Medicine and Surgery Study Materials

Post Operative Complications

The patient's medical history should be taken into consideration when managing postoperative problems, which may be either general or unique to the type of surgery performed. Postoperative fever, atelectasis, wound infection, embolism, and deep vein thrombosis (DVT) are common general postoperative sequelae.One to three days following surgery, postoperative problems are most likely to occur. However, various complications happen in the early postoperative, several days following the operation...

Introduction to Anaesthesia and Sedation

Introduction Effective communication among healthcare providers and patients has gotten noticed as an essential factor in unfavorable patient well-being results. The Join Commission campaign of "Anesthesia and Sedation” got printed in June 2014 in an attempt to spread understanding of precautions, risks, and various sorts of information to provide to individuals. The campaign aims at people who experience a condition that needs tranquility (The Joint Commission, 2014)