Abstract Following the dreadful gas explosion at Atomic Junction, Accra-Ghana in the year 2017[2], the innocent public and owners of gas filling stations across the country continue to face fear in managing Liquified Petroleum Gas (LPG) filling stations. Gas explosions have caused loss of precious lives and huge economic loss to owners of gas filling stations and the government. In the past four years, the rate of fire explosion in Ghana has plummeted steadily and if measures are not put in p...
Abstract Building and maintaining infrastructure is often a key challenge in developing countries, and Ghana is no exception. Increasing population and car ownership rates coupled with poor maintenance cultures result in a corresponding increase in the rate of damage of roads, causing deformities such as cracks and potholes. These road deformities not only negatively impact a country’s road infrastructure and the cars which ply said roads, but also pose a threat to road users. In Ghana, onl...
Abstract Hydroponics, a system of growing crops without soil, has been successfully used to grow crops on a commercial scale. Hydroponics has the potential to fill the gap of low agricultural production in Ghana due to its high efficiency while serving as an environmentally friendly alternative to soil culture. This method of farming has benefitted from new technologies like IoT and machine learning that make it possible to integrate intelligent agents in the management of hydroponic systems ...
Abstract The use of Unstructured Supplementary Service Data (USSD) applications in conducting monetary transactions is an unsafe and slow means of payment. Research has shown that USSD applications utilize outdated encryption techniques, which make it susceptible to hackers during data transmission; they are unreliable and have long processes before payment is conducted. This study aims to explore how Near Field Communication (NFC) technology can be used to conduct payments. Comparing the two...
Abstract In the off-grid communities in Ghana, most people depend on solar energy for electricity [1]. Some also depend on torch lights, candle lights or kerosene lamps to meet their lighting needs [2]. These lamps come with their own pros and cons. The solar lamps for instance, do not last for the entire night when in full usage though they are the cleanest of all. And since they are solar dependent, they become useless when there is no sun shine [3]. Hence, on the event of these solar lamps...
Abstract Electronic devices comprising of non-linear components (diodes, transistors, transformers, etc.) produce some number of harmonics in our power systems creating various voltage distortions [7]. As a result, several technical problems may arise for the device such as overheating and damage to sensitive equipment which would most likely lead to lifetime reduction to the customer’s devices. To reduce the likelihood of these undesired happenings, this project seeks to develop a digital...
Abstract Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) is a branch of Machine Learning that has seen recent widespread adoption for solving computational problems that seem impractical to solve with traditional algorithmic approaches. ANNs have achieved high accuracy on tasks such as facial recognition, object detection and speech recognition. And recently, ANNs have also seen applications in embedded systems, where it has been used to train robots to learn from their environment and cameras to detect fa...
ABSTRACT This project involves the design and implementation of an intelligent obstacle-avoiding robot car. The objective of this project is to implement a robot car, which while moving should have the ability to detect obstacles in its path and change direction where obstacles are present without any form of external influence. The new direction to be taken to avoid collision is the direction that has the most distance between the obstacle and the sensor and this is determined by the robot b...
This project- construction of a digital voltmeter seeks to utilize the microcontroller to build a digital voltmeter having better accuracy by utilizing a successive approximation analogue to digital converter ADC to measure the voltage (0 – 250V). Here, the working principal and components of this device are extensively explained. This Digital voltmeters (DVM) display the measured voltage using LCDs (Liquid Crystal Display) to display the result in a floating point format.
ABSTRACT In The development of ways to reduce malpractices in examination centers in all educational institutions is an important area of research. One of the major problems discovered aiding malpractices has been the creation of mobile phones, which however is a good communication device but needs to be curtailed during examinations. In order to have a 100% assurance that no student can cheat with his or her mobile phone a mobile detector system with a frequency jamming feature was develo...
Today, humanity can be classified as living in a “machine society” where technological tools are predominantly at different levels interfacing in the day–to-day activity of man. These livelihood activities constitute and deliver economic, social and political benefits and potential risks to the survivability of nations –especially developing nations like ours. Energy meter has been classified as Electromechanical Energy Meters. It is regarded as the most traditional and widely used en...
The electricity produced by renewable energy sources (RES) is constantly increasing worldwide thanks to government policies and technological advancements. Photo voltaic cells are actually a fast rising technology as the source of its power is a commodity that is abundant in this part of the hemisphere. Uncertainty also dominates in the area of the conditions at which the photovoltaic cells are operating, their optimal weather conditions and the effect of the conditions on their outpu...
This project is based on the design and construction of a Wireless Electronic Notice Board. It can be widely used to display latest information anywhere such as institutions, shop, place of worship and other places. This Wireless Electronic Notice Board will offer flexibility to user to control the information display within 50m to 200m range. Similar works were reviewed and the draw backs of these projects were cited and their advantage also considered. The design of the Wireless Elec...
This project is about the incorporation of RFID and fingerprint system's for security for a library information system. Scope Of The Study Here the fingerprint identification technique will be used for maintaining the attendance record. The record of the fingerprints of various students was maintained in a database. i. For implementing java programming language will be used. ii. The database will be maintained over MySQL. Students are supposed to enroll their fingerprint at the beginning o...
A technical report on student work experience scheme on laptop repair. The students industrial work experience scheme (SIWES) established in 1973 by decree 23 of Federal Republic of Nigeria is the accepted skills training programme involving the students,universities and the industry (employers of labor), that is a part of the approved minimum academic standards in various degree programme for all the Nigerian Universities. I worked in the Engineering and Standards Department of the D...