Abstract: Water is an essential natural resource, vital for any development to take place. However, not more than one percent of the water is freely available for human needs including agricultural production in the entire world. Arid and semi-arid lands globally are facing water scarcity challenges. Rain- fed agricultural system is the major farming method in these areas, but this has been challenged greatly by aridity and climatic uncertainty. Kitui County is an ASAL where farmers are expe...
Abstract: Agroforestry presents a promising option to sustainable agricultural productivity by providing a buffer to climate variability through permanent tree cover and varied ecological niches. Thus, agroforestry can be used as a strategy to adapt to climate change and variability challenges for smallholder farmers. Success of this strategy in adapting to climate change calls for active participation of men and women in agroforestry technologies. This study aimed to establish roles women p...
Abstract: Giant bamboo (Dendrocalamus asper) is a very fast growing plant in the family of Poaceae (Gramineae) with great potential in environmental conservation and poverty alleviation. It has over 1500 documented uses. However, with the reducing sizes and productivity of land in Kenya especially in high potential areas where bamboo is grown, there is a need to identify options of cultivating bamboo as an agroforestry crop. Therefore, the main objective of the study was to establish factors...
Abstract: Indigenous tree species have an essential value in ecosystems however, most tree planting initiatives have promoted exotic species because of less understanding on their actual potential. This study was conducted in grazing parkland agroforestry system in Guduru district, Western Ethiopia to examine the effect of three indigenous tree species; Acacia abyssinica, Croton macrostachyus, Ficus sur and their canopy cover on herbaceous diversity, biomass production and selected soil phys...
Abstract: Homegarden agroforestry contributes significantly to the conservation of woody species while also improving human well-being. Although homegardens are known to substantially contribute to various benefits to households, there is a lack of information on the benefits of homegardens in study area. Therefore, this study was initiated to assess woody species diversity and management practices and the factors that affect woody plant species diversity in homegardens of study area. In ord...
Abstract: Ethiopia’s low level of economic development with its heavy dependence on rain- fed agriculture, which is the sector most vulnerable to climate variability make the country susceptible to the adverse effects of climate change. To counter this, several measures have been suggested in attempts to reduce the vulnerability of farmers households who are the worst affected by changes in climate. One such intervention is agroforestry practices (AFP), which is probably one of the most vi...
Abstract: The study was conducted at Deder District, in East Hararghe Zone, Eastern Ethiopia. The aim of the study was to investigate farmers’ shade tree species preference and evaluate selected soil physicochemical properties under and outside shade tree canopy. To address the objectives of this study, all necessary data were collected through key informant interview, questionnaire survey and soil sampling. A total of 15 key informants and 60 households were participated for preference ra...
Abstract: Homegarden agroforestry practices encompass an assortment of woody species and provide a number of social, ecosystem services and economical benefits. Many studies have been undertaken to identify woody species and quantify the carbon stock potential of homegarden agroforestry. However, there is still little focus on the relationship between woody species diversity and carbon stocks. This study was aimed at assessing woody species diversity and carbon stock and the relationship bet...
Abstract: Scattered trees within farmland are common land-use in Ethiopia and many parts of the tropics. These systems play an important role in climate change mitigation and adaptation, through carbon sequestration. Therefore, in the eastern part a little information compiled, generally and specifically in the study district don’t any information available concerning woody species diversity of scattered trees on farmland and its role in carbon sequestration. This study objectives, was con...
Abstract: Agroforestry practice is well known in eastern Ethiopia and multifunctional working landscape and can play in conserving and enhancing biodiversity and carbon sequestration. Despite some studies related with plant species diversity, its contribution and carbon stock potential of agroforestry. But the study on woody species diversity and carbon stock potential of coffee-based and parkland agroforestry systems in a single document is not well studied. The study was carried out to ass...
Abstract: Homegarden agroforestry support biodiversity and a considerable contribution for rural households’ food security. Yet, the diversity of plant species and it’s contribution to food security was insufficiently understood and documented in Melka Bello District. Therefore, the study aims to assess the diversity of plant species in homegarden agroforestry and its contribution to food security in Melka Bello District of East Hararghe Zone, Ethiopia. Sixteen kebeles were purposively s...
Abstract: Woody species of Parkland agroforestry are prominent features in many crop landscapes in Ethiopia. Parkland agroforestry which is a system practiced for many local populations is very important for house hold food security and widely acknowledged. Therefore, in the eastern part a little information compiled in the eastern part generally and specifically in the study district don’t any information available concerning woody species diversity of parkland agroforestry and its role i...
Abstract: Agroforestry consists different diversity of plants and has a unique potential of balancing the net carbon emissions as a sink and reservoir for CO2 at both above and below-ground. The objective of this study was to investigate woody species diversity, management, and the biomass carbon and soil organic carbon stocks of Parkland Agroforestry (PLA) in Nagelle Arsi, Central Rift Valley of Ethiopia. Three study kebeles (Aliwoyo, Ashoka and, Godeduro) representing lowland, midland and ...
Abstract: The selection and use of appropriate Agroforestry tree species to maintain a sufficiently high nutrient supply to meet crop needs remains a major challenge of nutrient management under low input farming systems. Therefore, research on C. macrostachyus, F.vasta and E.abyssinica foliage litter quality as it relates to decomposition and nutrient release has become very important. A study was conducted to determine the rate of decomposition and nutrient release pattern from foliage lit...
Abstract: Parkland agroforestry woody species are prominent features in many landscapes worldwide, and their ecological, social and economic importance is widely acknowledged. Farmers have different objectives for retaining trees on their farm. This study was conducted to assess woody species diversity and evaluate the effect of selected tree species on sorghum yield components. For woody species inventory in the farmland with diameter at breast height (DBH) ≥5 cm were identified and measu...