ABSTRACTThis study was designed to investigate into the assessment of secondary school student performance in economics in Ado-Ekiti Local Government are in Ekiti StateThis population of this study consisted 20 economics teacher and 100 economics student in their senior secondary school II. A simple random sampling technique was selected to investigate the student performance in economics was due to lack of interest in economics by student, short supply of qualified economics teachers I schoo...
ABSTRACT This study investigated cost and students’ learning outcomes in selected senior secondary school subject in Lagos state with a view to determine the contribution of the invested funds by the Lagos state government as well as different households in Lagos state senior secondary school education to students’ learning outcomes. The students’ WASSCE results for five years (2005-2009) were taken as a measure of students’ learning outcome. A total of t...
Abstract Today, the need to improve academic performance in our secondary schools calls for serious commitment from all quarters. Consequently, this study investigated teachers’ motivation and academic achievement of senior secondary school students in Abuja Municipal Area Council of the Federal Capital Territory. Specifically, the study sought to find out whether teachers ‘motivation has effect on their morale and the academic achievement of Senior Secondary School Student in AMAC, FCT. ...
ABSTRACT Revenue generation is the nucleus and the path to modern development. Thus, the study was to assess the impact of poor revenue generation on the development of Local Government Areas. Consequent upon the fact that this tier of government is the closest to the people, and it will required revenue to meet the social and infrastructural expectations of its people. But it is worrisome that the level has fallen below expectations, vis-à-vis its inability to provide basic social ameni...
The study examined the effect of rapid population increase on economic growth in Nigeria. Data was collected from well structured questionnaire administered to the residents of Ondo state. Data collected was analyzed using mean, standard deviation, frequency counts and percentages. Findings revealed that Human capital development has positive impact on economic growth in Nigeria. It was also discloded thst population growth has great effect on economic growth. Similarly, findings revealed th...
08132208096 This research work titled “the causes of divorce and its effect on child up bring among women in Oji-River L.G.A, Enugu State examine the relationship between divorce and its effect on child up bringing among women in Oji-River L.G.A. The researcher adopted survey design. The population of the study consists of the entire population of Oji-River L.G.A, which consist of 79,280. The sample size of this study is 399. The sampling techniques used in this study are purposive and stra...
ABSTRACT This project work focuses on the effect of social life on academic performance of students in tertiary institutions. The study was carried out using 200 students in 20 departments which was made up of 20 items and it was analysis using chi-square statistics method. The findings are based on some factors of social life which include: excessive activities in the school, club and association , which pose an effect on the academic performance of students in higher institutions. ...
the state of insecurity engendered by boko haram insurgency in north east part of the country is quet worrisome and disheartening.
The Project is a about rural tourism development and economic diversification in Nigeria, with a case study of Owu falls in Kwara state. It uses the primary method of data collected by using focus interview and questionnaires as well as direct observation of activities at Owa Kajola which is the village that houses the water fall. The t-test was used in analysing the data gathered. Overview Tourism is one of the largest and fastest growing industries in the world. In both developed and devel...
Abstract The main purpose of this study is to determine the impact of Oil Industry on the Economic Development of Nigeria. In doing this we concentrated on the major objective of the study which are: To identify precisely, the contribution of NNPC in Nigeria economic development. To identify the effect of oil revenue on the sector of the economy and point out the negative roles of NNPC and the oil industry. In carrying out this study, the research design used was survey method. The sample si...
Abstract The study set out to ascertain the extent to which financial institution have helped in the economic development of Nigeria. The fundamental issue in Nigeria today is the manner in which it can break away from the grip of poverty and under development one of the objective of this study is therefore the examine to the role of financial institution in development of Nigeria using their bringing together the small scattered saving surplus unit in the country and deficit borrowers for...
Abstract The cardinal focus of this study were the Causes, Effects of Economic Meltdown and Possible Suggestions for the improvement of economic growth and development of Nigerian economy. Three research questions were formulated for the study. A structural questionnaire was administered to 200 bank staff and 10 managers for data collection. Frequency tables mean and percentage statistics were the tools used for analysis the study revealed many causes and effects of economic meltdown in the ...
ABSTRACT The student’s industrial work experience scheme (SIWES) Relevance to the Department of Secretarial Studies was researched upon. The instruments used was questionnaire and this questionnaire items were used to answer the research questions. The results were collected and analyzed in the chapters that make up this study Journals, Encyclopedia and project works of others scholars were used in the review of literature. Students of the department of secretarial studies of Institu...
ABSTRACT The researcher in this work, examined the major problems affecting the efficient performance of secretarial functions in selected organizations and ministries in Enugu metropolis. In carrying out this project, the researcher initially stated the background of the study, significance of the study, research questions scope and limitation. Equally, in chapter two of the project the researcher review the literature that had relevance to the research topic. The research gave general featu...
ABSTRACT Ezeagu is among the tribe that produces art in Enugu State. Most of them are now Christanions, yet the old traditions still have a powerful influence in the life of Ezeagu people. It is better for one to trace the history of his people and pass it on to the younger ones. The Art of Ezeagu people suffered much humiliation and neglect at the advent of western civilization. The effect was felt more on the sculpture which comprised carving and molding. Such an event will deny generati...