Horticulture Research Papers/Topics

In Vitro Antibacterial Activity of Essential Oils from Tithonia Diversifolia Leaves and Flowers Against Ralstonia Solanacearum

Abstract Bacterial wilt disease caused by Ralstonia solanacearum is a major constraining factor in the production of tomatoes in Kenya, leading to an overreliance on synthetic pesticides. As a result, there is increased research on bio-pesticides as safer alternatives. The present study, therefore, characterized and evaluated in 524 European Journal of Applied Sciences (EJAS) Vol. 10, Issue 2, April-2022 Services for Science and Education – United Kingdom vitro antibacterial activity of es...

Growth and nutrient uptake among three wetland plant species occurring in Lake Victoria basin in Kenya.

Abstract Nutrient enrichment is one of the most serious threats to wetland ecosystems. Information is lacking, particularly concerning the response of wetland plants species in Kenya in regard to nutrient enrichment of wetlands. Understanding the mechanisms and adaptations that allow only certain species to thrive in the potentially stressful wetland environment requires the study of the biology of these plants. This study was carried out to investigate the growth and nutrient uptake among s...

Production, consumption, and market supply of edible crickets: insights from East Africa

Abstract: Globally, crickets are gaining recognition as a valuable alternative protein source for human consumption due to their lower resource requirement and ecological foot‑print compared to traditional livestock. In this paper, we examine strategies that may expedite the sustainable domestication of crickets as a food source. Using survey data from 306 households in western Kenya, we fnd that supplying cricket production starter kits, granting access to credit facilities, encouraging p...