Search Results

Social recognition and telencephalic binding sites of oxytocin in a solitary and a social Otomyine species

Abstract: This study examined the sociality of two phylogenetically closely related otomyine, murid rodent species that display differences in social behaviour in the wild. A fundamental characteristic of sociality in mammals is the ability to recognise conspecifics and discriminate between familiar and unfamiliar animals. In rodents, olfactory cues serve as the main source of such recognition and has been linked to dopaminergic reward centres in the brain, structures and regions responsible...

Violation of Media Freedom in Kenya A Case Study of the Standard Media Group Raid

ABSTRACT In relation to the recent Standard Media Group raid, the question of the government's dedication to upholding media freedom was voiced. It is because of the above need that the researcher undertook to examine the case and various factors contributing to media relations with the government. The major aim of this paper was to examine the various incidences of media violations in the past few years in Kenya. This study looked at the predisposing factors and the different views and opin...

The Efficacy Of Media Freedom In Uganda Post 1995 To Present

TABLE OF CONTENTS Title page .................................................................................................... (i) DECLARATION ............................................................................................ (ii) APPROVAL............................................................................................... (iii) DEDICATION ............................................................................................ (iv) ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .....................

The Impact Of Citizen Activism On The Political Economy Of Zimbabwe. A Case Study Of Tajamuka/Sesjikile Campaign (2016-2017) In Beitbridge Town..

Abstract Through the use of qualitative and quantitative research, at large documentary review, this study focuses on the impact of citizen activism on the political economy of Zimbabwe. The study is based on Tajamuka/ Sesijikile campaign which embarked and still today offer efforts on organized action against the government of Zimbabwe under Zanu pf regime during 2016 to date. It is from the realization that current citizen activism in Zimbabwe has proved to be having a punch towards calling...


TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATION ......................................................................................................................................... iAPPROVAL ................................................................................................................................................ iiDEDICATION ........................................................................................................................................... iiiACKNOWLEDGEMENT ......

Violation Of Media Freedom In Kenya A Case Study Of The Standard Media Group Raid

ABSTRACT In relation to the recent Standard Media Group raid, the question of the government's dedication to upholding media freedom was voiced. It is because of the above need that the researcher undertook to examine the case and various factors contributing to media relations with the government. The maJor rum of this paper was to examme the vanous incidences of media violations in the past few years in Kenya. This study looked at the predisposing factors and the different views and opinio...

Accessibility Of Academic Library Services To Distance Learners: A Study Of University Of Ghana Library System

ABSTRACT This study seeks to investigate the accessibility of academic library services to distance learners, with specific reference to University of Ghana Library System (UGLS). The general objective of the study is to assess the level of awareness and accessibility of library services to distance students. A survey was conducted and one hundred and thirty eight (138) Level 400 distance learning students in the Accra Learning Centre together with University librarian of the University of Gh...


ABSTRACT Mining companies in Ghana receive criticism from inter alia the media, civil society organizations, Governments and non-governmental organisations (NGOs) for not properly responding to the challenge of corporate social responsibility (CSR) to compensate for the negative effects of their activities in host communities. Although some mining companies plan and prosecute CSR policies and projects to improve their public image and increase economic opportunities and improve social welfare...


ABSTRACT Mining companies in Ghana receive criticism from inter alia the media, civil society organizations, Governments and non-governmental organisations (NGOs) for not properly responding to the challenge of corporate social responsibility (CSR) to compensate for the negative effects of their activities in host communities. Although some mining companies plan and prosecute CSR policies and projects to improve their public image and increase economic opportunities and improve social welfare...


ABSTRACT Mining companies in Ghana receive criticism from inter alia the media, civil society organizations, Governments and non-governmental organisations (NGOs) for not properly responding to the challenge of corporate social responsibility (CSR) to compensate for the negative effects of their activities in host communities. Although some mining companies plan and prosecute CSR policies and projects to improve their public image and increase economic opportunities and improve social welfare...

The Media And Multiparty Politics In Uganda Case Study: 93.3 Kfm Radio

Abstract This study was carried out to identify and examine the role and challenges of the media in multiparty governance. This is because accessing information and expressing it, is aright of the media Ll BACKGROUNDo In Uganda the media has taken a new role, the concern has been, what they carry, the political and the necessary developments compiled with management changes that has been realized in the multiparty politics measured by the freedom of speech to publish and broadcast material. U...

Television Influence in The Rights of People with Albinism in Uganda. A Case Study of Ntv Uganda

ABSTRACT The study sought to examine television influence in the rights of people with albinism in Uganda a case study of NTV Uganda. It was guided by the following objectives, to examine the effect of media reporting and investigation in the promotion of rights of albinos, to assess the influence of media edutainment in the promotion of rights of albinos and to examine the impact of media sensitization in the promotion of rights of albinos. The study used a cross sectional research design wi...

Parents And Teachers’ Strategies For Guidance Of Socio-Emotional Behaviours Among Pre-School Children: A Case Of Moshi Rural District

ABSTRACT  This study examined parents and teachers‟ strategies of guidance for socio-emotional behaviours among preschool children, using Moshi Rural District as the case study. The study deployed a case study design where the qualitative approach was used with some elements of quantitative approach. Underpinned by the Life Mission Theory IV, Social Cultural Learning Theory and Adlerian Theory of Behaviour, the study involved 41 informants who were 7 head teachers, 17 parents and 17 presch...

Electronic Media and Promotion of Girl Child Education in Uganda: A Case Study of Bushenyj District

TABLE OF CONTENTSDECLARATIONAPPROVAL iiDEDICATION iiiACKNOWLEDGMENTS ivTABLE OF CONTENTS vLIST OF ABREVIATION ixLIST OFTABLES xLIST OF FIGURES xiABSTRACT XiiCHAPTER ONE 11.0 Introduction 11.1 Background of the study 11.2 Statement of the problem 21.3 Objectives of the study 31.3.1 General objective 31.3.2 General objective of the study 31.3.3 Specific Objectives 31.4 Research Questions 41.5 Scope of the study 41.5.1 Content scope 41.5.2 Geographical. scope 41.5.3Time Scope 41.6 Significance o...

The Role Of The Media In Promoting Community Services In Masaka District: A Case Of Buddu Radios

ABSTRACT  The research on: “the role of the media in promoting community services in Masaka district. The research concluded that media face challenges in promoting community services in Masaka District. The study was guided by three research questions which included: finding out which media programs that promotes community services; finding out the impact of media programs to the community members; and finding out the challenges the media face in promoting these programs to the community ...

106 - 120 Of 240 Results