Training and Development Research Papers/Topics

Influence of Appraisal Services on Course Satisfaction among Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Trainees

Abstract/Overview The study examined the relationship between appraisal guidance services and course satisfaction among trainees in TVET institutions in Kakamega County, Kenya. Concurrent Triangulation design within the mixed methods approach was adopted. Purposive, proportionate stratified random, and simple random sampling were used to select 4 TVET institutions, 388 trainees, four registrars, 4 Deputy Principals, and 4 Guidance and Counseling Coordinators. The use of questionnaires and...

Strategies That Enhance Students Access to Public Technical Training Institutions in Kenya

Abstract/Overview Stakeholders in the education sector in Kenya are concerned about low students’ participation in Technical Training Institutions. Despite the Government of Kenya’s efforts to upgrade infrastructure in these institutions, students’ participation has remained low yet the realization of Vision 2030 depends on middle level training. Therefore, this study was conceptualized to establish strategies adopted by Technical Training Institutions to support students access in ...