ABSTRACT The Nyanga archaeological complex has been linked to a number of contemporary ethnic groups that include the Saunyama. These groups have been accredited to as the terrace builders of the complex but however this has been mostly perpetuated on the basis of incomplete archaeological inquiry and oral traditions. Such a scenario is the case of the Saunyama where archaeologists and historians have developed the archaeological identity of the Saunyama in relation to the Nyanga complex on t...
ABSTRACT The research focuses on human factor development through Ngoma Buntibe performance among the BaTonga of Binga district, particularly of Sinakoma ward. It explores the Ngoma Buntibe performance in the process unravelling human factor development through the performance. The study is basically qualitative but it also employs some quantitative techniques. Similarly the study uses data collection methods that included semi-structured interviews, questionnaires and document analysis in ga...
Abstract. The study used a qualitative approach as to understand the need to balance conservation and use with heritage management in Zimbabwe. The aim of the study was to assess whether Zimbabwean heritage institutions have balanced mining use with the conservation of heritage places. In achieving the aim of the study, the research was based on the following objectives to assess whether NMMZ recognise mining company as a stakeholder of Nharira hills, to assess whether the mining use of the s...
ABSTRACT This study is in the area of literal studies. This study focuses on the Manifestation of self- hatred in Mabvumira enhetembo published by Literature Bureau during colonial period. This study is driven by Afrocentricity that seeks to revive and resurrect African culture and African philosophies of life. Couched and guided with Afrocentricity, the study also relies on the information obtained from respondents acquired through interviews and questionnaires. The research participants inc...
ABSTRACT Tanzania is the home of abundant Cultural Heritage resources of national and international significance. These heritage resources include prehistoric rock arts, Stone Age sites, historical records and monuments. Large part of this heritage is found in the areas where communities live. However, the national management approach has not adequately tapped the contribution of the local communities in the conservation of the heritage resources. This study resorted to examine the state of ...