Politics and Public Management Research Papers/Topics

An Evaluation Of The Effectiveness Of The Office Of The Auditor General In Promoting Sound Public Sector Auditing In Zimbabwe

Abstract Auditor General’s offices are known as Supreme Audit Institutions whose main mandate is to act as watchdogs of the national purse and as such play a pivotal role in ensuring efficient, economic and effective use of public resources and moneys. The main thrust of the study is to proffer a critical evaluation of the office of the Auditor General in promoting sound public sector management in Zimbabwe. The key argument of the study is that the legislative framework has a vital bearing...

An Analysis Of The Impact Of Social Service Delivery On The Livelihoods Of The People In Zimbabwe’s Resettlememnt Areas. In Case Of Caledonia Farm. From 2000-2015

ABSTRACT During the period of 2000 to 2015, Zimbabwe has been characterized by the socio, economic and political crisis. From the Millennium, the government embarked on the fast track land resettlement program. The fast track land resettlement programme was defined by the GoZ as an elaborate plan for the Land Reform and Resettlement Programme Phase 2. The programme aimed at acquiring millions of hectares and settling thousands of families. The beneficiaries were to include landless poor and ...

Citizen Participation and Development Planning in Zimbabwe Local Government system. A case of Khami District in Bulawayo Metropolitan Province from 2004-2015.

ABSTRACT The subject of citizen participation has been a bone of both administrative and development contention and it is believed that if the participation is effective, development attempts will as well be successful. When Zimbabwe gained independence in 1980, the Government paid much attention in trying to revive the Local Government system in an attempt to redress the unfairness of the colonial Local Government system through formulating legislations and structures that facilitate grassro...

The Impact Of Employee Motivation On Organisation Perfomance: A Case Of Zimbabwe Power Company (Zpc) (2013-December 2016

ABSTRACT The study seeks to unravel the factors that affect Zimbabwe Power Company employees’ motivation and the corresponding effect of the identified motivational factors on workers’ performance and overall productivity. The survey revealed that, among the top ten critical factors (teamwork, work based on contract, supervision based on leadership by example and provision of equipment) had great effect on motivation as well as impact on organization performance. More so communication, lo...

An analysis of the impact of development-induced relocation on the livelihoods of people in Zimbabwe. A case of Arda -Transau resettlement in Mutare District from 2014 to 2017.

ABSTRACT Many countries in the world have embarked on development projects such as mining, dam construction, urban development and population distribution schemes as a way of speeding up economic development and aiming at improving the living standards of citizens. Most of the development projects require large tracts of land which has resulted in the relocation of indeginous communities. Development-induced relocation has both positive and negative impacts on the livelihood of the displaced ...

An Assessment on the Impacts of Government Food Aid Projects in Promoting Household Food Security. The Case of Drought Relief Programmes in Mutare District Ward 15 2013 to 2016.

ABSTRACT The study was carried out in Mutare District ward 15 from 2013-2016. The aim of the study was to assess the impacts of Government Food Aid projects in promoting household food security paying particular attention on the Drought Relief Programmes. The study sampled 52 households using simple random sampling who are the beneficiaries of food aid. The study also sampled 10 government officials using purposive sampling who have been implementing the programme. Government Food aid program...

An Assessment Of The Challenges Facing Opposition Political Parties In Zimbabwe To Consolidate Political Power Since Independence (1980). Case Study, Movement For Democratic Change (Mdc-T).

Abstract This research was an assessment of the challenges that have bedeviled the success of the opposition political parties in Zimbabwe since independence (1980). Despite looking at the general context of opposition political parties, much reference has been made to the Movement for Democratic Change led by Morgan R. Tsvangirai (MDC-T) that came into the political lime light in the year 1999. Theories played a pivotal role in articulating the challenges. Both qualitative and quantitat...

An Analysis On The Effectiveness Of The The Role Of Parliament In Strengthening Police Accountabilty In Zimbabwe, 2013-2017.

ABSTRACT Police Accountability is critically important as it seeks to enhance a culture of police accountability and constitutionalism in Zimbabwe. This is very instructive in that it aptly recognises the instrumental role played by Parliament in cultivating the culture of accountable national governance systems in our national institutions such as the Police Service. As encapsulated in the Preambular statement of the Constitution of Zimbabwe, the people of Zimbabwe cherish “…freedom, equ...

The Press Legitimisation of Politicians: The dailynews and Morgan Tsvangirai in the post 31 July 2013 election period.

Abstract Politics is a complex game and winning the ballot is not everything. Politicians have to find strategies of keeping themselves relevant to their electorate each time they lose power. As such their portrayal by the media in general and the press in particular constructs or deconstructs them. This study therefore, seeks to look at the audience‟s reception of the dailynews’ portrayal of Morgan Tsvangirai after the 31 July 2013 elections. Fourier (2007) asserts that media texts do no...

Any Analysis Of The Monopolisation Of Power By Political Parties In Zimbabwe; 2005-2015. A Case Of Zanu-Pf And Mdc-T

ABSTRACT Monopolisation of power by political parties has been a common feature from the past decades and has managed to grab much attention regionally and internationally due to its devastating effects. In Zimbabwe power monopolisation by political parties is the order of the day and the devastating effects of power monopolisation are clearly evidenced by the country’s political and economic deterioration. The study proffer the background on how power monopolisation started and its develop...

An analysis on conflict management between politicians and public managers in public sector Zimbabwe, The case of Masvingo City Council: 2008 to 2014

Abstract Conflict is inevitable at any given organisation, society, community, groupings, and associations even among family members. The inevitability of conflict is not worthy to be ignored but worthy to be given much attention to be managed. Trying to ignore and deny the existential of conflict within organisations or among individuals will be like ignoring a drop of acid on your own body. Management of conflict is a necessity especially in the public sector. The public sector in Zimbabwe ...

An Assessment Of The Impact Of Food Aid Programs To Household Food Security In Zimbabwe. Case Of Chimanimani District

ABSTRACT This study was carried out in Chimanimani district and it seeks to understand the impact of food aid on household food security. The study sampled 40 households using convenient sampling who are the beneficiaries and non-beneficiaries of food aid. Food aid program is widely debated in the world and has made many people to believe that food aid has a disincentive effect while others believe it is an essential tool for agriculture and food security development. For the past decade, foo...

An Assessment Of Unki Mines’ Compliance With Government Policies Towards Beneficiation Of The Zimbabwean Indigenous People: The Case Of The Indegenisation And Zimasset Policies.

ABSTRACT Contrary to the expectation that the Indigenization Policies would bring economic empowerment, poverty reduction, rise of employment opportunities and beneficiation of the indigenous people among other things, the vice versa has been largely true in the Zimbabwean context. Thus, a need to determine the extent to which “government interference” has been responsible for the rampant economic dilapidation and perpetual rise in deindustrialization. A juxtaposed class of debate has att...

An Assessment Of The Relationship Between Democracy And Economic Growth. A Case Study Of Zimbabwe, From 1980 – 2008.

ABSTRACT This research was conducted to assess the relationship that exist between democracy and economic growth, examining whether the two have an effect on each other, that is, does democracy foster or it actually hinders economic growth and also if economic growth influence a nation to be a democratic or to a be a non-democratic one. Thus the essence of the study is to investigate the robustness of the relationship. Zimbabwe was used as the case study to help out in the conduction of this ...

Assessment Of The Contribution Of Community Share Ownership Schemes Or Trusts On The Zimbabwean Economy: The Case Of Mhondoro Ngezi Csos

ABSTRACT The article primarily analyses the effectiveness of the economic empowerment strategies targeted at the community of Mhondoro Ngezi Rural district. Despite abundant mineral resources, the indigenous communities living close to the mines have been deprived of the right to directly or indirectly benefit from the mineral resources. The study utilised a descriptive survey to collect data. The article gives a strong indication of how communities of Mhondoro Ngezi Rural district can utilis...

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