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The Effects Of Women Empowerment Programmes On Women Leadership In Public Sector Organizations: The Case Of The Ministry Of Agriculture

ABSTRACT This study investigated the effects of women empowerment programmes on women leadership in public sector organizations drawing on the data collected from the Ministry of Agriculture in Tanzania. Thus, the study is built upon three key themes, namely the reasons why women are under-represented in leadership positions at the Ministry of Agriculture, the level of awareness of women empowerment programs at the Ministry of Agriculture by women employee, and the role played by other stake...

Ecosystem services and disservices in small-scale tropical agriculture

Abstract: Small-scale farmlands are dynamic systems crucial to the food-security and livelihoods of more than two billion people and there is political pressure in many developing nations to consolidate and expand small farms into larger units of management. This could have consequences for agro-ecosystem processes and the ecosystem services and disservices that regulate crop production. This thesis aims to highlight and address these issues in smallholder farming landscapes, which are poorl...


Abstract Cookability of common bean is constrained by hardness which results to extend cooking times, low widespread consumption, and high cost of cooking fuel, the consequence of this is malnutrition due to nutritional deficiencies and food insecurity. A study was conducted in the seed Laboratory of Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Institute (KALRO)-Katumani to investigate the effects of physical properties of eleven bean varieties (GLPX92, KATX69, EMBEAN118, WAIRIMU, EMBEAN14, GLP2...

Population Dynamics and Reproductive Studies of Three Commercially Important Sparid Species From Ghanaian Waters

ABSTRACT This study investigated the catch trends, spatial distributions, exploitation status, and reproductive potential of the sparids – Pagrus caeruleostictus, Dentex canariensis and Dentex gibbosus, in the coastal waters of Ghana. Samples of the species were obtained from commercial catches at Tema, Elmina and Sekondi from February 2016 to July 2017. Also used were secondary data from the Fisheries Scientific Survey Department and Fridtjof Nansen cruise reports. P. caeruleostictus was ...

Effect of Participation of Non-Governmental Organisations in Extension Delivery on Farmers’ Accessibility to Information

ABSTRACT The dissemination of the relevant information for agricultural production is the institutional duty of all stakeholders committed to the development of agriculture of which the agricultural extension agent and his organisation play a prominent role. As a formal public (government funded) institution, the agricultural extension service has been observed to be undergoing a period of change in respect to the provision of material and financial resources to carry extension activities. As...

The Impact of Agricultural Investments on The Reduction of Poverty Reduction in Ghana

ABSTRACT Agriculture is deemed as a pivot around which economies revolve. The contribution of the agriculture sector to economies cannot be overemphasized. In Ghana, for instance, the agriculture sector has consistently been one of the major contributors of GDP of the country. On the contrary, the standard of living of farmers is deplorable. In the quest of the government of Ghana to eradicate the level of poverty among farmers and improve upon their standard of living, many policies have be...

Effects Of Selected Factors On Food Security Among Smallscale Farmers In Kakamega Central Sub-County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Food security is the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) one which for Kenya is relevant for eradicating poverty and hunger. Increased agricultural productivity would be solution to the world’s 870 Million (M) food insecure people. Approximately 10M people in Kenya, 51.45% of Western Kenya population and 50-70% of households in Kakamega County suffer chronic food insecurity. Small farm sizes, low yields, production shift from food crops to cash crops and low levels of skills and t...

The Effects of Rural-Urban Migration on the Development of Rural Communities in Awka South Local Government Area

CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION Background of the Study Migration – the permanent relocation of residential place and activity space – has been one of the enduring themes of human history. It contributed to the evolution of separate cultures and their component by interchange and communication and to the frequently complex mix of people and cultures found in different areas of the world. Massive movements of people within countries have emerged as a pressing concern of recent decades. Th...

Formal Education And Economic Development Acase Study Of Kyotera Town Council, Rakai District Uganda

ABSTRACT The study was conducted to find out the effects of formal education and economic development a case study of Kyotera Town Council Rakai District, A cross sectional survey research design was applied and qualitative research approach used. Purposive sampling was used and number of people were related including educated, the employed rich, moderate and poor both male and female. Data was analysed using descriptive statistics where frequency table and pie-charts were applied. The study ...

Adoption Of Ecosystem-Friendly Farming Practices Among Rain-Fed And Irrigated Smallholder Farmers In Northern Region

ABSTRACT Environmentally friendly farming technologies play key roles in ensuring food safety and security, human health and in restoring and conserving the environment to safeguard the well-being of humans and animals. Therefore, future food security and economic independence of developing countries like Ghana would depend on ecosystems sustainability and agricultural productivity. This study explored the importance of farming practices on ecosystems sustainability for improved rural liveli...

The Relationship between Food Security and Poverty in Africa: A Case Study of Two Kenyan Communities

Abstract: Food security remains Africa's most fundamental challenge, at present a third of the African population faces widespread hunger and chronic malnutrition, therefore posing a threat of acute famine and food crisis. This study will show the critical issues brought about by food security the progress been made to change the insecurity. Its focus is mainly on the dynamics of the global food systems unde1mining the world's ability to provide everyone with safe, sufficient and nutritious ...

Costing Of Sustainable Forestry, Agroforestry And Biomass Energy In Rwanda

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Forestry sector plays key roles in supporting the livelihood of all Rwandans by providing most of the energy consumed by the bulk population, controlling soil erosion and protecting water catchments and supplying other goods and ecological services. Hence, the present and future extent of forest coverage in Rwanda is central to sustainable development and climate change considerations.  Currently, about 87% of the population and 70% of the country’s land area are de...

Impact of deposit money banks agricultural credit on agricultural productivity in Nigeria

This paper examined the impact of deposit money bank agricultural credit on agricultural productivity in Nigeria using an error correction model and annual time series data for the period 1981-2014. The results indicate that an equilibrium relationship exists between the variables. In addition, we find that deposit money bank’s agricultural credit impacts positively and significantly on agricultural productivity in the long-run, but this impact is quite negligible in the short-run. We al...

Influence Of Selected Alternative Extension Approaches On The Acquisition Of Knowledge And Skills For Improved Farm Productivity And Household Food Security In The Lake Victoria Region, Kenya

ABSTRACT The role of agricultural extension is vital to the diffusion of new technologies, but extension is currently not very effective in many African nations, with conventional extension approaches having minimal impact. In Kenya, there have been gaps on the availability of studies and documentation of the specific extension approaches and their influence on the acquisition of knowledge and skills for improved farm productivity despite the various extension efforts and resources put in pla...


ABSTRACT In this five chapter research work, an exposé is carried out on the role of cooperative societies in ensuring the success of the FADAMA III project. Chapter one presents an introduction to the research while chapter two consists of a review of related literatures, in which subject matters such as the scope, benefits and implementation arrangement of FADAMA III as well as the importance, problems of cooperative societies and their possible solutions are identified. Chapter three and ...

781 - 795 Of 985 Results