Training and Development Research Papers/Topics

Orientation Services and Course Satisfaction among Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Trainees in Kenya

Abstract/Overview The study examined the relationship between orientation guidance services and course satisfaction among trainees in TVET institutions in Kakamega County, Kenya. Holland’s theory of vocational choice guided the study. A concurrent Triangulation design was adopted. The study targeted 12807 trainees, four registrars, 4 Deputy Principals in charge of academics, and 4 Guidance and Counseling Coordinators from the TVET institutions in Kakamega County. The use of questionnair...

Relationship Between Bungoma County Government Bursary and Students' Access to Public Vocational Training Centres, Bungoma County, Kenya

Abstract The county governments have been subsidizing trainees in public Vocational Training Centers (VTCs) in form of bursary to enhance enrolment and completion rates. The objectives of this paper are to determine the relationship between the Bungoma County Government Bursary (BCBG), gross enrolment and completion rates between the years 2014 to 2019. Correlational research design was adopted, and socialist economy theory guided the study. The study selected 48 VTCs and Training officers a...