In December, 1924-, at the ..nnual U.ongress !eet in! of the
Suid Afrikaanse On~erwysers Unie a p~per was read by Dr . H. Cruse
on "Intelligt.nce Tests an:l their application to the School.a" .
Aa a result of this paper it was decided to a ppoint a Committee
to attempt to standardise tests for pupils in South African
schools , since no set of tests from any one country can
• be adeq_uately a dopted in any- other co untr~ in view of the vast
differences existing in raci al and climatic c;:onditions.
The CoimD.i ttee approached the Department of Education
for financial support . The Superintendent-General a 6reed to
give financial aid but suggeat_ed that the SJuth rican Teacner' s
Association be allowed to do-operate , so as to obt in a
doublb seri es of tests; one in Aftikaans am. one in English, t he
· two being equi val en 't as nearly as possible. sub-com.wi ttee
was appointed in tay, 19-25 consisting of Prof . Reyburn,, Dr. Cruse
and nr . l&l.lherbe ,. who were to be res onsible for collectin:; the
material for su:;h tests. Prof. Heyburn undertook the collectin~
of the ma. terial for the nglish. while Drs. Cruse an:l 1 alherbe
undertook the collecting for the Afrikaans series. The full
committee compiled a team of tests which they thought to be
suitable. I t was at this stage in the history of the Intelli ..,.ence
Tests for Sout African 'J Upils , that the present investi~ tion
was undertaken . Its object was t o collect naterial in order to
determine the value and validity of the Tests arranged by the
Cammi t t.e e. , ·
The results o 1hia investigation, as given in this
report, are dealt with fr om two aspects. I n Part. l is given the
general analysis of
(1 ) the suitability of the text and arrangement of the
tea ts. ·
(2) the order of difficulty of items constitutL
each test.
This is followed by s uggesti ans for regrading.
I n Part 1I the results are analysed. statisticall,r.
davies, G (2021). An Analysis And Criticism A~ The English.Series Of The South A:F'rican " I Ndividual Intelligence Scale" .. Afribary. Retrieved from https://afribary.com/works/an-analysis-and-criticism-a-the-english-series-of-the-south-a-f-rican-i-ndividual-intelligence-scale
Davies, G "An Analysis And Criticism A~ The English.Series Of The South A:F'rican " I Ndividual Intelligence Scale" ." Afribary. Afribary, 15 May. 2021, https://afribary.com/works/an-analysis-and-criticism-a-the-english-series-of-the-south-a-f-rican-i-ndividual-intelligence-scale. Accessed 18 Feb. 2025.
Davies, G . "An Analysis And Criticism A~ The English.Series Of The South A:F'rican " I Ndividual Intelligence Scale" .". Afribary, Afribary, 15 May. 2021. Web. 18 Feb. 2025. < https://afribary.com/works/an-analysis-and-criticism-a-the-english-series-of-the-south-a-f-rican-i-ndividual-intelligence-scale >.
Davies, G . "An Analysis And Criticism A~ The English.Series Of The South A:F'rican " I Ndividual Intelligence Scale" ." Afribary (2021). Accessed February 18, 2025. https://afribary.com/works/an-analysis-and-criticism-a-the-english-series-of-the-south-a-f-rican-i-ndividual-intelligence-scale