Search Results

The Social And Economic Effects Of Sourthern Sudanese Civil Conflict From 1983-2005 A Case- Study: Pager.I Pa Yam In Magwi County In Tor.It District Of Eastern Equatoria State

Abstract This work aims to satisf:,: the assessment of this two decades ci,ii conflict in p;1geri Payarn. Various methods have been employed aimed at assessment of Social and Economic effects of this civil conflict from 1983 2005 that developed, tested and explored the attributes of the outcomes of the field research conducted through: questionnaire, observations, and interview methods. The categorv of the population the researcher has taken included: between the age of 15 44 years. This incl...

Contribution Of District Agriculture Development Plans To Poverty Reduction At The Household Level: A Case Study Of Korogwe District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT  Agriculture is a key element of the Tanzanian economy, it contributes about 46% of the GDP. It is not well mechanized, most of small scale farmers using rudimentary and poor technologies. Following the decentralization policy, the District Agriculture Development Plans (DADPs) established project programme to boost up agriculture to promote economic growth and poverty reduction at household level. This study was conducted in Korogwe District, Tanga Region in order determine the con...

Human Resource Development And Performance in an Organization- A Case Study of FCT Agriculture Development Project

ABSTRACT This thesis is on ((Human Resource Development and performance in an organization: A case study of FCT ADP Ahuja" My choice of Federal Capital Territory Agricultural Development project Ahuja} is informed by its significance to the development of Ahuja and the Nation at Large. The researcher } s desires to critically and elaborately uncover the problems caused by neglecting the human side of organizations} explore the relationship between · Human resource development and performanc...

Gender Relations and Spread of Hiv/Aids Among Fishing Communities in Kalangala District. Case Study: Kyamuswa Sub-County.

ABSTRACT The study was carried in Kyamuswa Sub County, Kalangala district. It was carried out to analyze how Gender Relations influence the Spread of HIV/AIDS among Fishing Communities. The study used an exploratory research design to describe how gender relations influence the spread of HIV AIDS in the fishing communities of Kyamuswa Sub county, Kalangala district. The study population included Fisher folk, local council leaders, Beach Management Units, Community Development Officer, Sub co...

Producer Organizations And Access To Agricultural Markets: The Case Of Mwanza Region In Tanzania

ABSTRACT In this study, the factors that influence rural producer organizations in facilitating smallholder farmers to access to agricultural markets were studied. The study used survey data from 120 smallholder farmers (86 members and 34 non-members of smallholder farmer organizations). The study sample was selected using a stratified random sampling technique based on a number of farmer organisations. The study employed a triangulation of data from both primary and secondary data sources. ...


ABSTRACTThe major aim of this research was to determine the impact of customer satisfactionon the sales performance of a business organization taking Sameer Agriculture andLivestock Limited (SALL) as the a case basing on the objectives which included; Toestablish the various customer satisfaction methods, establish the measures of salesperformance and the relationship between customer satisfaction and sales at SALL.According to Kotler and Keller (2009), customer satisfaction is when a consume...


The study was designed to assess the strengths and weaknesses of e-wallet innovation system of agricultural input distribution among farmers in Osun State, Nigeria. A multistage stage sampling procedure was used to select therespondents. Data were gathered through structured interview schedule from 324 farmers randomly selected from four Local Government Areas of the state. Data collected were analyzed using appropriate descriptive and inferentialstatistical tools. The results showed that the...

Role Of Commercial Banking In Agricultural Developmemt In Nigeria

ABSTRACT The study examines the role of commercial banks in Agricultural development in Nigeria, spanning from 1986-2010. The study used Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) techniques for analyzing the findings, from the study, support the view that commercial bank loans do not reach real farmers. Commercial banks loan to the Agricultural sector has a positive growth and significant at 5% level, contributing 67.65 percent variations in Real Agricultural output in Nigeria. Real interest rate a...

Impacts Of Land Use Changes On Water Balance In The Ruvu River Sub-Basin: The Case On Mvuha River Sub-Catchment

ABSTRACT This study was carried out to assess spatial and temporal land use changes that have occurred over a period of 40 years in Mvuha River sub-catchment and its impacts to the water balance. The specific objectives of this study were i) to determine the spatial and temporal changes on land use and land cover in Mvuha River sub-catchment for the past forty years, ii) carry out statistical and trend analysis of temporal rainfall and river discharge and iii) to determine runoff hydrologic r...

Assessment Of Nitrate Levels In Water And Soils For Agriculture And Human Utilization In Singida District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT Population growth in urban areas has caused increase in demand of good quality water for domestic use. Due tohigh nitrate levels in water sources reported by District water authoritiesin Singida District, this study was carried to determine sources, levels and distribution of nitrates in water and soils for agriculture and human utilization. Firstly, a reconnaissance survey was carried to identify water sources with high, medium and low levels of nitrates and determine nitrate level...

Changing Land-Use Patterns And Farming Strategies In The Degraded Environment Of The Irangi Hills, Central Tanzania

Abstract The approaches adopted by local farmers to put the degraded landscape of the Irangi Hills in central Tanzania to productive agricultural use are analysed. The area has been extensively affected by severe soil erosion, thereby reducing its potential for agriculture. While soil erosion in the upper and middle reaches of the slopes has resulted in extensive gullies, sedimentation in the lower reaches has created extensive sandfans and buried some of the fertile, clayey soils. The chang...


ABSTRACT The amount of soil organic carbon (SOC) stored in a particular soil is influenced by several factors including climate, vegetation type and age, land management, soil properties and current and past land use. The impacts of land use types on soil organic carbon were assessed. Four land use types were used in the study. Sampled soils were taken at depth of 0-45 cm and at intervals of 15 cm. The soil samples were examined in accordance with the standard methods. The data were analy...

Agricultural Information Needs And Their Accessibility To Sesame Producers In Morogoro District, Tanzania

ABSTRACT A study was carried out to assess the agricultural information needs and their accessibility for improving production among smallholder farmers growing sesame in Morogoro district, Morogoro region. Data were collected from 120 respondents using interview schedule. Checklist was used to collect data from Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) and from interview with key informants. Quantitative data were analysed using the International Business Machines Corporation Statistical Package for So...

The Accountability in Agricultural Sector (A Case Study of Kwara State Agricultural Development Project)

TABLE OF CONTENT Title page                                                                       i Approval page                                                                 ii Dedication                                                                      iii Acknowledgement          ...

What are Forest Reserves and Why Are They Important

Forest reserves are portions of state lands where commercial harvesting of wood products is excluded in order to capture elements of biodiversity that can be missing from sustainably harvested sites. Small (patch) reserves will conserve sensitive, localized resources such as steep slopes, fragile soils, and habitat for certain rare species that benefit from intact forest canopies. Large (matrix) reserves will represent the diversity of relatively un-fragmented forest landscapes remaining in M...

946 - 960 Of 965 Results