ABSTRACT This study was conducted to assess the practices and challenges of instructional supervision in public basic schools in the West circuit of Bongo district. Three research questions were formulated, on the various supervisory options applied by head teachers in these schools; the challenges faced by head teachers and the possible measures to mitigate the challenges in the study area. Descriptive survey method was employed. One Circuit of Bongo district was selected for the study thro...
ABSTRACT The study investigated conflict management in senior high schools in the Ahafo-Ano District and its implications on educational administration. A sample size of 162 including head teachers and teachers and non-teaching staff were selected for the study. A descriptive survey design was employed which focused on the administering of closed ended questionnaires. The reliability coefficient of the questionnaire was Cronbach Alfa of 0.78. Data was analysed by means of disruptive statistic...
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to examine the parental attitude towards female-child education at the Central Circuit Sampa. Mixed method approach was used for this study. The target population for the study comprised teachers, pupils and parents in Junior High Schools at the Central Circuit Sampa. Respondents were 240 consisted 30 teachers, 190 students and 20 parents. Descriptive statistics involving the use of frequency, percentages and pie chart were used to present the data. The ...
ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to ascertain the influence of students’ learning styles on teachers’ instructional practices in public Senior High Schools within the Bekwai Township. The study was basically a cross-sectional survey which used descriptive survey (structured questionnaires) to gather the data from 60 respondents. Descriptive statistics were used to analyse the results. The results of the study revealed that majority of the teachers did not consider students learning s...
ABSTRACT Teachers are the core influential aspect in students’ learning and achievement. This study was conducted in the Kwabre Municipal in the Ashanti region. The purpose of the study was to find the effect of teaching unspecialized subject on students’ academic performance. The study employed descriptive and inferential statistics. The study was conducted with a sample of 60 teachers. Primary data was collected from the Municipal through Selfadministering method for the study. The Reli...
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to find out the administrative challenges facing public Basic school head teachers in the Atronie circuit of the Sunyani Municipality. The design of the study was a descriptive survey design. Quantitative research approach was used for the study. The population for the study was made up of all basic school head teachers in the Atronie circuit of the Sunyani Municipality numbering 50 head teachers. Census sampling technique was used to select all the 50 r...
ABSTRACT The objectives of the study were to: identify employee motivation practices of Newmont Ghana; determine extent to which the motivation practices meet the expectations of the employees of the company; and determine employee perception of the effect of non-monetary motivation practices on their morale. Exiting literature on employee motivational practices helped generate questionnaire to collect data. Twenty items were pretested and appropriate corrections made to ensure the reliabilit...
ABSTRACT The study investigated shared responsibilities of basic school headteachers at Asokore Mampong Circuit. The objectives of the study were to investigate the dominant responsibilities shared by headteachers of basic school, identify the factors that hinder effective sharing of responsibilities process in basic schools, and to determine how to improve effective shared responsibilities in basic schools at Asokore Mampong Circuit. Three research questions were formulated to guide the stud...
ABSTRACT The rationale for this study is to do systematic investigation into the prevalence of corporal punishment, kinds of offences that attract corporal punishment, the long and short term effects of corporal punishment, and the alternatives to management of misbehavior. The design used for this work is descriptive survey. The researcher wanted to describe the characteristics of the targeted population and their phenomenon. This made the researcher to use descriptive survey. The investigat...
ABSTRACT The study was conducted to explore female migration and drop out in the Ashanti Akim South district. The objectives of the study were to identify the perceived school factors that dominantly cause school dropouts, determine the perceived home factors that dominantly causes school dropouts and to find out the perceived effects of school dropouts in the district. The researcher used descriptive survey design with closed ended questionnaire as the research instrument for the study. The ...
ABSTRACT The study assessed the influence of school infrastructure on students’ academic performance in selected basic schools in the Bosomtwi District. The researcher used descriptive survey design for the study. This research employed quantitative research methods. The population for the study included head teachers, and teachers of three selected basic schools in the Bosomtwi District. The sample size was 39 respondents. The purposive sampling technique was used to select all the thirty ...
ABSTRACT The study investigated shared responsibilities of basic school headteachers at Asokore Mampong Circuit. The objectives of the study were to investigate the dominant responsibilities shared by headteachers of basic school, identify the factors that hinder effective sharing of responsibilities process in basic schools, and to determine how to improve effective shared responsibilities in basic schools at Asokore Mampong Circuit. Three research questions were formulated to guide the stud...
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to analyze the school system in the Sekyere Central District of Ghana to reveal the various types of leadership styles being practiced by head teachers of primary schools and relationship between these leadership styles teachers’ level of job satisfaction. This was to determine the extent to which Democratic, Autocratic and Laissez faire leadership influenced teachers’ job satisfaction. The sample size of the study was 66 teachers. The study adopted ...
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to assess the factors that influence the motivation of primary school teachers in the Tamale Metropolis in the Northern Region of Ghana. A descriptive survey design was employed. A questionnaire was used to gather data. A total of 250 primary school teachers in the Tamale Metropolis were selected for the study by using the probability proportional to size and the simple random sampling techniques. The quantitative data gathered in this research was analy...
ABSTRACT Teaching profession needs to be mastered, and teachers need to be developed. Investing in teachers' professional development is important. Hence, this study aims to look into the structure of staff professional development practices in the Ghana Education Service (GES), and determine the relationship that exist between staff professional development and teachers’ performance. To achieve this, the study sought the perception of teachers towards the staff professional development pra...