ABSTRACT Introduction: Mother-to-Child-Transmission (MTCT) of HIV is a global health problem. Recent advances in the Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission (PMTCT) program have provided the means to drastically reduce infant mortality associated with HIV/AIDS. Quality HIV testing and counselling (HTC) is an important gateway to PMTCT services and concerted effort has been made by the National AIDS/STI Control Program (NACP) to scale up the provision of antenatal HTC in Ghana. Some concern...
ABSTRACT Despite efforts to counter human trafficking, it is still an issue of global concern. However, most of the works on human trafficking have focused on challenges, health implication on victims, its threats to national security and transnational human trafficking activities with little attention on the implementation plans of the policies, legal and institutional frameworks that govern the Act. This research examined how policies, specifically the National Plan of Action for the Elim...
ABSTRACT In line with the search for the real determinant of economic growth, this work sought to analyze the impact of institutional quality, government expenditure on economic growth, using a panel data analysis for four selected West African Countries (Nigeria, Ghana, Sierra Leone and Burkina Faso) from 2005 to 2013. The study found a positive and significant relationship between some institutions – economic institutions, on economic growth whereas political institutions showed a n...
ABSTRACT The increasing rate of juvenile delinquency has become a major social problem globally and locally. Researchers and concerned individuals have traced the preponderance of juvenile delinquency to the increasing rate of family instability among other factors. However, concerted inquiries into the influence of family instability on juvenile delinquency have resulted in a raging controversy. While some researchers have found a significant relationship between family instability and...
ABSTRACT This research project was to investigate the information literacy collaboration challenges in JKUAT library. Information literacy (IL) is a critical pillar in all libraries. It ensures optimal usage of all forms of information resources acquired. It demands collaboration between the library, teaching departments, administrators as well as users to achieve its purpose. The challenge is that this IL partnership is often missing in many information centers. This investigation was t...
ABSTRACT Background: Intermittent preventive treatment for prevention of malaria in pregnancy (IPTp) is a key component of malaria control strategy in Ghana and sulfadoxinepyrimethamine (SP) is the drug of choice. Despite the evidence of the effectiveness of IPTp strategy using SP in reducing the adverse effects of malaria during pregnancy the uptake and coverage in Kumasi metropolis of the Ashanti Region is low. Objective: This study set out to assess the use of IPTp among pregnant women and...
ABSTRACT The topic was the effects of female genital mutilation and academic performance of girls in secondary schools in Bukwa sub-county, bukwo district. Purpose of the study The purpose of the study is to explore the relationship between Genital mutilation girls’ participation in secondary schools in in Bukwa sub-county Bukwo district. The Objectives of the study were to investigate the level of FGM factors affecting girls in in Bukwa subcounty Bukwo district, to find out the levels of g...
ABSTRACT Devolution in Kenya is about decentralising political, financial and administrative powers to forty seven counties. Kenya had practised devolution through the one year Majimbo government which lasted in 1964, before the highly centralised provincial administration was established. The provincial administration was centralised and gained control over all decentralized ministerial functions in the country; as an extension of the executive office of the president in the field. The Const...
ABSTRACT Globally, healthcare systems are experiencing increasing fiscal demographic and consumer pressure. There have been metamorphic changes in the recent past in terms of healthcare delivery. The planning, design and final architectural expression in health care is reflective of the gradual shift in outlook of healthcare institutions from merely treating the sick to a concerted approach to harness healthy living. This has been triggered by globalization, increased expectations of seekers...
TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION ........................................................................................................ iAPPROVAL ............................................................................................................. iiDEDICATION ......................................................................................................... iiiACKNOWLEGMENT ............................................................................................... ivTABLE OF ...
ABSTRACT The importance of information to man cannot be under - estimated. It serves as the oxygen that breathes life into governance. But laws are hardly fascinating to man; it makes least leisure reading. Nigerian public office- holders have been taken advantage of ambiguous nature of law to deprive journalists and by implication, the citizenry of their rights to know what operates in our adminstrative rooms. Then came the Freedom Of Information Act 2011, af...
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to comparatively assess patients’ and nurses’ perceptions of nurse caring behaviours in Jos University Teaching hospital (JUTH) and Plateau State Specialist Hospital (PSSH) Jos. A cross-sectional descriptive survey design was employed to study 332 patients and nurses. No sampling was done as all the subjects who met the inclusion criteria were included in the study. Data were collected using a modified Caring Behavior Assessment questionnaire (CBA-...
Abstract Seagrass meadows have important ecological roles in coastal ecosystems and provide high-value ecosystems services compared to other marine and terrestrial habitats. Despite this, there is growing evidence that this key ecosystems is declining on a global scale. Much of these declines have been attributed to the effects of human alterations of marine habitats. Continued destructive activities, in both South Africa and elsewhere, if not managed properly will result in the demise of sea...
ABSTRACT Although extensive international and regional theoretical literature has developed over the years which have shaped commendable treatments of juveniles in most states, the situation of juvenile justice system in Southern Sudan has not only been battling the violations of human rights as a result of the prolonged civil war but also had to face the inadequacies of legal framework that was brutally uprooted. The 2005 Comprehensive Peace Agreement signed in Kenya has ushered in a gl...
TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATIONDEDICATION I’APPROVALACKNOWLEDGEMENT ivTABLE OF CONTENTS VLIST OF TABLES VIIIACRONOMY ixABSTRACT xCHAPTER ONE 1Introduction 11.1 Background of the Study 11.1.1 Historical Back Ground 11.1.2 Theoretical Background 31.1.3 Conceptual Background 41.1.4 Contextual Background 51 .2problem Statement 51.3 Purpose of the Study 61.4 Objectives of The Study 61.5 Hypothesis 61.6 Research Questions1.7 Significance of The Study 71.8. Scope of the Study1.9 Operational Definatio...