ABSTRACT Voting is a very important process in the Nigerian political system. It is one of the means and most effective method of ensuring a legitimate government through popular participation. To enthrone sound democracy and stability in the political system of the Enugu state a system of rig-free voting has to be put in place. The system would among others discourage double voting, forgery or hoarding of electoral materials massive transfer of ballot papers destruction of ballot boxes, ...
ABSTRACT The magical impact of computer has made enormous contribution to all aspect of the society people can now do things easily unlike in the past. Computers have lesson human activities (effort) in their day to day life, by reducing both human labour and time in solving their problem which are both numerous / unlimited. The introduction of the magical machine has led to the further growth of Agricultural products. The technological know how and scientific research reveals that a lot of w...
INTRODUCTION Each machine consists in principle of three basic parts: a motor or another prime mover (that sets the machine in motion), an actuating mechanism (which is directly doing the needed work: digs a ditch, weaves cloth, peels potatoes, propels a ship, and so on), and a transmission that connects the first two parts. Sometimes, the transmission may be lacking, for example, in a fan the impeller is mounted directly on the shaft of the electric motor. But in most cases, the transmissi...
ABSTRACT The precise content of this project was to construct a model shell and tube heat exchanger. The material for construction of this project (equipment) and their dimensions are as follows: 1.500mm length of a tube bundle 2.20mm diameter of the tube bundle 3.650mm length of the shell 4.120mm diameter of the shell 5.70mm length of the inlet and outlet 6.20.5mm diameter of the inlet and outlet 7.160mm diameter of the flanges 8.8mm diameter of the holes on the flanges.�...
INTRODUCTION REFRIGERATION Refrigeration is a branch of science that deals with the process of removing heat from a substance or space in order to make it cooler. Refrigerator is defined as a device that is used in cooling the internal temperature below the room temperature (that is between 250C to 300C). Generally, however, for a space or substance to be cooler, it must loss that heat to another. Also, for a space or substance to get hotter, it must absorb heat from another, which must b...
ABSTRACTIn the mechanical engineering department of institute of management and technology there are many machines but it is not all that is functioning well.This may airless as a result of lack of maintenance which is a prove in the breakdown of the air conditioner.The quality and effectiveness of materials were mated very well as referred to machine maintenance.The cost of maintenance was minimized jet reaching a highly victorious rehabilitation.In the course of rehabilitation and repair...
ABSTRACT Knowledge could only be obtained successively by the use of books for research. This can be achieved only by preserving books already purchased. As a result we fabricate a metallic shelf made up of metallic sheet; precisely mild steel sheets. The mild steel used for the fabrication of the shelf is 1.5mm (16gauge) mild steel. The shelf is made up of 3 partitions. In fabricating the metallic shelf several process where involved. We plundered on the material to be used that can hold...
ABSTRACT Most Stock Marketing Report, production, and manufacturing firms have the basic problem of information flow between the various departments within the organization. This research is intended to highlight the role of a computerized Stock Marketing Report information system in NSEC Compare to the manual system of Stock Marketing Report. To identify the various problems involve in the existing Stock Marketing Report information system of NSEC is the purpose of this research and...
ABSTRACT A Budget being the planning of how to spend revenues and incoming capitals so this makes is necessary to make sure that it is done with extra care. Budgets and the methods of preparing a good one has been a problem to most organization both private and government, the implementation of a faulty budget has brought man companies to a close door point were all operations are stopped. Therefore budget design needs to be accurate and able to give account for every dime spent and on what...
ABSTRACT The importance of financial accounting is gradually being recognized as germane to prudent management of any business firm. This has necessitated the need for the computerization of structured operations of the financial managers structured operations are known with certainly for instance, the computation and decisions based on financial ratios. This project therefore is a case study of Modotel Hotel. It describes the computerization of the financial accounting of the hotel as pa...
ABSTRACT A workshop cupboard is a facility designed from mild steel for the storage of various materials, like book material and non-book materials e.g. workshop tools, labouratory wares and reagents, etc; after operations in a chemical labouratory, mechanical workshop, or else where. The construction of a workshop cupboard requires the consideration of lots of characteristics of the materials, which are used for the construction, such as physical and mechanical; chemical properties, service ...
ABSTRACT It views of the smoke released when using a firewood for baking cakes, bread, preserve fresh fishes and warming or remove ice form frozen food by some mothers at home, restaurant, fast food shops etc. We discovered the need to design and fabricated kerosene pressurized Oven that will reduce the amount of smoke emitting into the atmosphere and improve the quality of baked food in the society. Kerosine pressurized oven will prevent unnecessary heat from harming the users and lime was...
ABSTRACT The aim of this project is to capture the utilization of pumps for various uses and to maximize the principle of selection of water pumps through the application and pump selection for specific uses our society will transformed wholestically to an industrious nation in the clean water supply for supply for domestic, industrial and down stream sector. Pump parameters and selection are analyzed categorically to enable a good conception in practical. Centrifugal pumps can also be foun...
ABSTRACT This research work was carried out to evaluate the different methods of corrosion prevention, control and monitoring. In the course of the research many scholarly articles on the subject matter were reviewed from which the researcher got lot information concerning the topic at hand. Thus making the research work a reliable source of information as far as facts about corrosion is concerned. To ensure this work satisfies the quality expected of it, an experiment was carried out by th...
ABSTRACT The working principles of a window air conditioning system was described with the mode of operationg of the refrigeration cycle and its construcion. The aim of every window Air conditioning system is to achieve cooling. Change of temperature system were discussed with the methods of improving the performance of th window Air Conditioning Unit for better efficiency. This work simply explains how the performance of the window Air Conditioning system can be improved and why it i...