ABSTRACT The study sought to determine the extent to which motivational packages influence performance of employees in the Ghana Education Service. The research design used for the study was cross-sectional study. A target population of the study was 50. A set of questionnaire consisting of both closed and open ended questions were used to collect data from 50 teachers as respondents. The data collected was based on the available motivational packages in Ghana Education service. The extent t...
ABSTRACT 4 This study was conducted to investigate the leadership styles of headteachers and their influence on academic performance in selected government schools in the Asokore Mampong Municipality in the Ashanti Region of Ghana. Data were collected with questionnaires. A total of eighty (80) primary school teachers, head teachers and pupils were used for the study. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics. The findings revealed that a holistic practice of the Path-Goal leadershi...
ABSTRACT This research was conducted in Tamale metropolis in the Northern Region of Ghana to examine induction and teacher performance: perception of newly trained teachers in some selected schools in Tamale metropolis. A descriptive survey was the research design employed; whiles the instrument used was survey questionnaire. A purposive sampling technique was employed to select a sample size of 18 respondents in the selected schools. Descriptive statistics such as percentages and frequencies...
ABSTRACT The study focused on teachers in the Dunkwa Senior High Technical School in the Upper Denkyira East Municipality. The main study was to identify the leadership styles and the relationships with teacher performance. The specific objectives were to explore the factors that influence leadership styles, the effects on teacher motivations, to examine the performance of teachers. The mixed methods of research were used as the research design where the data was analysed qualitatively and qu...
ABSTRACT The Purpose of the study was to find out the extent to which Teachers are aware of Ghana Education Service policy banning corporal punishment and the reasons why corporal punishment persists in schools in the Ejisu-Juaben Municipality. The study was a Cross-Sectional Survey, which used descriptive survey (structured questionnaire) to gather the data from 340 respondents (100 teachers and 240 students). Descriptive statistics were used to analyze the results. The results of the study...
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to investigate the prevalence and consequences of violence directed at teachers in Senior High Schools in the Wa Municipality. The study adopted an applied research using a cross-sectional survey design. Primary data were collected from a cross-section of teachers in the Wa Municipality. Seventy-seven (77) teachers across different schools were contacted and their ideas used for this survey. The total population of teachers in the selected municipal sch...
ABSTRACT Self-efficacy is considered as one’s belief in the likelihood of goal completion and can be motivating in itself. To achieve the goals of education, it is very important for teachers to have high self-efficacy which has a direct positive effect on their delivery and the overall benefit of their pupils. In this study, the self-efficacy of teachers in the Bolgatanga municipality was studied. The purpose of the study was in three-fold. First was to access the influence of tea...
ABSTRACT Job satisfaction and teacher motivation are concerned for educational leaders and managers because teachers’ job satisfaction and motivation have significant effect on both teachers and student performance. The purpose of this study was to assess the levels of job satisfaction, teacher motivation and to explore the factors that affect job satisfaction, teacher motivation and effectiveness among teachers of Nkoranza North Senior High Schools. Descriptive survey design was used...
ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to look into the issue of conflict management in ten selected Junior High Schools in the Pru District of Brong Ahafo Region. Literature was reviewed to put the matter of conflict management into high perspective. The study researched into kinds of conflict that exist in Junior High Schools in Pru District, Junior High School teachers perception of conflicts in schools, the causes of conflicts in Junior High Schools and how conflicts are managed in...
ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to investigate female dropout and migration in basic schools in the Bibiani Anwiaso Bekwai District of the Western Region. The objectives of the study were to find out school factors that causes female dropouts, ascertain home factors that causes female dropouts and to determine the effects of female dropouts on schooling decisions in the Bibiani Anwiaso Bekwai District. A descriptive research design with quantitative approach was used for the stud...
ABSTRACT One of the main reasons why some children in Ghana do not attend school is that their parents simply cannot afford to pay the levies charged by schools. The Government of Ghana in 2005 introduced the capitation grant as a policy to alleviate the burden on parents. This survey analyzed the capitation grant scheme and its influence on basic school enrolment in the Amansie West District of Ashanti Region. Questionnaires and participant observation were among the methods employed f...
ABSTRACT The objective main of the study was to find out factors that affect adequate preparation of students towards the BECE in selected Public Junior High schools in the Sagnarigu Municipality. Three research questions were formulated to guide the study. The study employed descriptive survey designed. The population involved teachers, heads teachers, circuit supervisors and parents. Purposive sampling technique was used to select head teachers, parents and circuit supervisors. The teach...
ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to investigate school culture and its effect on the academic performance of junior high students of the Asuofua D/A cluster of schools in the Atwima Nwabiagya District in the Ashanti Region of Ghana. The objectives of the study were to find out factors that constitute the school culture in junior high schools, identify factors that influence students achievement in junior high schools and to find out the relationship between school culture and stude...
ABSTRACT This study had a general purpose of determining how the leadership styles adopted by of headmasters influence teachers’ performance in senior high schools in the Kwadaso submetro. The objectives of the study were to identify the leadership styles employed by headmasters at the Kwadaso Sub-Metro, determine the impact of head masters’ leadership styles on Senior High School teacher’s performance, find out the challenges head masters’ leadership style pose on teachers’...
ABSTRACT This research sought to investigate the factors that contribute to effective teaching and learning in the public senior high schools in Bantama Sub-Metro in the Kumasi Metropolis. The target population for this study comprised of all senior high school teachers in the study area. Out of 342 teachers, 118 of them were randomly selected to participate in the study. Out of this sample selected, 105 representing 89% participated in the study. The study was conducted with quantit...