Social Development and Management Research Papers/Topics

A differential analysis of contributing factors to Juvenile delinquency in Busia township location, Busia county, Kenya

Abstract/Overview The term juvenile delinquency has a very extensive meaning and includes rebellious and hostile behavior of children and adolescents and their attitude of indifference towards society. Juvenile delinquency is a problem that only affects not just one particular society; delinquent youth can be found around the globe. Throughout the nineteenth century, moralists and critics warned that newspapers were the cause of juvenile crime. In the 1920s, scholars were alarmed at what the...

The Influence of Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision on HIV Related Risk Behaviours and Perceptions among Young Women (18-24yrs) in Manyatta "A" Sub-Location, Kisumu City, Kenya

Abstract/Overview Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision (VMMC) reduces risk of HIV acquisition in heterosexual relationships. Kenya adopted VMMC as an HIV prevention strategy in 2008 and has been making significant progress towards achievement of its circumcision targets. In Kenya, Nyanza region with the highest HIV prevalence and lowest male circumcision prevalence has been the focus of VMMC activities. The focus of research around VMMC and VMMC associated activities such as HIV education and...

Contribution of Rural Electrification Project on Small Scale Business Ventures Undertaken By Women in Thurdibuoro Location, Kisumu County, Kenya

Abstract/Overview In Kenya, electricity is used as a conduit to facilitate poverty eradication by lighting up the rural and marginal areas thus making such areas to be conducive for small and medium business ventures. A closer scrutiny of small scale business ventures undertaken by women in Kisumu County reveal that contrary to the expectation of social and economic transformation as a result of availability of electricity in rural areas, much is yet to be achieved since small scale business...

Effects of cash transfer on social networks of older persons in Ndhiwa district, Homa-bay county, Kenya

Abstract/Overview Cash transfer program for older persons in Kenya started in 2007; the program is nationwide and is currently covering over 58,600 older persons aged over 65 years old. Without a reliable data concerning the effectiveness of the program, chances were high that it might fail to convince stakeholders to support it in future. This study intended to evaluate the effects of cash transfer on social networks of older persons in Ndhiwa District in Homa-Bay County. Specific objective...

Social determinants of adoption of on-farm tree planting and its contribution to household income in Shinyalu, Kakamega, Kenya

Abstract/Overview ABSTRACT Throughout the world, deforestation continues at an alarming rate of about 13 million hectares a year. Human activities are by far the most common and most destructive cause of deforestation in Africa and other tropical regions as most rural people depend on forests for livelihood and income. The Kenyan government has promoted on-farm tree planting as an intervention to ease community dependence on forest resources for livelihood and income. However, this initiativ...

Factors Affecting Male Partners' Involvement in The Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission (Pmtct) of Hiv/Aids In Asego Division, Homa Bay County, Kenya

Abstract/Overview Abstract HIY/AIDS pandemic has far-reaching social, economic, health and population effects. In addition to the harms directly inflicted on HIV -infected individuals and the households in which they live, AIDS has had indirect effects that are nevertheless real and substantial on communities and the whole of society. According to UNAIDS (2013), over 1700 children become infected with HIV worldwide each day with over 95% of them getting it through mother-to-child transmissio...

Challenges of commercialization of rural water service Provision in Rabuor sub- location, Kisumu county

Abstract/Overview ABSTRACT More than 80% of the world's population in rural areas currently has no access to improved safe water supplies. The Kenya Census of 2009, indicates that, more than 35.4% of Kenyan households depend on point sources (springs, wells, boreholes) while around 63.1% of rural population is relying on untreated (unsafe) water. These high figures occur yet water is recognized in the water Act 2002 and the constitution of Kenya 20 I0 as a fundamental human right. In an atte...

The effects of reforms on welfare of assistant chiefs’ in Emuhaya district, Vihiga county

Abstract/Overview ABSTRACT Reforms in the Provincial Administration have been very critical for the sound development of Kenya. Assistant Chiefs operated under the Chief's Act which vested undue powers on them. These powers were either detrimental to the people in terms offreedom of speech or was positive towards the development of the community. Coordination of government activities as well as maintenance of law and order at the community level made the Assistant Chiefs very powerful. Denyi...

The socio-economic impact of artisanal gold Mining in Ikolomani division, Kakamega county; Kenya

Abstract/Overview ABSTRACT Land is the most coveted and jealously guarded resource for Socio-economic development among Kenyan rural households. Most artisanal gold miners are from socially and economically marginalized communities, and turn to mining in order to escape extreme poverty, unemployment and landlessness. Sometime the gold is present but very tiny or should we say in low and unexpected quantities especially when you look at the depth of the mines. The Knowledge Gap that the study...

An assessment of factors promoting violation of child Rights in Ndhiwa division, Homa bay county, Kenya

Abstract/Overview ABSTRACT [he notion of children as rights-bearers emerged in response to the vulnerability of children seen so starkly during the First World War. "Children have a set of human rights specific to them because the general thrust behind national and international action on behalf of the children is the moral and legal ecognition of their emotional, physical, psychological vulnerability their need for special care and recognition of the obligation to respect for their rights i...

Socio-cultural Factors and Birth Registration of Children in Gucha Sub-County, Kisii County, Kenya

Abstract/Overview Children hold a unique and privileged position in society. One of the obligations that state parties assume upon assenting to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) and the African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of Children (ACR WC) is that of ensuring birth registration. The lack of trend data on birth registration in many countries makes it difficult to analyze progress at global and regional levels. However, in Kenya, the value of birth registration as a...

Socio-cultural factors affecting women participation in elective leadership positions in Homabay county, Kenya

Abstract/Overview ABSTRACT Globally, studies have shown that women’s participation in elective leadership positions is low. In Kenya, the Constitution of Kenya of 2010 provides for equal opportunities for both men and women in elective positions. However, in the general elections of 2013, no single woman was elected as a member of the County Assembly or National Assembly in Homa Bay Town and Rangwe Constituencies, Homa Bay County. Although other studies attribute non-election of women in p...

The influence of women’s formal employment on changing gender roles in Kenya reinsurance (Kenya re) estate Kisumu county

Abstract/Overview ABSTRACT The present lifestyle calls for both gender in a household to work in order to lessen the burden of high cost of living. In Africa, massive increase of women in labour force has led to the neglect of unpaid household chores to full time employment. Traditionally, house work usually falls to the women who struggle to fend for the family. It was however not known how their commitment to work had impacted on their multiple household roles. This study’s objectives as...

Social support for orphaned children in Busia Township: challenges and prospects

Abstract/Overview Worldwide, there are more than140 million children under the age of 18 years who are orphaned because of HIV/AIDS and other causes. More than 46.6 million of these children come from Sub-Saharan Africa and more than 2 million in Kenya with challenges such as poor nutrition, poor shelter and lack of access to educational facilities. Busia County is among the top five counties in Kenya with the highest HIV/AIDs prevalence rates and deaths. County statistics indicate that ther...

Factors determining primary school educational access by orphans and vulnerable children in Malanga zone, Siaya county, Kenya

Abstract/Overview In parts of the developing countries, there is low access rate of Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC) in primary education, despite support from the government and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs). Malanga zone is rural based and has the highest number of OVC-4782 in Gem sub County, Siaya County. It also has the highest number of NGOs supporting OVCs compared to other zones-Nyawara, Kambare, Bar Kalare, Komuor, Sirembe yet inspite of the support to OVCs in Malanga Zo...

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