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The Contribution Of Commercial Banks And Retail Banks Credits To Crop Farming Productivity: A Case Study Of Kongwa District In Dodoma, Tanzania

ABSTRACT Using field data as well as secondary information, this study aimed at reviewing the operational mechanism of the existing formal and informal credit arrangements in Kongwa district in Dodoma region with the view to assess the performance in serving micro-enterprise sector with particular reference to crop farmers. The study aimed to examine the contribution of commercial banks and retail banks credits to crop farming productivity in Kongwa district. The study used cross-sectional s...

The Role of Micro-Credit On Poverty Eradication: A Case Study of Brac Sudan Limited in Bor County, South Sudan

ABSTRACT The study was conducted in order to assess the role of micro-credit on poverty eradication in Sudan using Brae Sudan limited in South Sudan. The study sought to; assess the activities offered by micro-credit facilities among the family households, establish the implications of the major derivatives which related to poverty eradications and micro-credit establishments and establish the relationship between Brae Sudan Ltd and poverty reduction strategies in Bor County, Southern Sudan. ...

The Role Of Non-Timber Forest Products In The Enhancement Of Rural Livelihoods.A Case Of Nyautongi Woodland Management Project, Chirumanzu Districtward 8.

ABSTRACT The extensive use of biological products from forests has become common in providing critical sources of medicine, food, and fodder and cash income, making dry forests the largest natural supermarket for millions of people in sub Saharan Africa. The study examined the role of Non-Timber Forest Products in the enhancement of rural livelihoods in ward 8 of Chirumanzu District. The study identified and evaluated the role of NTFPs using quantitave and qualitative approaches. Data wa...

The Impact Of Micro-Finance Schemes On Youth Empowerment In Nakawa Division Kampala City

ABSTRACT This study examined the impact of micro-finance schemes on youth empowerment in Nakawa division, Kampala. The objectives of the study were to determine the impact of micro finance programmes on the household welfare of the youth in Nakawa Division; Find out if micro finance savings reduce vulnerability and risks of clients in Nakawa Division; and to Find out how micro finance promotes empowerment of the youth in Nakawa Division. Qualitative and Quantitative types of data analysis wer...

The Effect of Poverty On Crime in Uganda: The Interface.

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION .............................................................................................. .iDEDICATION ................................................................................................ .iiACKNOWLEDGMENTS .................................................................................. .iiiLIST OF ABBREVIATIONS .............................................................................. .ivLIST OF STATUTES .......................................

Women And Property Ownership, A Case Of Tongogara Rural District

ABSTRACT The main thrust of the study is to access the relationship between women and property ownership. To bring to light gender inequalities that exists in property ownership and allocation. The research focused on Tongogara Rural District‟s ward eight the ward which is poverty prone and one of the causes of poverty being that of lack of property ownership in which affects mostly women. The main aim of the research it to bring to light the disparities in property ownership in Tongogara R...

Impact Of Climate Change In Namibia- A Case Study Of Omusati Region

ABSTRACT Climate change is said to be a threat to country’s development. This thesis investigates the impact of climate change in Namibia with a specific focus on the socio-economic impact of flooding in the North Central Regions of Namibia. The thesis examines the socio-economic conditions of the local people as a result of the 2009 flooding in Oshitutuma village. The thesis’s literature review had looked at climate change and flooding concept within Namibia, Southern Africa, Africa at l...

Maternal Mortality And Access To Primary Health Care In Niger East Senatorial Zone, Niger State Nigeria

ABSTRACT The general objective of the study was to examine maternal mortality and access to Primary Health Care (PHC) in Niger East Senatorial Zone, Niger State Nigeria. The study adopted a cross sectional survey design. The sample size of 1,445 respondents (women of reproductive age) was selected using multi-stage sampling techniques. The major survey instrument was questionnaire, complemented byFocus Group Discussions (FGD) and In-Depth Interviews (IDI). Quantitativedata were analyzed usin...

The Relationship Between Poverty And Criminal Behavior In Kenya; A Critical Analysis On The Crime Of Theft.

TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION ...................................................................................................................... i DEDICATION ......................................................................................................................... ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .................................................................................................. .iii TABLE OF CONTENTS ..........................................................................


ABSTRACTThe purpose of this study was to investigate the causers of poveily and school drop out of studentsselected in schools in Aber Sub-county, Oyarn District, Uganda. The specific objectives of thestudy were to find out the cause of school dropout, to find out the impact of poverty on schooldropout and establish solutions to the school dropout problem in Aber Sub-county, Oyarn District,Uganda. The methods used for data collection was interviews for the parents and questionnairesfor teache...


ABSTRACTThe study set to find out how learners with Learning Disabilities are motivated to learnby their teachers. The specific objectives of the study were to find out the causes oflearning problems among learner.The methods used for data collection was questionnaire to the staff members of theschools. The findings were presented and interpreted in relation to the study objectivesand research questions. The findings concluded that there are some teachers who can notidentify learners with lea...


ABSTRACTThis research report has been successfully made in areas around MFNP in Kichwabugingo and chopelowr parishes of Mutunda sub-county, Kiryandongo district, to establish the relationship between household pove1iy and wildlife conservation conflicts, under the consistent guidance and supervision of Madam Gwiina Caroline, a lecturer in Kampala International University, research revealed that there were links between wildlife conservation conflicts and house hold po...

Alcoholism among Women and its Impact on the Socio-economic Development of Ghana: A Case Study of Sandema

ABSTRACT Alcoholism or abuse of alcohol is not new in Ghana. But alcoholism among women is something most people would be shocked to learn about. However, it should not be a surprise to anyone who comes from Sandema. Sandema is the capital of the Builsa District located in the Upper East Region of Ghana. It is an economically and socially deprived community with high levels of unemployment and illiteracy rate. The situation is even worse when you factor in gender. Women have it bad in many im...

The Relationship Between Poverty And Maternal Health Conditions Of Women In Rural Areas Of Warr Sub-County, Zombo District.

ABLE OF CONTENTS D ECLARA TI ON ............................................................................................................................. .i APPROVAL ................................................................................................................................... ii DEDICATION ............................................................................................................................... iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ...................... : ..........

Credit Schemes And Poverty Eradication In Faith Based Organizations. The Case Of Faith Action Development Organization In Kumi District.

TABLE OF CONTENTS D!~CLARAriON ............................................................................................................................ ii /PPROV AL .................................................................................................................................. iii D!ODIC/TION ............................................................................................................................... iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .....................................

76 - 90 Of 266 Results