ABSTRACT Failure in pre-cast waffle slabs can be attributed to factors like analytical error, poor handling during transportation and placement which factors often lead to partial/total failure of slabs. The conventional method of analysing waffle slabs focuses on the ribs, while the slab portions at the top are avoided. This has led to under reinforcement and subsequent failure of the slab portions that are usually in direct contact with loads. In this study, a method that incorporates bot...
ABSTRACT Environmental exposure to lead, a highly toxic heavy metal, is a significant cause of human morbidity and mortality. However, the determination of lead levels in homes and built environment have not been well investigated in Nigeria. This study was designed to evaluate the lead levels in dust, paint, paint chips, soil and water; and to ascertain the geotechnical properties of soil in the home environment in Ibadan. Four Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) were conducted and six hundred ...
ABSTRACT This work presents comparative study of strength of truss reinforced concrete beam and conventional reinforced concrete beam. Two sets of 0.15 x 0.15 x 1m beams were cast. One set was cast using truss as a system of reinforcement at spacing of 100mm, 150mm and 200mm. The other set was cast using longitudinal bars and links at spacing of 100mm, 150mm, and 200mm as the conventional reinforcement. In all 27 truss and 27 conventional reinforcement beams were cast. Three mix ratios we...
ABSTRACT This research work focused on the Prediction of Compressive strength of Saw dust Ash-Cement concrete using Artificial Neural Network method. Neural Networks offer a number of advantages including requiring less formal statistical training, ability to implicitly detect complex non-linear relationship between dependent and independent variables, ability to detect all possible interactions between predictor’s variables, and availability of multiple training algorithms. A 5-20-1 ne...
ABSTRACT The quality of water from Otamiri River, Nworie River and Bore hole water as sources of municipal water supply system in Owerri has been evaluated by analyzing samples of raw water collected from Otamiri River and Nworie River and comparing them with selected borehole and treated water samples. Some selected borehole water analyses were carried out for their physiochemical parameters, major ions, nutrients and bacteriological quality. The obtained values from the analysis are:- A...
ABSTRACT The study assessed the flow characteristics of Amanyi stream for a mini hydro power development for Neke Uno, Isi-Uzo Local Government Area of Enugu State, Nigeria. The stream has a maximum flow discharge, Qmax of 8.5m3/s, average discharge, Qav of 6.9m3/s, minimum dependable discharge, Qmin of 4.21m3/s and a selected design discharge Qd of 6.37m3/s. Topographic survey and plant layout showed a head of 3.63m (low head) which is possible for power generation. It was also determine...
ABSTRACT The traditional method, De Saint-Venant theory which was used in the previous analysis of thin-walled structures assumed free warping of all thin-walled structures, which is very rare in engineering. In this research work, Vlasov’s torsion theory which incorporates restraint warping was employed in the analysis of box culvert. The incorporation of restraint warping by Vlasov made the equation for computing angle of twist extremely rigorous as compared to Saint Venant’s equati...
ABSTRACT The study was aimed at developing mathematical models on the hydraulic performance of Sandbags as Checkdam for erosion control. Pilot studies were carried out at two sites. Site ‘A’ was a natural gully at a location in Ezinihitte-Mbaise, Imo State while site ‘B’ was an artificial channel excavated on the slope of Otamiri River at Federal University of Technology, Owerri. Artificial runoff was simulated into site ‘B’ by pumping water from Otamiri River. Sandbags of var...
ABSTRACT This research work is aimed at the development of computer programs using MATLAB based on the new polynomial shape functions, for analysis of single panel and continuous thin isotropic rectangular plates. Twelve single panel plate types of different boundary conditions namely SSSS, CCCC, CSSS, CSCS, CCSS, CCCS, SSFS, SCFS, CSFS, CCFS, SCFC and CCFC for aspect ratio, s= b/a, were analyzed for pure bending, buckling and free vibration using computer programs developed in this work....
ABSTRACT This research aimed at empirical investigation of flexural strength of compressed stabilized earth slab. Two sets of 500 x 500 x 150mm compressed stabilized earth slabs were cast. One set was cast with BRC mesh of 5 x 150 x 150mm with strength of 250N/mm2 as reinforcement and the other set was cast without reinforcement. Eight mixture proportions of laterite, river sand and cement were used in this research work and optimum moisture content obtained from compaction test of the mi...
This research investigates the improvement of the mechanical and durability properties of concrete using Date Palm Seed Ash (DPSA) as partial replacement of cement. The DPSA used was obtained by controlled burning of date palm seed in a kiln at a maximum temperature of 630oc for eight hours and after cooling, it was sieved through 75um sieve and its oxide composition analysis was conducted using X-ray fluorescence (XRF) procedures. DoE method of mix design was used to produce concrete ingredi...
ABSTRACT Waterborne diseases are linked to significant disease burden worldwide. Waterborne diarrhoea disease, for example, is responsible for tw o million deaths each year, with the majority occurring in children under five. Proper household water and sanitation can, however, increase resilience to waterborne disease risks. In view of the foregoing, this work has established a relationship f...
ABSTRACT Bamboo is one of the oldest traditional materials used by mankind. They are the largest members of the grass family and are the fastest growing in the world. Bamboo is a substitute building material which is renewable, environment friendly and widely available as the wood resources are diminishing and restrictions are imposed on the felling of the natural forest trees. Due to its rapid growth and high yield, adaptability to most climatic conditions and due to its properties, bamboo...