ABSTRACT The study examined the economic analysis of cassava production among smallholder farmers in Ondo State, Nigeria. The specific objectives of the study were: to examine the socio-economic characteristics of the cassava producers, determine the factors influencing the level of profitability accruable to the cassava producers, determine the cost and returns of cassava production, also to identify the...
ABSTRACT Pregnancies among secondary school girls are on the rise globally and in Kenya. As a social problem, it has adverse effects on the girls‟ academic performance, and career development as it results in girls dropping out of school and some are forced to early marriages. Despite efforts to prevent girls dropping out of school due to pregnancies, there is still evidence of high prevalence of pregnancy among girls in secondary school. This study therefore sought to establish social, cul...
Abstract/Overview This study tested culture-general and culture-specific aspects of adolescent developmental processes by focusing on opportunities and peer support for aggressive and delinquent behavior, which could help account for cultural similarities and differences in problem behavior during adolescence. Adolescents from 12 cultural groups in nine countries (China, Colombia, Italy, Jordan, Kenya, the Philippines, Sweden, Thailand, and the United States) provided data at ages 12, 14, an...
ABSTRACT Dual contraception or dual method refers to the use of condom with hormonal contraceptives or an intrauterine device to ensure enhanced protection and prevention of both unintended pregnancies and STI/HIV. When used consistently and correctly, it is capable of ensuring healthy sexual life devoid of the challenges of morbidity and mortality associated with unprotected sex. Notwithstanding, the extent of the use of dual contraceptives method use in Ghana is not known. The overarching...
ABSTRACT The study aimed at assessing the effectiveness of Community Child Care Workers in child protection case management. The study interest cropped up after realizing some diversion of the CCWs from meeting the set goals; increased frequency in unreported cases of child abuse in form of sexual, physical, psychological/neglect and emotional; unreported cases of child marriages, child labor, out of school and school dropouts as well as increased child headed households and increased prevale...
ABSTRACT Infertility is a social and cultural problem that makes People Living with Infertility (PLWI) to seek solutions through different means. The 2007 - 2010 clinic records at General Hospital, Ijebu-Ode, a secondary health care facility that serves several communities in Ijebuland, have shown that the prevalence of infertility is on the increase. Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) is a major breakthrough or innovation for the treatment of infertility. In Nigeria, previous studies ha...
A surrogate, which is synonymous with words such as “deputize,” “foster,” and “substitute,” is not a strange word for many persons, even in Africa. It explains the condition that births a person or animal acting as a substitute for the social or personal role of another, such as a surrogate mother. However, commendable as this sounds, the problem of surrogacy in today’s world reached apogee as a result of the misconstrued preconception of familyhood. This growing misinterpretati...
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to find out the psychosocial resources co-wives apply in coping with the stressful polygamous environments. Studies on the area of the psychosocial effects of polygamous marriages have highlighted on the negative effects of the practice on women. However, these studies fail to outline if there are any workable intervention measures (strategies) which co-wives can apply to cope with the polygamous environments. There was need to address the plight of co-w...
ABSTRACT The human quest for harmony of man is the quest for “conflict Resolution”. African people understand conflict in the life of a community of both the living and the living dead. The study is about an Integrated Luo-Maasai Traditional Religious Model to Conflict Resolution: A Case Study of Ogwedhi-Sigawa, Kenya. The study concentrated on developing an integrated LM traditional conflict resolution model to conflict resolution. The general objective of the research was to investigate...
ABSTRACT Female education, especially at primary school level, is increasingly being realised to provide immense social and economic benefits for the developing countries. However, the participation of girls in education is more often constrained in these countries. As a result, gender gap persists in education despite the research evidence that girls‟ formal education is the key determinant of women‟s involvement in development for the above nations. In Kenya, the government has articula...
Abstract/Overview The purpose of this paper is to assess the impact of personal cultural orientation and behavioral aspect of cultural intelligence on subjective success in self-employment in a multi-ethnic context. Based on Sharma (J Acad Mark Sci 38: 787–806, 2010) taxonomy of personal cultural orientations, the paper examines the impact of interdependence and social inequality orientations on subjective success in self-employment (measured in terms of job satisfaction). Self-employed in...
TABLE OF CONTENTSACKNOWLEDGEMENTAPPROVALDEDICATIONDECLARATION .ivTABLE OF CONTENTS vLIST OF TABLESLIST OF FIGURES ixLIST OF ABBREVIATIONSDEFINITION OF TERMS xiABSTRACTCHAPTER ONE 11.0. Introduction1.2. Background of the study 11 .3. Statement the problem 51 .4. Research purpose 51 .5. Research objectives s1 .6. Research questions/thesis 61 .7. Significance of the study 61.8. Scope of the study 6CHAPTER TWO 7LITERATURE REVIEW 72.0. Introduction 72.1. Causes of poverty 7V2.2. Causes of school d...
TABLE OF CONTENTSACKNOWLEDGEMENTAPPROVALDEDICATIONDECLARATION .ivTABLE OF CONTENTSLIST OF TABLESLIST OF FIGURES ixLIST OF ABBREVIATIONSDEFINITION OF TERMSABSTRACTCHAPTER ONE 1I .0. Introduction 11.2. Background ofthe study 11 .3. Statement the problem 51.4. Research purpose1 .5. Research objectivesI .6. Research questions/thesis 61.7. Significance of the study 61.8. Scope of the study 6CHAPTER TwoLITERATURE REVIEW2.4. Solutions to the problems 15CHAPTER THREE 18METHODOLOGY 183.0. Introduction...
TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION .1APPROVALDEDICATIONACKNOWLEDGEMENT ivTABLE OF CONTENTS vLIST OF TABLESLIST OF FIGURESLIST OF ABBREVIATIONS xDEFINITION OF TERMS xiABSTRACT xiiCHAPTER ONE I1 .0. Introduction 11.2. Background of the study 11.3. Statement the problem 51 .4. Research purpose 51.5. Research objectives 51 .6. Research questions/thesis 61.7. Significance of the study 61,8. Scope of the study 6CHAPTER TWO 7LITERATURE REVIEW 72.4. Solutions to the problems 15CHAPTER THREE 18METHODOLOGY 1...
TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATIONAPPROVAL iiDEDICATIONACKNOWLEDGEMENTTABLE OF CONTENTS vLIST OF TABLESLIST OF FIGURES viiiLIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ixDEFINITION OF TERMS xABSTRACT xiCHAPTER ONE 11.1. Introduction 11.2. Background of the study 11.3. Statement of the problem 41.4. Research purpose 51 .5, Research objectives 51 .6. Research questions/thesis 51.7. Significance of the study 51.8. Scope of the study 6CHAPTER TWO 7LITERATURE REVIEW 72.0. Introduction 72.1. Causes of poverty 72.2. Causes of s...