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Factors Influencing Modern Contraceptive Choices Among Women Attending The Family Planning Clinic University College Hospital Ibadan

ABSTRACT Choices about childbearing and contraceptive use are important health decisions. Restriction of choices and lack of information on methods is a constraint for contraceptive users to obtain a method that suits their needs, thereby resulting in lower levels of contraceptive uptake. Hence, this study was designed to assess the factors influencing modern contraceptive choices among women attending the family planning clinic of University College Hospital, Ibadan. A cross-sectional study ...

Prevalence Of Skilled Birth Attendance, Utilization And Its Correlates Among Women Of Somali Origin In Kamukunji Sub-County, Nairobi County, Kenya

ABSTRACT The provision of skilled care during delivery is an indicator to monitor progress in reducing maternal mortality and falls in Goal 3 of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). However, the proportion of Skilled Birth Attendance is low in developing countries. In sub-Saharan Africa, approximately only half of all live births were delivered with the assistance of skilled birth attendance in 2016. The proportion of births assisted by skilled birth attendance in Kenya is 61%, which is ...

Attitudes towards the use of modern contraceptives in family planning: A case study of Serengeti district, Mara region.

ABSTRACT  This study examined Attitudes towards the use of modern contraceptives in family planning among the community of the selected four wards in Mugumu town, namly Machochwe, Natabigo and Kisangura of Serengeti district, Mara region. This study intended to examine attitude towards the use of modern contraceptives based on the following specific objectives: 1) to assess perception on the use of modern contraceptives, 2) to identify types of modern contraceptives that are commonly used, a...

The Antibiotic Effects Of Apple Cider Vinegar On Candida Albicans And Candida Tropicalis

ABSTRACT Candida species are the most common cause of fungal infections in humans. Candida species produce infections that range from non life-threatening mucocutaneous illnesses to invasive processes that may involve virtually any organ and this broad range of infections. Candida albicans coexists with a highly diverse human bacterial microbiota. Candida tropicalis is a common pathogen in neutropenic hosts in whom it may spread through the bloodstream to peripheral organs. Candida tropicalis...


ABSTRACT The study investigated the influence of corporate governance on firm performance using listed financial institutions on the Ghana Stock Exchange. The study also investigated the influence of board composition on firm performance. Ex-post factor research design was adopted for the study and purposive sampling was used in selecting sample for the study which comprises all financial institutions listed on Ghana Stock Exchange. The study revealed that there is a positive and significant ...

Factors Influencing Decision-Making On The Outcome Of Unintended Pregnancy Among Married Women In Ibadan South-West Local Government Area, Nigeria

ABSTRACT Unintended pregnancy is a potential risk for women which could adversely affect their health, family and society at large. In Nigeria, information on factors influencing decision-making on unintended pregnancy among married women has not been adequately explored. This study was designed to assess the factors that influence decision making on unintended pregnancy among married women in Ibadan South- West Local Government Area (IBSWLGA), Nigeria. This study was exploratory and involved...

An Investigation Of Small Christian Communities And Evangelizaton In The Catholic Church In Vihiga County, Kenya

ABSTRACT Small Christian Communities (SCCs) embody fundamental features of the ecclesiology of Vatican II which encourages sharing and participation of all church members. SCCs serve as the family cell of the church where pastoral work begins and moves towards the sub-parishes, parishes and dioceses. As literature indicates, majority of the Christians in Catholic Church are not strongly inclined towards evangelization. This is based on the fact that the Catholic Church is highly dogmatic, sac...

Socio-Cultural Practices and Girl Child Education in Hodan District, Mogadishu, Somalia

ABSTRACT  The is sought to investigate Socio-Cultural Practices and Girl Child Education in Hodan District, Mogadishu, Somalia with the following objective’s the general object of the study was to examine socio-cultural practices and girl child education in Hodan District, Mogadishu, Somalia and the Specific Objectives were (i) To examine the state of girl child education in Hodan District, Mogadishu, Somalia, (ii) To examine the relationship between socio-cultural practices and girl child...


ABSTRACT This term paper is written to give an insight into the effect of TAXATION in Nigeria Prospects for Reform. In realization of this purpose which was to examine the effect of taxation in Nigeria prospects for reform, the term paper provides clearly a complete coverage of the study. Chapter one dealt with the introduction of the subject matter. Chapter two examines the general principles of Taxation in Nigeria prospects for reform. While chapter three is the summary and recommendation o...

Open-source 3-D Platform for Low-cost Scientific Instrument Ecosystem

The combination of open-source software and hardware provide technically feasible methods to create low-cost, highly-customized scientific research equipment. Open-source 3-D printers have proven useful for fabricating scientific tools. Here the capabilities of an open-source 3-D printer are expanded to become a highly-flexible scientific platform. An automated low-cost 3-D motion control platform is presented having the capacity to perform scientific applications including: i) 3-D printing o...

Isolation and characterization of some gut microbial symbionts from fungus-cultivating termites (Macrotermes and Odontotermes spp.)

Abstract Microbiota of termites is crucial for nitrogen cycle activities and degradation of recalcitrant components of plant biomass that influence soil structure and carbon mineralization in tropical and subtropical regions. The aim of this study was to isolate and characterize gut bacteria that may be potentially associated with nitrogen metabolism from two fungus-feeding termites (Macrotermes and Odontotermes spp.). Twenty termites from the intact colony of each termite species were asept...

Two dimensional mathematical models for convective-dispersive flow of pesticides in porous media

Abstract/Overview The transport of solutes through porous media where chemicals undergo adsorption or change process on the surface of the porous materials has been a subject of research over the years. Use of pesticides has resulted in production of diverse quantity and quality for the market. Disposal of excess material has also become an acute problem. The concept of adsorption is essential in determining the movement pattern of pesticides in soil in order to assess the effect of migra...


AbstractRepresentations of ‘Cross-Gender’ Journey motif means the marked difference(s) in ‘Cross-Gender’ experiences and challenges in diasporic milieu. Several studies have been carried out on journey motif, with little attention paid to ‘Cross-Gender’ journey motifs. This study focused on portraying how the patriarchal society in which both male and female genders find themselves tends to be the ultimate tool defining and creating in their psyche what strength cum weakness is, a...

Youth-Unemployment and Criminality in Nigeria

ABSTRACT This study investigated the public perception of the relationship between youth unemployment and criminality in Nigeria. Questionnaire was administered on participants which comprised 1200 members of diverse groups drawn from three major cities; Enugu, Ibadan and Kaduna in three main ethno-geographical regions of the country using simple random and purposive sampling techniques. Data were analyzed using both descriptive and inferential statistics. The finding established a signific...

Relationship Between Bungoma County Government Bursary and Students' Access to Public Vocational Training Centres, Bungoma County, Kenya

Abstract The county governments have been subsidizing trainees in public Vocational Training Centers (VTCs) in form of bursary to enhance enrolment and completion rates. The objectives of this paper are to determine the relationship between the Bungoma County Government Bursary (BCBG), gross enrolment and completion rates between the years 2014 to 2019. Correlational research design was adopted, and socialist economy theory guided the study. The study selected 48 VTCs and Training officers a...

871 - 885 Of 959 Results