Abstract The advancement in electronic media is increasingly liberalizing the dissemination of agricultural information, such that farmers can now on their own access information before ever they are communicated to them by extension agents. Therefore, for extension to maintain its relevance and functions, extensionists must acquire the skills/abilities necessary to maintain/control what (contents) farmers are sourcing from the media. In the light of this, the study was designed to assess th...
ABSTRACT The study was designed to assess researchers‘ utilization of e-learning and e-reporting of research findings in selected institutions in Imo State, Nigeria. Some specific objectives were to identify the e-learning and e-reporting technologies available for use by agricultural researchers; determine the mastery level of skills in the application of elearning and e-reporting technologies possessed by the respondents; assess the level of utilization of these technologies by agricultu...
ABSTRACT The imperatives of ICT in extension services delivery necessitated this study that analyzedVillage Extension Agents’ use of information and communication technology in extension service delivery in South-South Nigeria.Specifically, the objectives included to ascertain the socio-economic characteristics of the extension agents, ICT awareness, available ICT facilities, level of ICT knowledge, level of ICT use, benefits from the use of ICT and the constraints to ICT use. The study wa...
ABSTRACT The study analyzed the use of fish farming technologies by fadama III fish farmers in Imo State. The specific objectives included to: describe the socioeconomic characteristics of fish farmers under Fadama III in the state; identify sources of information of the fishery technologies to the farmers; ascertain the fishery technologies used under the Fadama III in the study area; determine the level of use of fishery technologies in Imo State; determine effects of use of fishery techno...
ABSTRACT The study analyzed organic farming practices among rural households in SouthSouth Nigeria. The study determined the level of awareness and use of organic farming practices in the study are, identified the sources of information on organic farming practices; assessed farmers perceived benefits of organic farming practices; identified constraints to organic farming and determined strategies for the improvement of organic farming practices. Data were collected with structured questionn...
ABSTRACT This study analyzed farmers’ perception of the innovation system in oil palm production in the South-east, Nigeria. The study specifically examined key actors in the innovation system, assessed the farmers’ perceived roles of each actor, the level of linkages between and among the key actors; investigated the adoption of various oil palm innovations, among other, Data were collected using structured questionnaire from 300 oil palm farmers. Descriptive and inferential statistical...
ABSTRACT This research is an attempt to assess the impact of grassroots participation on the adoption and diffusion of agricultural innovations packages (especially improved onions seeds) at Jebel Marra Rural Development project, Central Darfur State- Sudan. Moreover to assess the effect of personal characteristics: mainly: education and social status on the adoption of innovations, In addition to agricultural extension Services and programme. The Study selected Jebel Marra area and focusing ...
ABSTRACT Adoption of agricultural technologies by farmers is influenced by a number of factors, which include the farmer and farm attributes, technology characteristics and institutional factors. It is on this premise that drought tolerant varieties (DTV) of wheat were developed for production in Arid and Semi Arid Lands (ASAL). This study was designed to assess low adoption by describing and comparing factors that have influenced adoption of DTV in the (ASALs) of Narok and Kajiado districts...
ABSTRACT Food insecurity remains a major challenge among the small-scale farmers in Kyuso SubCounty. Though the Ministry of Agriculture has been training small-scale farmers on various dryland farming technologies, Kyuso Sub-County has remained food insecure. This is evidenced by the fact that small-scale farmers in the Sub-County depend on food aid for their survival. The role played by the dryland farming technologies in ensuring household food security among the small-scale farmers has no...
ABSTRACT Conventional Extension Approaches used over decades achieved minimal successes in creating impact in terms of agricultural production and improved livelihood of smallholder farmers in Kenya. The Participatory Extension Approaches, in particularly the Farmer Field School (FFS) approach have been tried widely and created positive impact in Asian countries. Kenya Agricultural Research Institute (KARI) introduced FFS approach in 2001 as an alternative to conventional approach to promote...
ABSTRACT Finger millet is one of the important traditional, nutritious and drought tolerant food crop grown by small scale farmers in most arid and semi-arid lands (ASALs) of the world. In the ASALs of Kenya, finger millet is grown by small scale farmers who mainly grow low yielding unimproved varieties. Improved high yielding and recommended varieties are available but the farmers’ adoption is very low contributing to persistent food insecurity in these areas. The purpose of this study wa...
ABSTRACT Agriculture is important for food security and poverty reduction. Achieving food security is still a challenge to some developed and most of the developing countries. Maize is the main staple that most people in Kenya still depend on. The production of maize has been in the decline over the years with an average annual production of 30 million bags (2.7 million metric tons) against an annual consumption of 42 million bags (3.78 million metric tons). The country on average suffers a ...
ABSTRACT Plant clinics were introduced in Nakuru-North Sub-County in 2010 with the objective of improving farmers‟ access to crop protection extension services, subsequently reducing incidences of crop pests and diseases. The services are provided to the farmers on demand. Since their introduction, farmers‟ demand for the services has been low. Many farmers are therefore not benefiting from the services as it was intended. In order to understand the scenario and adopt policies that will ...
ABSTRACT The value chain approach embraces the full range of activities which are required to bring a product or service from conception, through the intermediary phases of production, delivery to final consumers, and final disposal after use. Traditionally extension agents have concentrated their efforts on technology transfer that targeted production aspects of a poultry and ignored other factors of the value chain. Most farmers specialize in production and may be excluded from decision ma...
ABSTRACT Worldwide, young people and mainly the rural youth face challenges in trying to earn a livelihood, yet agriculture offers a lot of opportunities for investment and their livelihood. Malawi economy is predominantly agricultural. Young people form more than 50 per cent of the country’s population. Despite the Malawi government efforts to enhance youth participation in the agriculture sector through policy support, only few youths participate actively in this sector. This study sough...