ABSTRACT The study was conducted to examine the factors that influence teacher attrition in public junior high schools in the Kwadaso circuit. Descriptive survey design using quantitative approach was employed for the study. The target population of the study consisted of all the 161 teachers and head teachers in the nine public junior high schools in the Kwadaso circuit. A proportionate random sampling technique was used to select 113 respondents from the nine public junior high sch...
ABSTRACT Quality education has always been the seal of most educational policies made in Ghana. In spite of quality education, the main aim of many educational reforms and policies, the desired quality has not yet been achieved. The purpose of this study was to assess the causes of low academic performance among Senior High School students. Descriptive research design was employed for this study. Simple random sampling was used to select the respondents. A total of one hundred and sixty ...
ABSTRACT The study was conducted to investigate the impact of conflict and its management on the performance of teachers in Senior High Schools in the Sagnarigu District of the Northern Region of Ghana. The objective of the study were to establish the types and causes of conflicts, find out the perceived effects of conflicts on the performance of teachers and to determine the conflict resolution strategies employed to resolve conflicts in Senior High Schools in the Sagnarigu Distri...
ABSTRACT The primary objective of all technical and vocational education and training programmes is the acquisition of relevant knowledge, practical skills and attitudes for gainful employment in a particular trade or occupational area. This study therefore sought to assess whether this objective has made an impact on the youth in TohKpalime in the South Dayi District. Questionnaire and interview methods were employed in gathering data from 115 respondents made up of staff of Toh-Kpalime VTI...
ABSTRACT The study was carried out to investigate into the causes of students’ unrest in Obuasi Municipality a case study of Obuasi Secondary Technical School. And what environmental factors contribute to the causes of senior high school students’ unrest? The study adopted descriptive research design, using quantitative method of data collection. The researcher used the Statistical Package for Social Sciences to analyse the data and presented in frequency, mean, standard deviation and p...
ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to investigate the influence of conflict in senior high schools in the Offinso Municipal. The objectives of the study were to identify the causes of conflict in Senior High Schools, find out the effects of conflicts on teachers performance and to determine the strategies put in place for resolving conflicts in Senior High Schools in the Offinso Municipality. The study employed a descriptive survey design using questionnaire to collect data. The target po...
ABSTRACT Teachers are by statutes and board regulations in a unique way charged with the direct responsibility for maintaining order in schools. Quite often, teachers use strategies that tend to give more power to themselves such as rules, regulations, punishment and rewards, to maintain order to the exclusion of students’ own efforts such as, students’ learning to selfregulate their behaviour based on their own experiences. The study investigated teachers’ understanding and practice o...
ABSTRACT In Ghana and globally, continuous professional development (CPD) is most essential for promoting teacher learning and improving school effectiveness, but it is a field of progressive opportunities and research. This study therefore seeks to investigate the development and impact of the attitudes of CPD programmes to teachers and also sought to gather the impact of CPD on both their classroom practices and wider professional life in schools. A qualitative approach was adopted and th...
ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to investigate rationale behind the resort to the use of instructional technologies in the classroom by teachers in the Afigya Kwabre District. The objectives of the study were to find out how frequent teachers use instructional technologies in basic schools of the Afigya Kwabre district, determine the reasons for non-usage of instructional technologies in basic schools of the Afigya Kwabre district and to ascertain the factors that influence the use of...
ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to find out the challenges of supervision in public junior high schools in the Techiman West and South Circuit of the Techiman Municipality. The objectives of the study were to find out the challenges supervisors face in the discharge of supervisory duties. Descriptive survey design was used for the study. The study involved head teachers of the public junior high schools in the Techiman West and South Circuit. Purposive sampling was employed to select 8...
ABSTRACT This study examine the factors affecting girl child education in Dabaa Community in the Atwima Nwabiagya District. The objective of the study was to establish the socioeconomic factors, socio-cultural factors and school -based factors that affects girl child education in the Darbaa Community. Descriptive survey design using mixed method approach was adopted for the study. Purposive sampling technique was used to select seventy (70) participants comprising of 62 students, 4 teachers ...
ABSTRAC The Non-Formal Education Division was established under the Ministry of Education, Ghana in 1991 and mandated to eradicate illiteracy in Ghana by the year 2015. Unlike formal education institutions which have standardized processes, procedures and certification systems that enable and facilitate monitoring and evaluation of programmes, non-formal education systems, by virtue of their peculiar characteristics, are relatively difficult to monitor and evaluate. This study sought to asse...
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to identify the impact of parental involvement on academic engagement of female Senior High School students in Bosomtwe District in Ashanti Region. The study population comprised of all 175 female students, but the response rate was 150. The study analysis was based on 150 female students and 75 parents. Questionnaire which was in the form of a likert scale, ranging from strongly disagree (1) to strongly agree (5) was used to collect data. The reliabil...
ABSTRACT The health care industry in Ghana involves the continual introduction of new clinical interventions and technologies designed to improve patient and business outcomes, which require a transformational behavior of leadership. The research was carried out with the intention of examining the employee’s perception of the effect of transformational leadership on institutional innovation. The research adopted descriptive survey design. The target population was 400 comprising all the e...
ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to examine the effects of training on employee performance in selected Senior High Schools in the Atwima Nwabiagya District of the Ashanti Region of Ghana. The objectives of the study were to find out the existence of on-the-job training for teachers in Senior High Schools, find out the effect of training on teachers’ performance in Senior High Schools and to establish the factors that affect effective employee performance. A descriptive survey design ...