Search Results

Semantics and Communication in Public Primary Schools in Sameta District, Kenya

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between semantics and communication in Public Primary Schools in Sameta district, Kenya. The study was guided by four research objectives that were set to determine the profile of respondents in terms of gender, age, marital status, professional qualification, type of school and the period of stay in the school; the extent of Semantics; the level of communication and the significant relationship between Semantics and Commu...

Utilization Of Reproductive Health Services Among Adolescents In Ghana: Analysis Of The 2007 And 2017 Ghana Maternal Health Surveys

Introduction: Adolescents aged 10 and 19 years constitute about 1.2 billion of the global population. In Ghana, adolescents form about a quarter of the population. The developmental changes that occurs during adolescence predisposes them to some health risks. In all regions in the world, young people are reaching puberty earlier; this influences them to engage in sexual activity at a younger age while delaying marriage. This increases the risk of exposure to HIV and other sexually trans...

Domestic Violence Against Women and Girl Child Education in Bundibugyo: A Case Study of Bw Amba County

ABSTRACT The research topic of the study was domestic violence against women and girl child education in Bundibugyo district Bwamba county. The problem was retardation of girl child education in Bundibugyo district Bwamba county. The purpose of the study is to establish how domestic violence against women has retarded girl child education in Bundibugyo district, Bwamba county Bubandi sub county .. The objectives of the study were; to establish the extent to which socio-demographic factors of...

Gender Access Gap: Factors Affecting Gender Disparity In Enrolment And Attendance In Basic Schools In The Northern Region Of Ghana

ABSTRACT The focus of the study is on disparities in enrolment and attendance between males and females in basic schools in the Northern Region of Ghana. The literature reviewed showed that factors such as high cost of education, household chores, household resources and government subsidy on education militate against the participation of females in basic education. Also, cultural factors which include fostering, child betrothal and religion in some cases as well as school-based factors such...


Abstract This study was aimed at providing comprehensive information on infant and young child feeding practices adopted by HIV positive mothers participating in the nation’s pilot PMTCT programme in the Manya Krobo District, Eastern Region of Ghana. It also drew comparisons with the same feeding practices among mothers of unknown HIV status.Secondly, the study provided information on the relationships between infant and young child feeding practices and selected background factors of ...

Employee Motivation and Level of Performance in Danish Refugee Council Puntland, Somalia

ABSTRACT The study focused on the employee’s motivation and level of performance at Danish refugee council Puntland, Somalia. The specific objective of the study was 1) to determine the profile of the respondent, 2) to determine extent of Employees motivation in Danish Refugee council, 3) To determine the level of performance and 4) to determine if there is a significant relationship between the level of Employees motivation and level of performance in Danish Refugee Council Staff. The stud...

Influence of Parental Care and Self Esteem On Sexual Behaviours Among Adolescents~ A Case Study of Lwemigaga Sub County Sembabule District

TABLE OF CONTENTSACKNOWLEDGEMENTAPPROVALDECLARATIONDEDICATION..ivLIST OF ACRONYMS vCHAPTER ONE 1Introduction I1.lbackground of the study 11.2 Statement of the problem 31 .3 Purpose of the study 31.4. Objectives of the study 31.5 Research questions 31.6 Scope of the study 41.7 Significance of the study 41.8 Limitation of the study 51.9 Research procedures 5CHAPTER TWO 72.0 Introduction 72.1 Relationship between parental care and adolescent’s sexual bbehaviors 72.2 Relationships between adole...

Development and Validation of the Difficult Person Scale (DDPS-35)_ A Psychometric Assessment of Difficult Personality Traits Among College Students

This study presents the development and validation of the Difficult Person Scale (DDPS-35), a 35-item questionnaire designed to measure traits associated with difficult personalities among college students. The scale assesses seven dimensions: Grandiosity, Stubbornness, Rigidity, Impulsiveness, Defensiveness, Aggressiveness, and Callousness. A sample of 102 college students from diverse backgrounds participated in the study, with 87 males and 15 females. Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) reve...

Influence Of HIV Serodiscordancy And Concordancy On Infected Partners’ Depression Symptomatology, Intimacy And Relationship Functioning In The Southern Highlands Zone Of Tanzania

ABSTRACT As treatment and health care related to HIV/AIDS improve, infected partners now have a chance to live longer than before, thus, HIV concordancy and discordancy have become quite common among partners in union. The infected partners, however, increasingly face emotional and psychosocial challenges associated with HIV infection. These challenges expose them to the risk of developing depression symptoms, declined intimacy and dysfunctional relationships, with considerable variations am...

Child Rights Protection in Conflict Situations: Contextualizing the Relevance of Child Protection Laws in Somalia

Abstract: Since the collapse the government in 1991, Somalia has witnessed prevalent violence and the creation of the Federal Government of Somalia (FGS) in 2012 has not abated the situation as the FGS remains largely infective in protecting the population including children against human rights violation and abuse. Furthermore, Somalia law is based on traditional and Shari’a law, Xeer, which gives little room for children rights protection in the county. The purpose of this study was to e...

An Analysis Of Kenya’s Counterterrorism Policy And Its Implications On Police-Community Relations

ABSTRACT The threat of terrorism has emerged as one of the biggest influences of modern day public policy. High profile events such as the August 1998 bombing of the US Embassy in Nairobi, West Gate Mall and Garissa University attacks have transformed the manner in which the government and citizens conduct their day to day affairs. Kenyan government has employed institutional and legislative actions aimed at addressing this threat as reflected in the national counterterrorism policy document...

Longitudinal and transverse vibration of a single-walled carbon nanotube subjected to a moving nanoparticle accounting for both nonlocal and inertial effects

Single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) can be promising delivery nanodevices for a diverse range of applications, however, little is known about their dynamical interactions with moving nanoscale particles. In this paper, dynamic response of a SWCNT subjected to a moving nanoparticle is examined in the framework of the nonlocal continuum theory of Eringen. The inertial effects of the moving nanoparticle and the existing friction between the nanoparticle surface and the inner surface of the S...

La Scolarisation De La Femme Africain Comme Source De Conflit De Generations A Travers Trois Pretendants…Un Mari De Guillaume Oyono-Mbia

INTRODUCTIONNotre sujet de mémoire s’intitule < La scolarisation de la femme africaine comme source de conflit de génération a travers Trois prétendants …un mari de Guillaume Oyono-Mbia >La scolarisation est l’action de développer les facultés morales, physiques et intellectuelles. C’est une  façon d’acquérir des connaissances et de pratiquer de bons usages pour améliorer la manière de vie dans la société.Donc, la scolarisation de la femme africaine est devenue une sour...

Travel Agencies Response To Internet Evolution In Nairobi County: An Analysis Of Competitive Strategies

ABSTRACT Innovations in internet advances have brought diverse challenges and opportunities for the travel agency sector. This study analyzed the implications of internet advances and the competitive strategies adopted by travel agencies in Nairobi County. It specifically evaluated the extent to which travel agencies have adopted and use internet developments, challenges and perceived benefits of the internet advances, the competitive strategies adopted to cope with the internet advances and ...


PROPOSAL&nbsp;The purpose of this research work is to examine the economic and social effect of rural-urban migration in Local Government with special emphasis on Ikole Local Government Area of Ekiti State for the purpose of getting the required information from the respondents.The researcher made a personal contact and observation from the personal contact and observation, it was discovered that Ikole Local Government is one of the Local Government that play an important role in rural urban ...

886 - 900 Of 959 Results