ABSTRACT Human Resource Development (HRD) is important for organizations in achieving higher performance. Human Resource Development is the frameworks for helping employees develop their personal and organizational skills, knowledge, and abilities. The purpose of the study is measure effect of Teachers Resource Development on school performance at Jomoro Municipal. The study employed descriptive and correlational. The study was conducted using sample of 60 teachers in the Jomoro Municip...
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of female head teachers’ leadership behaviour on teacher efficacy in selected public basic schools in Sagnerigu District in the Northern Region. The study used descriptive research design. Questionnaire with closed-ended items were used to obtain information for the study. The targeted population for this study comprised all the 17 female head teachers and 170 teachers who have females as their heads in the public ba...
ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to find out tutors perception on the current appraisal system. Three research questions were raised to give direction to the study. Descriptive design was employed for the study. The target population comprised tutors and Principal of the Colleges of Education in the Kumasi Metropolis of the Ashanti Region. Simple random sampling was used to select the tutors. The Principals were selected through the purposive sampling technique. A sample size of 1...
ABSTRACT The study assessed the Ghana school feeding program and its effects on enrollment and retention of pupils in schools in the Kassena-Nankana West District. The study used the case study method research design. The total population was 250 respondents in the Kassena Nankana West District. Census method was used to select all the 250 teachers from the selected schools. Questionnaires were the main instrument used to gather primary data. Microsoft Excel and Statistical Package fo...
ABSTRACT Involving students in decision–making has been identified as management tool that ensures efficiency in school administration. One of the problems confronting authorities in Colleges of Education is how to involve students in making decisions that affect them. The purpose of the study was to find out the decision-making areas in which students take part and factors that impede students’ involvement in decision-making. Descriptive design was employed for the study. The targe...
ABSTRACT The study sought to investigate the factors that affect motivation and job satisfaction among teachers in basic schools in Ghana by taking Wenchi Municipal as a case study. The design used for the investigation was the descriptive survey. The total sample of 72 teachers out of a population of 144 were used to respond to questionnaire which was the instrument used for data collection. Stratified random sampling was used to select schools and respondents. Percentages and means ...
ABSTRACT This study was designed to investigate the record keeping practices of primary school teachers in selected local government schools in the Sagnarigu district in the Northern region of Ghana. Descriptive survey design was used which employed a questionnaire to collect field data . A total of 200 primary school teachers selected through the random sample technique were used for the study. The data were analysed using descriptive statistics. The findings showed that although the t...
ABSTRACT The study was conducted to assess the perception of teachers on the leadership styles of head teachers of public basic schools at the Bolgatanga Municipality. The objectives of the study were to determine the leadership styles of Junior high schools head teachers, ascertain the perceived influence of Junior high schools head teachers leadership style on teachers’ job performance and to find out the challenges headmasters faced in their leadership. A descriptive survey design ...
ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to explore the classroom challenges teachers face in Bosomtwe District of Ashanti Region. The descriptive survey design was used for the study. The research population for the study comprised all teachers in public senior high schools in Bosomtwe District. Purposive sampling was used to select a sample of 115 respondents from three public senior high schools in the District for the study. Instrument used for data collection was the closed-ended qu...
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to explore the role of parental involvement towards their children’s education in The Ridge School in Bantama Sub-Metro of Kumasi Metropolis. The study population comprised of all parents of The Ridge School. In all 60 parents were purposively selected to participated in the study and questionnaire were administered in collecting the data. Descriptive statistics was used to analyze the data. The results of the study showed that the parents agree...
ABSTRACT The research sought to explore the impact of Guidance on Pupils performance in Kade,E.P Junior High School.The study looked at related literature concerning the topic. In conducting the research, the descriptive research design was used for the study. The stratified, convenience andsimple random sampling techniques were used in selecting respondents for the study. The researcher used Statistical Product and Service Solution for the data analysis where frequency tables were g...
ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to examine the challenges militating against the induction of newly appointed teachers in the Suame Circuit. The specific objectives of the study were to examine the nature of induction programme organized for newly appointed teachers at the Suame Circuit, determine the effects of induction programme on the teaching and learning of newly appointed teachers in the Suame Circuit and to examine the challenges associated with the induction of newly a...
ABSTRACT The main purpose of this study was to determine the factors influencing indiscipline among Junior High School students in Bosomtwe District of Ashanti Region. The research design that was adopted in the study was descriptive survey. The study used quantitative research approach. The population consisted of all JHS 2 students and teachers in the selected Junior High Schools in the Bosomtwe District of Ashanti Region. The population for the study was 140 participants. Questionna...
ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to examine teachers‟ self-efficacy and job satisfaction. The specific objectives of the study were to: ascertain the beliefs of Junior High School teachers about self-efficacy, determine the beliefs of Junior High School teachers about job satisfaction, ascertain the relationship between teacher self-efficacy and job satisfaction, and find out the appropriate strategies for improving teachers self-efficacy. The research design adopted for the study w...
ABSTRACT Basic education is supposed to lay the foundation for further education and training; to this end, it is necessary that it is of a high quality to achieve its purposes of preparing the young ones for further learning in the future and to equip them with relevant knowledge and skills to enable them function effectively in society. The study examined the impact of World Vision in the provision of basic education in the Talensi District in the upper East Region. The descriptive su...