Social Development and Management Research Papers/Topics

Factors Promoting Female Genital Mutilation Practice among Girls in Kuria West Sub-County, Kenya

Abstract/Overview Female genital mutilation (FGM) is a traditional practice that involves the partial or total removal of the external female genital organ for cultural reasons. This practice condemned by the Kenyan government because of its negative effects on the girl child is still persistence in the Kuria ethnic group. This study focused on the factors promoting FGM practice amongst the girls in Kuria west sub-county. The specific objectives were; to analyse the prevalence rate of FGM in...

The Causes of Early Pregnancy on Academic achievement of Primary School Girls in Migori County

Abstract/Overview The Kenyan Educational system has failed to ingrain key values of morality and democracy because it focuses on academic achievement as an end in itself. Children, who enter the school system at the primary level, do not complete the cycle. Pupils drop out at various stages of the education system, especially in Standards 6, 7 and 8. A study conducted in Kenya found that girls with poor school performance were significantly more likely than the best students to become pregna...

Factors Influencing Inter-Ethnic Conflict Between the Luo and Abagusii Communities in Angaga Village, Migori County, Kenya

Abstract/Overview Conflict is a global phenomenon that afflicts all types of cultures. The presence of ethnic conflict in Kenya is as old as pre colonial rule in Africa. In spite of government and other institutions' desires for peace and tranquillity, inter-ethnic conflict in Kenya has c'ontinued to feature affecting many communities. Luo and Abagusii communities of Angaga Village have experienced sporadic inter-ethnic conflicts leading to occasional fights in the last two decades. The freq...

The Challenges of Solid Waste Management in Nyalenda Estate - Kisumu County, Kenya

Abstract/Overview Solid waste management comprises the functions of generation, storage, collection, transportation,treatment and disposal of solid waste with the objectives of protecting the health of the population, promotion of environmental quality, supporting economic productivity and generationof employment and income. The achievement of these objectives requires sustainable systemswhich are adapted to and carried by the municipality and its local communities. Most municipalitiesoften ...

Socio-Cultural Factors Affecting Adherence to Antiretroviral Therapy among HIV Patients in Mabera Division, Kuria West Sub County, Kenya

Abstract/Overview Human Immuno-deficiency Virus and Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (HIV and AIDS) has had a devastating effect on humanity. The gains made in research have seen improvements in managing the condition and transforming HIV from an acute condition to a chronic illness that is manageable and survivable. It is estimated that 35 million people live "with HIV and AIDs globally, 25 million in Africa and 1.6 million in Kenya. Migori County has 13.4% AIDS prevalence. The health fa...

Alcohol Intake among Secondary School Students in Ndhiwa Division, Ndhiwa Sub County, Kenya

Abstract/Overview Globally, alcohol intake among secondary school students has been recognized as a serious problem that needs quick government attention. For example in Netherlands, underage binge drinking rose from 700 teenage drinking cases in hospitals in 2009 to 900 cases in 2010 and the same problem has also been noted in Thailand, Ethiopia, Uganda and Kenya where drinking among adolescents is seen as a psychological and social problem .This is despite the fact that many cultures in gl...

Assessment of male attitudes towards family Planning in Kisumu city, a case study Of Migosi estate, Kisumu city, Kenya

Abstract/Overview In spite of the commendable efforts that have been made by several scholars, governments, public and private organizations or even individuals in encouraging the use of family planning practices; millions of people continually languish in the abject effects of the poor family planning practices and attitudes. Even more worryingly, many studies indicate that there is a limited involvement of men at homes, health arenas, market places, government offices and religious places ...

The safety of children in charitable institutions in Kisumu east District, Kenya

Abstract/Overview A Charitable Children's Institution (CCI) is a home or institution which has been established by a person, corporate, a religious organization or a non-governmental organization and has been granted approval by the National Council for Children's Services (NCCS) to manage programs for the care, protection, rehabilitation or control of children in charitable children' institutions. This is provided for by the Children Act 2001 Section 58. Safety is the relative freedom from ...

A differential analysis of contributing factors to Juvenile delinquency in Busia township location, Busia county, Kenya

Abstract/Overview The term juvenile delinquency has a very extensive meaning and includes rebellious and hostile behavior of children and adolescents and their attitude of indifference towards society. Juvenile delinquency is a problem that only affects not just one particular society; delinquent youth can be found around the globe. Throughout the nineteenth century, moralists and critics warned that newspapers were the cause of juvenile crime. In the 1920s, scholars were alarmed at what the...

The Influence of Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision on HIV Related Risk Behaviours and Perceptions among Young Women (18-24yrs) in Manyatta "A" Sub-Location, Kisumu City, Kenya

Abstract/Overview Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision (VMMC) reduces risk of HIV acquisition in heterosexual relationships. Kenya adopted VMMC as an HIV prevention strategy in 2008 and has been making significant progress towards achievement of its circumcision targets. In Kenya, Nyanza region with the highest HIV prevalence and lowest male circumcision prevalence has been the focus of VMMC activities. The focus of research around VMMC and VMMC associated activities such as HIV education and...

Contribution of Rural Electrification Project on Small Scale Business Ventures Undertaken By Women in Thurdibuoro Location, Kisumu County, Kenya

Abstract/Overview In Kenya, electricity is used as a conduit to facilitate poverty eradication by lighting up the rural and marginal areas thus making such areas to be conducive for small and medium business ventures. A closer scrutiny of small scale business ventures undertaken by women in Kisumu County reveal that contrary to the expectation of social and economic transformation as a result of availability of electricity in rural areas, much is yet to be achieved since small scale business...

Socio-cultural Factors and Birth Registration of Children in Gucha Sub-County, Kisii County, Kenya

Abstract/Overview Children hold a unique and privileged position in society. One of the obligations that state parties assume upon assenting to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) and the African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of Children (ACR WC) is that of ensuring birth registration. The lack of trend data on birth registration in many countries makes it difficult to analyze progress at global and regional levels. However, in Kenya, the value of birth registration as a...

16 - 27 Of 27 Results