ABSTRACT This study investigated the influence of community attitude on sustainability of Most Vulnerable Children (MVC) projects. It was conducted in Morogoro Municipality with the view to establish the nature of support provided by CARE International to MVC, examine community involvement in MVC projects, explore community attitudes towards MVC and MVC projects, find out whether mtaa Most Vulnerable Children (MVCC) continued to support MVC, assess the effect of community attitudes on sustain...
ABSTRACT Kilosa District is the district in Morogoro Region that has been affected by climate change for many years. This study assessed the pastoral adaptive capacity in the changing climate in Kilosa District. Both simple random and purposive sampling techniques were used to obtain sample. Qualitative data were collected using key informant interview, Focus group discussions and field observation, while quantitative data were collected using household questionnaire survey. Analysis of quali...
ABSTRACT In many parts of the world, widowhood rites are widely believed to be practices that a bereaved spouse has to go through upon becoming a widow. It is a period in which a woman transitions from her marital status as a wife to a widow in the family and community.Different societies attach different customs and values to widowhood, and these have a strong influence on how it is experienced. The study therefore sought to examine the performance and effects of widowhood rites among the ...
ABSTRACT The National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS) provides affordable health care services for the residents of Ghana, of which Tolon District is not an exception although the system is faced with challenges of untimely securing of drugs and poor attention to patients. The NHIS was introduced in 2005 to replace the “cash and carry’’ system which made the health system very difficult to access in Ghana especially in the Tolon District. The study examined the challenges and prospects ...