Educational Administration & Management Research Papers/Topics

Relationship between Support Staff Recognition Efforts and Learners’ Academic Performance in Public Secondary Schools in Kenya

Abstract/Overview The study examined the relationship between support staff recognition efforts and learners’ academic performance in Public Secondary Schools in Kenya. The Concurrent Triangulation design was used. The study population consisted of 544 participants consisting of 68 principals, a total of 68 head of security officers, 68 laboratory assistants, 68 Board of management chairpersons, 68 Director of Studies, 68 head of sectaries and 68 head of kitchen departments and 68 bursa...

Influence of Support Staff Promotional Opportunities on Learners’ Academic Performance in Public Secondary Schools Kenya

Abstract/Overview The study examined the influence of Support Staff Promotional Opportunities on Learners’ Academic Performance in Public Secondary Schools in Kenya. The study utilized the convergent parallel mixed methods design. The study population consisted 68 principals, 68 Board of management chairpersons, 68 Director of Studies and 272 support staff who heads security, laboratory, kitchen and academic/secretariat departments. Questionnaires and interview schedules were used for d...

Influence of Principals’ Professional Training on Creating Professional Learning Communities in Selected Kenyan Secondary Schools

Abstract/Overview The present study investigated the influence of principals’ professional training on creating professional learning communities in Kenyan secondary schools. The study population comprised of 194 principals, 1526 teachers, 194 BOM Chairpersons, and 6 SCQASOs. The total population was 1920 respondents and informants. The study used both purposive and stratified random sampling procedures to obtain study participants of 20 principals,153 teachers,20 BOM Chairpersons and 6...

Influence of self-esteem on job satisfaction of secondary school teachers in kenya

Abstract/Overview This study investigated the influence of self-esteem on job satisfaction of secondary school teachers in Kisii Central Sub-County, Kenya. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and Herzberg’s two factor theories informed the present study. The study’s target population comprised all 903 secondary school teachers in Kisii Central Sub County. A sample of 306 was selected by stratified sampling to obtain a sample that was representative from all the categories of secondary schoo...

Emerging issues and suggestions in the management of transnational education

Abstract/Overview Though Transnational Education (TNA) is historical, it has gained momentum under the auspice of the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) administered by World Trade Organizations (WOT). Under this provision Higher education has been marketed a cross boarders with some degree of success. This desktop research delved in analysis of past research on the topic. The objective was to establish the rationale for transnational higher education, and emerging issues over ...

Influence of teachers performance appraisal policy on timeliness in implementation of the curriculum in public secondary schools in Kenya

Abstract/Overview The study investigated the influence of Teachers Performance Appraisal (TPA) policy on timeliness in the implementation of the curriculum in public secondary schools in Kenya.The study adopted an expost facto design. Additionally, the study population consisted of 5450 teachers, 334 Principals, the TSC County Director and 334 deputy principals of public secondary schools. Stratified random sampling technique was used to select 179 principals and 179 deputy principals. Qu...

Quality implications of learning infrastructure on performance in secondary education: a small scale study of a county in Kenya

Abstract/Overview Learning infrastructure is a key base for effective teaching and learning in schools. The infrastructure forms a very important component in ensuring successful education. The purpose of the study was to evaluate quality implications of learning infrastructure on secondary education in a County in Kenya. The objective of the study was to explore the quality implications of learning infrastructure on secondary education. The study employed the Production Function Theory. ...

Challenges in achieving effective school leadership and management in Kenya: A case of the role of BOGs and PTAs in the Kisii County

Abstract/Overview Board of governors (BOGs) and parent teacher association (PTAs) can rightly be described as the life blood of a school. They constitute an important component of the school leadership, management and governance structure. They also form an important link between the school and the community. Through such a link local ownership is enhanced. Through their involvement in the life of the school, local resources are mobilised and also school leadership and management is stren...

Examining the teaching and learning resources related challenges facing small and medium-sized public secondary schools in Kenya: A comparative analysis

Abstract/Overview This article reports on the quantitative research survey findings regarding the challenges related to the teaching and learning resources affecting small and medium sized public secondary schools in Kenya. The aim of this study is to investigate the secondary school principals’ views on the teaching and learning resources related challenges facing small and medium sized secondary schools. The study took place in Nyamira County and adopted a quantitative survey design. ...