ABSTRACT Mining is assuming importance in the economies of mineral-endowed developing nations. These countries have developed new minerals and mining codes to attract Foreign Direct Investment on a massive scale. The benefits and costs of mining have become a contentious issue. The study assessed the implication of mining on the livelihood of the communities affected by mining within the Teberebie Electoral Area of Wassa West District of Ghana based on the concept of sustainable development. ...
ABSTRACT Societies have for many years been governed by norms, values, beliefs and sanctions that are seen from a holistic standpoint as culture. Ghana has several cultures but how these impact on development with reference to harnessing the traditional knowledge systems (TKS) inherent in them to affect agricultural forms remain unanswered. This study looks at how the socio-cultural beliefs and traditional knowledge systems affect the achievement of sustainable development in the rural areas ...
ABSTRACT This study sought to assess the effects of Akosombo and Kpong hydroelectric power projects on the lives of people and the natural environment in six Mafi communities within the Lower Volta Basin in the Volta Region. Systematic sampling technique was adopted to select one hundred and twenty (120) resident household heads for interview in the six study communities. Questionnaires were also administered to Environment and Community Development Officers of Volta River Authority (VRA) and...
ABSTRACT This work examines solid waste management practices and the underlying factors responsible for the state of environmental sanitation in the Cape Coast Metropolis. In all, 240 respondents were targeted for the study. These included opinion leaders, as well as other residents of the metropolis. Multi-stage sampling procedures were applied to generate the sample for the study. The main tools employed in gathering the data were well structured questionnaires and personal observation. T...
ABSTRACT Concerns have been raised in recent times concerning the. negative attitude of Ghanaians towards the environment. In spite of efforts being made to change behaviour, very little seems to have been achieved. All over the world, the most powerful tool, whi~h is used to surmount environmental problems is Environmental Education (EE). EE has been made part of the Senior Secondary School curriculum in Ghana. One would wonder the benefits of EE if environmental problems keep rising day by...
ABSTRACT The increased trend of health problems in the extractive industries includina aold minina has been a maJ'or concern in recent times. Communities, 00 0 workers, NGOs and government agencies have been looking at the best ways to reduce these unfortunate incidents to a minimum. This study was conducted at the Obuasi Municipality of Ghana, to find out the health implications of gold mining in the areas of common waterrelated diseases and common-air related diseases of Anglogold Ashanti (...
ABSTRACT This study sought to examine willingness to pay for improved solid waste management in Dunkwa-on-Offin. A multi-stage sampling technique was used to select 100 households enjoying the communal container and house-to-house systems of solid waste collection. The selected households were drawn from residential areas which were divided into high, middle and low socio-economic strata. A double-bound choice contingent valuation was used to elicit households’ willingness to pay (WTP) for ...
ABSTRACT Increasing surface mining activities in Ghana and particularly the advent of large multinational companies into the country in the last few decades has awakened the environmental awareness of the government and the people of Ghana. Consequently, the government of Ghana has put in place regulations by which the negative impacts ofmining can be mitigated. The mineral sector contributes substantially to the economy of Ghana. However, th,ere are serious misgivings about the environmental...
ABSTRACTThe Assin Northand Southdistrictsare wellendowedwithforests and wildliferesources. However,conflicts among the numerous stakeholders over theseresourcesareleadingto the unsustainablemanagementofthese resources. It hasbeenestablishedthat several factors accountfor the unsustainable managementofthe forests and wildliferesources. Thoughseveral approaches have been applied by the resource managersto promote sustainable resourcemanagement,the conflictamongthe numerous.stakeholdersover...
Toxicity arising from the breakdown of the active ingredient of pesticide poses a considerable threat to the health of the environment as well as living being within ecological spaces. The situation is exacerbated by the overuse or improper application of pesticides by farmers who primarily use these chemicals to control animal pests. Hence, it is essential that regulatory bodies such as the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) not only make recommendations on the types of pesticides that...
ABSTRACT This study investigated the effect of glyphosate and paraquat on soil invertebrate fauna biodiversity, soil physico-chemical properties and the relationship between them with a view to determining the ecological effects of chemicals on the environment. An experimental field of 19 m by 11 m was mapped out at the Teaching and Research Farm of Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, for the study. Plots of 4 m by 3 m separated by 1 m were laid out in completely randomized design with thr...