In this five chapter research work, an exposé is carried out on the role of cooperative societies in ensuring the success of the FADAMA III project. Chapter one presents an introduction to the research while chapter two consists of a review of related literatures, in which subject matters such as the scope, benefits and implementation arrangement of FADAMA III as well as the importance, problems of cooperative societies and their possible solutions are identified. Chapter three and four consist of the research design and methodology as well as the data analysis and interpretation while chapter five consist of the summary of findings, recommendation and conclusion. Based on the research, it will be observed that the success of the FADAMA III basically depends on the progress of the FUGs and FCAs which are registered Fadama cooperatives, however these cooperatives are still faced with some challenges such as poor awareness, low level of education and poverty level of the members. There is therefore need for more public awareness about the benefits of the FADAMA III project especially in the rural areas. There is also need for a slash down in the members’ counterpart contribution especially for the newly registered FUGs and FCAs particularly in the area of input support.
ADP-Agricultural Development Programme
ADPEC-Agricultural Development Project Executive
ARCN-Agricultural Research Council of Nigeria
ASAs-Advisory Services Activities
CBO-Community Based Organization
FADPEC-Federal Agricultural Development Project
Executive Committee
FCA-Fadama Community Association
FCT-Federal Capital Territory
FMAWR-Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Water
FUG-Fadama User Group
IDA-International Development Association
LDP-Local Development Plan
LFD-Local Fadama Desk
LFDC-Local Fadama Development Committee
LFDO-Local Fadama Desk Office
LGA-Local Government Area
NFCO-National Fadama Coordination Office
NFDP-National Fadama Development Project
NFRA-National Food Reserve Agency
NFTC-National Fadama Technical Committee
NGO-Non-Governmental Organization
PAD-Project Appraisal Document
PDO-Project Development Organization
PEC-Programme Evaluation Committee
PFMU-Project Financial Management Unit
PIM-Project Implementation Manual
SFCO-State Fadama Coordination Office
SFTC-State Fadama Technical Committee
SMANR-State Ministry of Agriculture and Natural
Cover pagei
Title pageii
Approval pageiii
List of abbreviations and acronyms viii
Table of Content
Chapter One:
1.1Background of the Study1
1.2Statement of Problem4
1.3Objective of the Study7
1.4Research Questions8
1.5Research Hypothesis 9
1.6Significance of the Study9
1.7Scope and Delimitations of the Study10
1.8Definition of Terms12
Chapter Two:
Literature Review
2.1History and Origin of the Project14
2.2Objectives and Performance Indicators of the Project16
2.3Scope and Beneficiaries of the Project19
2.4Funding and Components of the Project20
2.5Project Implementation Arrangements33
2.6Benefits of the FADAMA III Programme49
2.7Cooperative Effects and Community Development51
2.8Problems of Cooperative Enterprises in Nigeria58
2.9Prospects of Cooperative Societies in Nigeria65
Chapter Three:
Research Design and Methodology
3.1Research Design70
3.2Area of Study72
3.3Population of Study72
3.4Sampling and Sampling Procedure73
3.5Instrument for Data Collection76
3.6Validation of the Instrument 78
3.7Reliability of the Instrument 78
3.8Method of Data Collection 79
3.9Method of Data Analysis 80
Chapter Four:
Data Presentation and Analysis
4.1Presentation Analysis82
4.2Test of Hypothesis 92
4.3Summary of Findings 104
Chapter Five:
Summary of Findings, Recommendation and Conclusion
5.1Summary of Findings105
5.4Areas for Further Research114
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