ABSTRACT A study was carried out to investigate the dimensional properties of cement bonded particles board from wood waste of 3 urban trees common in University of Ibadan campus. The 3 wood species used for board production are Gmelina arborea, Delonix regia, and Samanea sena. The dimensional properties investigated are thickness swelling and water absorbtion.
Abstract Termites are well known for their ability to damage wood and various types of wood-derived products. This study evaluated the susceptibility of six servicing wood species (Tectonagrandis, Khayaspp, Daniella oliveri, Gmelina arborea, Parkia biglobosa and Vitallaria paradox) to the activity of subterranean termites. It was conducted on two testing sites, termitaria and the Timber Grave Yard both of the Department of Forestry, Wildlife and Ecotourism, Nasarawa State University K...
This research paper gives an overview on loss of biological fauna in Nigeria and the effects of man on the ecosystem.
This paper is geared towards examining the problems of Forest development in Nigeria and possible solutions to curb its impending challenges. In order to achieve this aim, one must avail himself with the nitty-gritty of the subject matter in question thereby giving a crystal clear picture. There is however need to set guidelines as under listed What is a Forest?Forest as a natural and global resourceSustainable forest development in NigeriaChallenges of Forest development in NigeriaSolutions ...
As the sun rises in a country like ours, most people try to begin their day with a positive mindset despite the ongoing mishaps that affect them directly or indirectly. Just last week, I was reliably informed that our proposed fitness exercise in the stadium would not hold due to security challenges in the country. This goes a long way to portray the negative effect of such challenges as it affects our essential life in a world filled with unspeakable uncertainties. It doesn’t matter if a d...
We determined the impact of ecotourism infrastructural development on the woody components of Okomu National Park. This necessitated identifying the ecotourism attractions/facilities, interviewing of respondents and on-site observation and quadrant method were employed in acquiring information on ecotourism attractions/facilities and vegetation assessment respectively. Significant variations were observed in the tree growth variables measured between the ecotourism built-up and the control ar...
Energy is the ability or capacity to do work. All living things need energy to carry out the processes of life. Of all natural sources of energy, the SUN is the ultimate source of energy for the living world. The energy we receive from the sun’s radiation is known as radiant energy. Plants use this to manufacture their own food. The green part of the plants captures the sun’s energy through the help of the chlorophyll, to manufacture its food through the process known as photosynthes...