Political Science And International Relations Research Papers/Topics

The Role of Women Diplomats in Promoting Kenya’s Foreign Policy

Abstract: This study examines the role of women diplomats in promoting Kenya's foreign policy goals. Diplomacy has been practiced at the regional and international levels to achieve the national interests of a country for decades in promoting Dade, diffusing tensions and even conflicts in some aspects. Diplomacy and foreign policy have been a masculine area of practice as the entire International Relations field has been for years. Women have either been daughters, wives, sisters or mothers ...

A Comparative Assessment of the National Integrated Identity Management System and the Zimbabwe Population Registration System: Lessons for Kenya from Zimbabwe

Abstract: This study set out to assess the National Integrated Identity System of Kenya and derive critical lessons from the Zimbabwe Population Registration System that has been in operation since the 1996. National population database systems such as NIEMS and ZPRS have been used by governments world over for various purposes including taxation and welfare purposes. This study utilized the New Public Management theory to interrogate the national identification system in service provision. ...

City Diplomacy of the International Urban Cooperation by the European Union and its Applicability for the East African Community

Abstract: The most common actor in the practice of diplomacy is practiced by states, but the rate at which new players are getting involved in the process grows on a daily basis. An actor being widely considered in academic circles is the city due to the nature of globalization and the sheer fact that cities carry a lot of economic and political might. This study has explored the concept of city diplomacy in a formal arrangement as offered by the International Urban Cooperation. This is a fr...

Kenya and the Somali Crisis

Abstract: Somalia a state once praised for its homogenous society that was seen as a stronghold and model to lasting peace in Africa became its shortfall that led to a fallen state. Clannism was one major cause to this shortfall. Somalia has a lineage based society on a patrimonial clan family which is cross-cut into clans that are divided into the majority and the minority clans. However, clannism is not the only precipitator of instability in Somalia. The concept of the Somali state was th...

Determinants of States’ Influence in Regional Organizations: A Case Study of Kenya in the African Union from 2002-2018

Abstract: The quest for power affects every dimension in international relations. Strong states are capable of influencing and shaping the foreign policy of weak states, influence regional organizations and set the global agenda. Africa has been at the periphery of setting the global agenda mainly due to the fact that most African states formally joined the international system late and this relationship is a result of colonization that was prevalent prior to 1963's foundation of the Organiz...

An Assessment of the Influence of Local Radio Reporting In Conflict Management: A Case Study of Tana Delta Region, Kenya

Abstract: This study aimed to comprehend the influence of local radio reporting in conflict management, a case study of Tana Delta Region. Conflict in Tana Delta Region has been on and off for a long time. This led to a need for a further analysis of the recurrent conflict despite various efforts to manage conflict and promote peace building in the area. The research questions that guided this study were: What role is played by local radio as a medium of communication in influencing conflict...

Evaluating the Contribution of Military Intervention in Attaining Peace and Stability: A Case study of AMISOM Forces in Somalia

Abstract: Sovereign states view military intervention in their internal conflicts as a direct violation of their affairs and challenge its necessity especially in the modern international system. However, the use of military intervention has been increasing during the late 20th Century and more in the 21st century in different parts of the world as a way to avert serious humanitarian crisis and as a way to protect innocent civilians. One of the recent military interventions in Africa that ha...

Effects of the International Criminal Court (ICC) Judicial Process on State Sovereignty: A Case Study of Kenya

Abstract: Many African leaders and scholars have held the view that the International Criminal Court (ICC) is a threat to the sovereignty of the people of Africa. Kenya went ahead and attempted to withdraw from the Rome Statute when the Office of The Prosecutor began investigations into the post-election violence of 2007-2008. This research sought to understand how the involvement and intervention of the ICC affect the sovereignty of the State by looking at the case of ICC in Kenya. The rese...

Assessing Chinas' Presence In Kenya

Abstract: Africa previously described by the rest of the world as the "Dark Continent", has witnessed a new wave of competition for its resources. This competition has renewed attraction of traditional players and rising powers like China. A new global power game worthy of the world attention could be shaping in Africa. The presence of China i n Africa is creating jitters among the European powers and the United States. The United States especially feels its hegemony threatened. Unfortunatel...

Terrorism and Transformation of Rules of Behaviour: A Case Study of the African Union

Abstract: The concept of terrorism has been a political phenomenon since 1795 when terror was used as an instrument of furthering political ends. This research explores the African Union counter-terrorism mechanisms that emerged after the disastrous September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on America. Analysis bas been made of the historical development of counter-terrorism in Africa since the legacy of the Organization of African Unity. Being an Organization whose agenda was to rid Africa of co...

African Growth Opportunity Act (AGOA) As an Instrument of American Domination over Sub Saharan Africa in Their Trade and Investment Relations

Abstract: For many years, America did not have any strong trade and development investment in Africa. This changed in the year 2000, with the enactment of Public Act 106-200 which introduced the African Growth Opportunity Act (AGOA) whose intention was and has been to benefit Sub-Saharan African States by removing the trade barriers, duties, levies and quotas that would promote trade between these states. Before the inception of AGOA Africa –US relations had for a long time been limited as...

Role of Diaspora in Promoting Pan-Africanism: A case of Kenyans in Australia

Abstract: The research examines role of diaspora in promoting pan-Africanism while using Australia as a case. It also examines the different political, social and economic activities undertaken by Kenyan diaspora in Australia and to determine the extent to which pan-Africanism influences the political, social and economic activities of Kenyans in Australia. This study is appropriately prompted given the increased relevance of diaspora to Africa. Additionally, the researcher’s interactions ...

Decision Making Processes in the Formulation of Strategies for Economic Diplomacy in Malawi: A Case for Foreign Direct Investment1991- 2018

Abstract: This research has been driven by the desire (of a practitioner assigned to mobilize potential investors to Malawi in a diplomatic office) to find a solution to challenges faced by Malawi in attracting Foreign Direct Investment (FDI). Starting from a foreign policy analysis point of view, it is clear that foreign policy has two major strands: the traditional power politics which is dependent on military power; and the economic diplomacy which has evolved from commercial diplomacy. A...

Re-Conceptualising Hegemony in Southern Africa: Mozambique as a Hegemonic Stability Actor

Abstract: This study’s proposition is to investigate three hegemony questions. Whilst each question seeks to answer a different question, they are interdependent and a piece of a broader thought. They critically examine the concept of hegemony in a quest to understand the actual power actors of the different African regions. This study aims to contextualise hegemony by interrogating African features and realities that makes a state hegemonically powerful. Due to the dominance of western in...

Role of European Union in Kenya’s Democratization Process (2010 – 2017)

Abstract: The 21st century marks the global rise of the democratic system of governance and the fall of authoritarian regimes. Authoritarian rule have increasingly fallen across the developing countries especially in Africa. This wave was further propelled by the fall of the bi-polar international system and rise of a multi-polar one which heralded the emergence of external actors particularly western donors including NGOs, INGOs and IGO‘s which have spurred and supported the democratizati...

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