English Language Research Papers/Topics

Class Struggle A Case Study Of Festus Iyayi’s Violence And Animata Sow Fall’s The Beggars’ Strike

ABSTRACT The Concept of Class struggle describes the constant conflict among the existing strata in every society. The purpose of this academic research is to explore the meaning and important of class struggle in the context of the selected texts. The theoretical framework for this research is the Marxist-Leninist theory, which could be simply summarized as the reaction of the exploited to get rid of exploitation and the exploiters. Various styles used by the duo of Iyayi and Falls is descri...

A Pragmatic Analysis Of Nigerian Proverbs In Wole Soyinka’s The Lion And The Jewel

INTRODUCTION Communication in the society happens chiefly by means of language. However, the users of language, as social beings, communicate and use language within the context as society; society controls their access to the linguistic and communicative means. Language, being the most important means of communication, interaction and social integration among individuals in the society, needs to be preserved, sustained,  and properly developed. Language, by definition, is said to be the hum...

Racism And Aesthetics In Alex La Guma’s A Walk In The Night And Peter Abrahams’ Mine Boy

The dominant literature in Africa had been oral literature, oral literature has been existing since a long time. There was a long delay in the emergence of written literature because of the wide-spread illiteracy in Africa. The blacks have suffered injustice from  the white race right from the time of slavery, this we got to know thru history. It was among this group of Africans that crossed the sea  and came in closer contact with the West, this contact now brought about the first seeds of...

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