ABSTRACT This thesis explored age and gender influence on linguistic features and politeness strategies in SMS messaging among trainee teachers in Ada College of Education using Crystal’s (2008) and House & Kasper’s (1981) analytical frameworks. The data were collected from 400 first and second-year trainee teachers via user diaries, and semi-structured face-to-face interviews. A total of 200 SMS messages were analyzed both qualitatively and quantitatively. The data revealed contractions ...
ABSTRACT The main purpose of the study was to investigate the rhythm and stress used in the educated Ghanaian English speech with focus on parliamentary discourse. Descriptive and qualitative approaches were adopted for the study. The Members of Parliament (MPs) of the 4th Republic of 2006 formed the population of the study. The number of MPs used for the study was sixty. The instrument used for the study was a recording of the parliamentary discourse. Features of the rhythm of Ghanaian Engli...
ABSTRACT This thesis examines the elements of orality and performance in modern African poetry, particularly Osundare’s selected poems. The aim is to observe how Osundare uses the elements of orality in selected poems in The Eye of the Earth and Songs of the Marketplace volumes to present the African human experience. The theoretical framework for this research is the formalistic approach. The analysis is based on ten selected poems each from Osundare’s The Eye of the Earth and Son...
ABSTRACT This study examines the levels of acceptability of some lexical forms and grammatical features identified in the literature as Ghanaian English. It also discusses the recognised or acceptable indexical markers of the variety. The study explains the phenomenon of acceptability through Schneider’s (2007) Dynamic Model of Postcolonial Englishes. Employing both qualitative and quantitative methods, the researcher sampled 400 respondents for a survey and 20 participants for interviews. ...
ABSTRACT Discourse on the existence of Ghanaian English (GhE) has provided several works on the description of GhE pronunciations, especially vowels (for example, Bobda, 2000; Huber, 2008; Lomotey, 2010; Ofori, Duah & Mintah, 2014). But the major challenge is that most of these studies, impressionistically, have provided different numbers of the English monophthongal vowels used in the Ghanaian context and often deny the existence of any long vowel or certain English vowels like /ʊ ʌ ə ɜ:...
ABSTRACT This thesis examines the use of language as propaganda using the Discourse-Historical Approach in Critical Discourse Analysis. The semantic dimensions, discursive and linguistic strategies in Gloria Steinem's and Adolf Hitler's speeches are critically analysed in order to achieve the research objectives. TABLE OF CONTENT Pages Title Page i Certificationii Dedicationiii Acknowledgmentsiv Table of Contentv List of Tablesvii Chapter One: Introduction1 1.0 Introduction1 1.1 Background...