Computers have become a way of life for today’s high society. Many aspects of modern life that we have come to accept as common place would not be possible if there were no computers. Today computers are use extensively in many areas of business, industry, science, education etc. The major advantage of computer is its speed that makes it able to give some useful information very quickly. This speed also opens new approaches to problem so...
eProperty – is an Estate Agent and Property Management System is a user friendly contact and property manager for real estate professionals. Save time and sell more by empowering to easily keep track of leads, manage listings, and market to new prospects. Estate Agent / Property Management System – eProperty is complete end to end solution to cover all aspects of Estate Agent day to day activity and Property buying selling procedure for small and large organization. The basic ob...
These project means that what the various activities are been carried out at the petrol system. In these project we will be including about how we can find out the information about the various petrol pump. Also in our project we will be including how we can find that which person has came when and when he will be going out. Also we will including that which perso...
Computer Software Based online clearance system is an internet base research work that will help build an effective information management for schools. It is aimed at developing a computer software system that replaces the manual method of clearance for graduating students. The designed software will serve as a more reliable and effective means of undertaking students clearance, remove all forms of delay and stress as well as enable you to understand the procedure involved, as well as how to ...
The world is fast becoming a global village due to the effect of globalization and rapid growth in technology. This has enabled information sharing among various people of the world, thereby solving basic societal problems and bringing about rapid development. The study designs and implements a web based forum where computer science and computer engineering students of a particular university, or various universities in Nigeria and the world at large can come together and interact online. Var...
ABSTRACT Banks deal essentially on cash, financial instruments and other documents, which are generally negotiable and easily transferable in nature. Based on sudden and very noticeable increase of fraud and crime in the financial sector which results in loss of billions of pounds and dollars would wide annually for over a long period of time, several modern automated techniques in detecting fraud and crime are continually being developed and applied to many financial sectors. Financial det...
ABSTRACT Computers are known for their wide range of uses especially in scientific and mathematical fields. However little or no thought has been given to designing a complete and thorough intelligence entrance examination on a computer system in our immediate environment. This entrance examination system is designed to assist university administration examination in attaining a standardized sample, and as such the psychological implication of such a design is very important. The design of th...
ABSTRACT This project title is written to help hospitals especially SHONAHAN HOSPITAL, NSUKKA, Enugu in the areas they encounter problems in keeping their attendance scheme for patient and the solution given to tackle problem such as transforming the existing manual attendance scheme for patients system in which the existing problems involved at the time was laziness of the Doctors to work, misplacement of files, excessive loitering around of patient for their files and loitering of paper in ...
ABSTRACT This research work is concise and generally summarizes the activities duly carried out in the design and implementation of an automated inventory control system for a manufacturing organization. The system is designed to efficiently handle the movement and tracking of goods through the replacement of human workers by technology. The manual method or intervention is labour intensive, costly, and error prone and cannot ensure the inventory remains up-to-date due to oversight and intern...
Abstract This Project Work Termed Design and Implementation of computer based game software for secondary school level is of the opinion to develop a standard platform to aid intelligent tests for secondary school gamers and other users of intelligent quotient tests. The system provides room for rapid tests and user assessment for respective participants of the system. it encompasses a well designed interface that aids user friendliness and flexible user manipulations for new and old computer...
ABSTRACT Land is a free gift of nature and a factor of production, land tenure is the name given, particularly in common law system to the legal regime in which land is owned by an individual, due to the fact that keeping records of lands and their owners has been a great task to government and the government access to land Information proves difficult that most times people are defrauded due to lack of Land Information illegal sales of land without the consent of the owner are very common e....
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