Political Science And International Relations Research Papers/Topics

The Challenges And Effects Of Violent Conflict On Development: A Study Of The Democratic Republic Of Congo (Drc)

ABSTRACT The topic under review examined the ‘Challenges and Effects of Violent Conflict on Development: A Study of the Democratic Republic of Congo’. The Democratic Republic of Congo has been plunged in violent conflict for the last three decades, with catastrophic effects for its development. The contemporary conflicts in the DRC are to an extent a repetition of former conflicts, indicating that the primary causes of the conflict have not been properly tackled. The armed conflict and vi...

Terrorism And Its Impact On Global Security (A Case Study Of Al-Qaeda)

ABSTRACT Terrorism is not a new phenomenon which has been in existence for years carried out by individuals and organizations mainly for political reasons. Notwithstanding, due to the activities of these terrorist groups, they will in general debilitate a state's capacity to guarantee the wellbeing and security to its citizens. Using Al-Qaeda as a case study, a group in existence for over 2 decades, the study focuses on their terror acts such as the bombing of train stations in Madrid 2004, a...

An Examonation Of Gender- Based Violence In Africa; A Critical Analysis Of Rape Culture In Nigeria

ABSTRACT The topic under review examined “Gender-Based Violence in Africa; A critical analysis of Rape Culture in Nigeria”. Gender-based violence (GBV) is ubiquitous, but still the least human right violation in the globe. Gender-based violence is a developmental challenge globally and it affects women and men from despite ethnicity, class, culture and race. Unfortunately, the scourge of rape in Nigeria is one that has been going on for quite a while and has been disregarded, regularly ke...

Gender Parity In Nigeria: Examining The Implementation Of National Gender Policy In The National Assembly (2011 – 2019)

ABSTRACT Under the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) standards, both men and women should have equal rights and opportunities to everything worldwide, most especially to participate fully in all aspects and at all levels of political processes. In Africa, women constitute over half of the population and contribute in vital ways to societal development generally. This study has investigated gender parity in Nigeria: examining the implementation of national gender policy in the natio...

Achievements And Challenges Of Technical Aid Corps As A Foreign Policy Tool

ABSTRACT . The Technical Aid Corps Scheme is conceived by the Federal Government of Nigeria as an instrument of economic diplomacy. The ultimate aim of the programme is to promote Nigerias economic interest and boost her image in the comity of nations. However, despite the huge investment, Nigeria has not leveraged on the opportunities provided by TAC as a policy instrument to harvest economic and other dividends from the recipient states. The aim of the study therefore is to assess the schem...

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