ABSTRACTThe financial institutions seek to cut the cost of mediators through direct deal with the consumers and share information with the Internet users as well as encourage customers to pay on-line. One of the main problems faced by Organizations in terms of dealing and paying on-line that Internet users are worried and unwilling to send sensitive information through the Internet. In fact customers are scared that during the transactions hackers and Internet interlopers will steal their inf...
ABSTRACT Bread is an important staple food that does not require further processing before consumption. Despite the awareness created and efforts of government to ensure that quality bread are available for consumption of all, there are several routes through which bread is being contaminated. Problems such as accelerating bread production, unsafe packaging and unhygienic handIing of finished bread is emphasis in the study so therefore, assessments of sanitation and hygiene practices among ba...
Bacteria are group of microorganisms all of which lack a distinct nuclear membrane (and hence are considered more primitive than animal and plant cells) and of most which have a cell wall of unique composition. Most bacteria are unicellular; the cells maybe spherical (coccu), rod-shaped (bacillus), spiral (spirillum), comma-shaped (vibrio) or corkscrew-shaped (spierocheate). Generally, they range in size between 0.5 and 5um. (Elizabeth and Martin, 2003). Food is any substance that people or ...
ABSTRACT This project topic “Secured Wireless Network” was carried out with a view to deploying effective security for wireless networks. The project developed a system that lets typical users easily build a highly secured wireless network. My aim is to show how user interface can be applied to provide a complete solution for securing wireless networks. Securing a wireless network is an important issue since they are wireless broadcasting a signal out over an area, any computer within t...
ABSTRACT Privacy and security are major essential human needs in various homes, offices e.t.c. Accessibility to adequate, durable, fashionable and affordable windows in our different buildings has been a problem to the society. Ability to have access to window of good quality and high durability of a price affordable to an average Nigerian has been a problem. This project here aims at production of a durable aluminium window. The aluminium window was subjected to different test, it ...
Abstract This work focused on the health implication of poor food intake on preschool children in Afikpo North Local Government Area of Ebonyi State, the main purpose of the study was to identify the food intake, to examine the effect of poor nutrition on an intellectual performance, to determine the influence of junk foods on a child health. The significant or relevant of this study was also stated in this research chapter. Lastly the scope of the study was drowned and the term used were p...
The terrorization of the Northern region by the Boko-Haram sect since 2009 have created fear in Nigeria and has brought about restlessness and insecurity in the country. The study examines the growth of this sect, efforts that has been made in addressing the challenges brought about by their nefarious activities but more importantly the implication on regional peace and security.The study is descriptive and the data obtained were both primary but mostly secondary sources. It was found that th...
ABSTRACT The fundamental aim of this project “Design and Implementation of Network Based Security Information System†is to emphasize how a system of information network aids the government and police administration in decision taking through a range of statistical data as collected and analyzed in an existing information system. It also airs the different machines used in information processing system to reduce the much-engaged manual efforts. The system design is also introduce...
Abstract The nature of hospitality refers to the sharing of food, drink and accommodation to the people who are not regular members of a household. These people here can be strangers, neighbours, outsiders etc. basically, the host provides food, drink and shelter in their own home and share them with guest without concern for financial payback. Telfer (1996) The hospitality industry is comprised of commercial organizations that specialize in providing accommodation and/or food and/or drinks,...
Food Security is a vital cog in every fiscal and monetary growth of all countries worldwide. It is a state when all people have economic, social and physical access to nutritious, safe and sufficient food that meets food preferences and dietary needs for a healthy and active life at all times. Lack of funding confines farmers’ productivity and improved income hence a major impediment for farmer’s especially small-scale farmers in third world countries. The purpose of the project was ...
Abstract Institution of higher education face a higher level of information security incidence and compromise such as data and information theft, malicious program infection, attack on the information systems infrastructure and computer network. The antagonistic impact of information security incidence includes compromise of confidential data and intellectual property, massive financial losses and increased level of information security vulnerability and threat. This study aims to determine ...
ABSTRACT This study sought to investigate the determinants of employee job satisfaction among county government enforcement officers in Kenya by taking the case of Nairobi City County. Given how crucial job satisfaction is among employees today, employers are always seeking ways to ensure that their employees are satisfied at work in order to get the best out of them. For this reason, this study sought to ascertain the determinants of job satisfaction among county government enforcement offi...
DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF A COMPUTERIZED SECURITY INFORMATION SYSTEM (A CASE STUDY OF NIGERIA POLICE FORCE) TABLE OF CONTENTS Cover page Title page Certification Dedication Acknowledgement Abstract Organization of the work Table of contents Introduction 1.1 Background of the study 1.2 Statement of problem 1.3 Purpose of study 1.4 Scope of study 1.5 Limitations 1....
Limited or poor food separation techniques into fine particles for further processing cause post-harvest losses of food crops and initiates the problem of food and nutritional insecurity in Nigeria. In order to solve this problem, food crops need to be processed into a lasting and nutritious consumable form through the use of mechanization. Different materials in powder form or solid form are separated by using two-level screening machines. This machine can be used in different industries lik...
ABSTRACT This study was carried out to assess the food consumption pattern and micronutrient intake of mothers in Ojo Local Government Area in Lagos State. One hundred and eighty respondents were selected randomly. Data was collected using food frequency and anthropometric data such as height, weight and body mass index. Other date collected include the socio-economic and demographic characteristics of the respondents. The data were analyzed using descriptive analysis such as freque...