ABSTRACT Worldwide Statistic provides that, women are underrepresented in management position in education. Therefore this study sought to investigate challenges facing women involvement in educational management in Siaya County. The study objectives were to determine women representation in positions of school management, to analyze the social-cultural, economic and administrative factors and find out the strategies that women in positions of school management use in coping with the challeng...
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to assess constraints on pupils’ transition from primary to public secondary schools in Bureti Sub-County, Kericho County, Kenya. The objectives of this study were to determine trends and performance of national examination and gross enrolment rates in primary schools so as to establish the transition rates from primary to public secondary schools before and after the introduction of secondary school tuition waiver in Bureti sub-county, Kericho County,...
ABSTRACT The study explored issues and challenges facing newly appointed principals in public secondary schools in Mombasa County as they discharge their administrative responsibilities. The main focus was to identify and describe the challenges faced and strategies used by the principals to address challenges. This was done by involving ten respondents (principals) who were sampled using stratified sampling technique. The study was guided by the following research objectives: to establish is...
ABSTRACT Poor performance in English language among students in Kenya has been alarming over the recent past. This has been argued to be the root-cause of the continued decline in performance on other subjects that are learnt and taught in English. One of the major steps that have been taken to enhance the performance in English was the integration of English language and English literature into one subject. However, despite such efforts, the students’ performance in English and other subje...
ABSTRACT A lot of resources have been directed to the education sector in terms of inputs in order to improve the quality of education. Despite all these, performance in KCSE by students in public secondary schools in Rarieda Sub County has persistently remained poor. It is for this reason that the researcher undertook this project work in order to establish the influence of social capital on the same. The purpose of the study was to establish the influence of social capital on students‟ ac...
ABSTRACT Strengthening of Mathematics and Science Secondary Education (SMASSE) in-service training has been ongoing since 2004 when it was introduced in Nyeri County. The programme is believed to enhance teaching practices for mathematics and science teachers, and better performance of the students. However, empirical studies have not conclusively on its implementation and contribution towards teaching mathematics. The purpose of the study was to establish whether effectiveness of SMASSE impl...
ABSTRACT Academic performance in KCSE in almost all the subjects offered has bee low in Isiolo County. However, the major factors contributing to this trend have not been clearly understood. This therefore limits the ability of educational stakeholders to improve the performance in KCSE. The purpose of this study was to investigate the socio-economic, socio-cultural and school based factors that are affecting student‟s performance in KCSE in Isiolo County. Seven research questions were form...
ABSTRACT The purpose of my study was to determine challenges facing secondary school head teachers in the management of Free Secondary Education (FSE) in Usigu Division of Bondo District. 6 secondary schools were be sampled using the criteria of boarding or day status, type i.e. boys, girls or mixed. In each school head teacher, 3 teachers, PTA chairman and 10 students were the target population. Data was collected through questionnaire, interview and observation schedule. Collected data was...
ABSTRACT Education is the foundation towards enhancing people‟s capacity based on life skills, knowledge and experiential wisdom in order to acquire economic and social prosperity. In spite of the rationale for the development towards Free Primary Education in Kenya, there are concerns regarding its efficiency based on enrolment and graduation rates in most regions in Kenya. This study was aimed at finding out the school based determinants of the flow of pupils through primary school cycle ...
ABSTRACT While private tutoring may have many positive effects, such as increasing human capital, providing constructive after-school activities for pupils, and generating additional income for tutors, it may also produce a number of negative effects. To this end, the purpose of this study is to find out the effects of private supplementary tutoring in secondary schools in Gatundu South District. The objectives of the study are to: analyze the scale of private supplementary tutoring in second...
ABSTRACT The Ministry of Education initiated the integration of computer technologies in teaching of school curriculum in order to enhance quality of education in Kenya. Poor performance in Kiswahili subject skills has been experienced for a while, among majority students in sub-county secondary schools in Nakuru County, Kenya. The integration of CAI in teaching of Languages, helps to transform pedagogical skills in order to improve learners’ performance. The purpose of this study was ...
ABSTRACT This study presents the current factors that contribute to drop out of girls in mixed day secondary school s in Kasarani District in Nairobi province, with a view of getting possible strategies for countering the problems that causes girls to drop out of school. The study was guided by the following objectives; To determine the extent to which school factors in fluence the girls’ dropout rate, to establish the influence of teachers’ attitude on the drop out rate of girls, to...
ABSTRACT The focus of this research problem was that despite the Government efforts to support the provision of career guidance and counselling in public secondary schools, there was no readily available documented data of what is currently going on in the schools.Further more, during her literature review this researcher did not come across any study that had been carried out on the status of career guidance and counselling services in public secondary schools in Nairobi Province.The purpose...
ABSTRACT This study assessed the effects of subsidized secondary education on access and participation in public secondary schools in Manga district. The study was guided by the following objectives: to determine enrolments in public secondary schools before and after implementation of Subsidized Secondary Education(SSE), effects of SSE in Manga district and strategies for improving the implementation of SSE in the district. Literature on financing secondary education in the world, financing ...
ABSTRACT Purpose of this study was to assess the implementation process of Business Studies curriculum. The study was guided by the following specific objectives: to find out the training provisions for teacher of Business Studies for their preparation to implement the integrated syllabus, to determine the attitude of teachers of Business Studies towards the secondary school Business Studies syllabus, to determine the teaching/learning resources and strategies used to implement Business Studi...