Abstract Selected physical and mechanical properties of 28 years old Eucalyptus grandis planted as municipal trees were evaluated to determine its utilization potentials. Five trees were selected and felled. Test samples were then taken at four different levels along the bole. The properties of the wood evaluated were moisture contents, calorific energy, impact and static bending properties. Data collected were statistically analysed using ANOVA. Statistical analysis of the results showed si...
ABSTRACT The study investigated the fibre characteristics and chemical composition of Vitex doniana towards determining its potentials for pulp and paper. Fibre dimensions are of great importance because of the strong correlation between it and the strength properties of wood and paper. Axial and radial examinations of fibre characteristics of naturally grown wood of Vitex doniana were investigated to determine its suitability for paper production. Wood slivers were prepared from slices, int...
Abstract Undertaking forestry practices on private land as a land use activities had been submitted to be mostly situational. There is a strong relationship between forestry and livelihood systems. This makes forestry practice a critical decimal in rural land use equation, most especially in tropical dry forest environment where soil nutrient is maintained by rich vegetation cover. But, in Southeastern Nigeria, the situations that can engender voluntary practice of forestry on private lands ...
Abstract This paper examined the potential of forest conservation support communication along traditional media in use for agricultural information dissemination in and around two reserved sites: Old Oyo National Park, Oyo and Oluwa forest reserve Ondo State. Results show that the reliability of Forest Conservation Support Information (FCSI) sources depends on access to media among respondents (Pearson's X2, = 338.7: d.f = 160: Pr ≤ 0.000). So also, appropriateness determines the relevance ...
Abstract This paper report findings from a study carried out to obtain information on conservation of the forest and the environmental hazards in Isoko South Local Government Area of Delta State, Nigeria. Structured questionnaires were used to obtain information on conservation of the forest and the environmental hazards affecting the area. Data were obtained from a systematic sample of 120 residents within three clans namely: Uzere, Aviara and Olomoro in Isoko South LGA of Delta State, Nige...
Abstract The rural people have been recognized as knowledge holders on climate change. This work examines the socio-economic imperatives of such knowledge particularly as it affects livelihood in selected forest fringe communities in Ondo State, Nigeria. Multistage random sampling technique was adopted in which 4 Local Government Areas (LGAS): Odigbo, Akure North, Owo and Idanre were randomly selected in Ondo state. In each of the LGAs, a forest reserve (Oluwa, Ala, Owo and Idanre, respectiv...
ABSTRACT Tenure issues in natural resources management and control limit agricultural enterprise and effective land use. Conflicts arising from land tenure and tree tenure were examined in eight (8) communities across Northern and Southern Nigeria. The research included preliminary surveys, interviews and questionnaires to obtain relevant information on tenure conflict history, agricultural enterprises, resource user groups and rights exercised in land use and management. Root cause analysis ...
Abstract This study was conducted to assess population structure and threat to the sustainable management of woody species in the various ago-ecosystems in Dutsin-Ma Local Government Area (LGA) Katsina State, Nigeria. Purposive and stratified random sampling techniques were used to collect data from 21 randomly demarcated 100m × 100m sample plots. All woody plant species found in the sample plots with stem diameter >2 cm at 20cm above ground, were recorded. Population structure was summariz...
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Forestry sector plays key roles in supporting the livelihood of all Rwandans by providing most of the energy consumed by the bulk population, controlling soil erosion and protecting water catchments and supplying other goods and ecological services. Hence, the present and future extent of forest coverage in Rwanda is central to sustainable development and climate change considerations. Currently, about 87% of the population and 70% of the country’s land area are de...
ABSTRACT The study investigated stem distributions and height-diameter relationships of two Irvingiaceae species in Oban Forest, Cross River State, Nigeria with a view to suggesting appropriate management strategies for their conservation in the area. Using systematic sampling technique, six 2km-transect was cut in each of the primary and secondary forests in the area. Four 50m×50m plots were laid alternately along each transect. Thus, twenty-four plots were used in each of the two forest ty...
ABSTRACT Hibiscus sabdariffa is a non-timber-forest-plant (NTFP) that has the potential of producing fibers good in paper-making. Germination and growth potentials of H. sabdariffa under farmland, fallowland, plantation and forest ecosystems were studied. Seeds of H. sabdariffa were sown to assess germination percentage, germination rate, germination time and velocity coefficient on established plots of each ecosystem. Seedlings were randomly selected to measure growth and yield parameters of...
SUMMARY Global warming has heightened the need to substitute fossil fuels with biomass-based energy sources. Some West African countries have recorded appreciable progress in this regard though with inadequate documentation. This study documents the extent of production and use of different biofuels and incentives for sustainability in the sub-region. Field visits were conducted in Benin, Ghana, Niger and Nigeria with the aid of structured questionnaire and focus group discussions; and l...
ABSTRACT The need for conservation of forests resources, which are presently under continuous depletion, is topical to sustainable development in Nigeria. Despite this, the annual rate of forest depletion in Anambra State is alarming. One of the adduced reasons for this had been inadequate access of residents who rely on forest resources for their livelihood to environmental amelioration information. This study therefore reports the media in use or that could be employed to effectively keep A...
ABSTRACT This study examined the percentage distribution of benefits obtained from Ibadan urban forest reserves across policy relevant socio-economic classes of the populace in order to draw research and policy implications. Descriptive and inferential statistics were employed to analyse data obtained from a multi-stage random survey of 397 residents of Ibadan metropolis. The results show that benefits obtained from the urban forest reserves do not depend significantly on gender (x2=2.57; p>...
ABSTRACT The importance of forests, forest management and related information to human sustainable development cannot be overemphasized. This paper reports the analyses of forestry-related news source and their geographical focus in Guardian and Tribune Newspapers in Nigeria between June, 2009 and May, 2014. Purposive sampling technique was used to select the two National dailies because both have column for environment issues, they are available and their continuous existence for the period...