabitants: A Case Study of Entebbe Municipality in Wakiso District

ABSTRACT The study focused on “an investigation on the relationship between fishing and academic performance of lakeshore schools inhabitants.” It was based on its objectives namely; to identify the causes of interest in fishing to the secondary school children in Entebbe Municipality, Wakiso district, To find out the effects of fishing activity to the academic performance of secondary school children of lake shore schools in Entebbe Municipality, Wakiso district and lastly suggest way f...

Occupational Stress And Its Impacts on Employee Performance: A Case Study of Hwange Colliery Company Limited, Zimbabwe.

Abstract The study sought to assess the impact of occupational stress on employee performance at Hwange Colliery Company Limited. The study aimed at identifying sources of occupational stress, determining the impact of occupational stress on employee performance, as well as examining the strategies to curb occupational stress on employee performance. The research employed quantitative (Questionnaires) and qualitative (interviews) research methods. The research established that job insecurity...

The Yoruba Ethnic Group

The Yoruba are one of the largest African ethnic groups south of the Sahara Desert. They are, in fact, not a single group, but rather a collection of diverse people bound together by a common language, history, and culture. Within Nigeria, the Yoruba dominate the western part of the country. Yoruba mythology holds that all Yoruba people descended from a hero called Odua or Oduduwa 

GENDER COMPLEMENTARITY In Ifeoma Okoye's Behind the Clouds And Akachi Adimora-Ezeigbo's House of Symbols.

ABSTRACT This study examines issues that border on the marriage institution and gender complementarity in the African/Nigerian society. The genders, more especially the female gender have all of a sudden become uncomfortable with their natural roles in matrimony as they now prefer the roles of their male counterpart. This has resulted to domestic upheaval which has spread to the African/Nigerian society as such, has hampered even development in the Africa continent. This study however, takes ...

706 - 720 Of 959 Results