Abstract: Environmental friendly pre-treatment of fibre has been lately adopted by many researchers worldwide but not fully understood. Although various chemical modifications of fibre through several chemical treatments have been explored, but less has been done on lower sodium hydroxide (NaOH) concentrations. This paper investigated the effect of thermalization at 115 C and lower NaOH of concentrations (1, 3 and 5) effect on mukwa wood flour as a way of minimizing chemical impact on possib...
INTRODUCTION Wood-cement bonded particleboard, was originally invented in Germany about eight decades ago. Since then it has been gaining acceptance in many parts of the world as a sheet element or the building construction-industry. The" interest in the board can be associated with a number of factors. It is highly resistant to flre, insect aud fungal attack and has excellent weather ability and good accoustic insulation properties (Deppe,1974; Dinwoodie, 1978;1981). With respect to the afor...