Psychology & Educational Foundation Research Papers/Topics

Influence of efficacy expectation on mathematics achievement among students in secondary schools in Kenya

Abstract/Overview Achievement in Mathematics has remained a challenge to many students at secondary school level in Kenya, for example students in Vihiga Sub-County. While most studies have focused on: school related factors, subject related factors and teacher related factors as predictors of students’ achievement in Mathematics, very scanty literature is available on the Efficacy expectations, an indication that this area has minimally been researched. Despite the government’s effor...

Relationship between permissive parenting style and examination cheating tendencies among Kenya secondary school students

Abstract/Overview The study investigated the relationship between permissive parenting styles and examination cheating tendencies among secondary school students in Siaya Sub County, Kenya. Diana Baumrind’s parenting styles theory and Ajzen’s theory of Planned Behaviour provided a theoretical framework for the study while adopting a Correlational study design within a mixed methods approach. The target population was 1,908 form three students, 35 Teacher Counselors and 35 Deputy Princ...

Influence of assessment services on academic performance among pupils in Kenyan public Primary schools

Abstract/Overview Many pupils do not perform well in school despite the concerted efforts to push the course forward. The study investigated the influence of assessment services on academic performance of class eight pupils in public primary school in Kisii South Sub-County Kenya. The researcher used a concurrent triangulation design. Target population was 2670 class eight pupils, 500 class eight teachers, 58 head teachers and 1 QASO. A sample size of 100 class eight teachers and 300 clas...