Animal Physiology Study Materials

Sampling for Insects

Insects are the most successful and enduring life form on earth and are known to have existed for over 400 million years. They are the most dominant multicellular life form on earth and are represented all over, from the poles to the equator, from the sea surface to the highest peaks and from the deserts to rain forests. It is estimated that insects comprise about half of the earth’s 1.5 million known species (Chapman, 2013; McGavin, 2007). Gullan and Cranston (2014) stated that it was ver...

Emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases

INTRODUCTION There has been world wide explosion of infectious diseases with emerging diseases such as HIV/AIDS pandemic as well as old diseases like cholera, tuberculosis, dengue, or malaria. These infectious diseases are on a sudden increase due to many factors amongst which; climate change, transformation of ecosystems, socio-economic problems and Public health systems deterioration in many countries in the world. Generally, numerous diseases have emerged and re-emerged (Sanjeev et al., 20...