Educational Administration & Management Research Papers/Topics

Challenges in achieving effective school leadership and management in Kenya: A case of the role of BOGs and PTAs in the Kisii County

Abstract/Overview Board of governors (BOGs) and parent teacher association (PTAs) can rightly be described as the life blood of a school. They constitute an important component of the school leadership, management and governance structure. They also form an important link between the school and the community. Through such a link local ownership is enhanced. Through their involvement in the life of the school, local resources are mobilised and also school leadership and management is stren...

Examining the teaching and learning resources related challenges facing small and medium-sized public secondary schools in Kenya: A comparative analysis

Abstract/Overview This article reports on the quantitative research survey findings regarding the challenges related to the teaching and learning resources affecting small and medium sized public secondary schools in Kenya. The aim of this study is to investigate the secondary school principals’ views on the teaching and learning resources related challenges facing small and medium sized secondary schools. The study took place in Nyamira County and adopted a quantitative survey design. ...

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