ABSTRACT The process involved in the design and fabrication of a creep material testing equipment ranges from carrying out the feasibility studies of the project to the designed and especially of ensuring its functionality. Since it is used in the testing of failure of material under loading, different engineering principles employed in the design and fabrication includes bending moments and deflection of beam etc. the main objective of this project is to design a mechanical structure tha...
ABSTRACT The need for an authentic and reliable report relating to the design and construction of 80cm x 70cm x 50cm mobile deep freezer is inevitable. It should be a top priority of every individual in order to avoid huge expenditure in purchase to foreign ones. Its for this reason that this report is written for the benefit of those who are privilege to design and construct their own deep freezer for used. This report is base on ordinary and advanced level research, in order to aid easy r...
ABSTRACT This work is aimed at the removal of hazardous gases and dust particles, air channeling etc. This work is aimed at achieving industrial waste control therein safe – guarding the immediate environment. Chapter one accounts for the introduction of the project. Chapter two involves literature review in the origin, types and alternative device is compared. Chapter three discussed the design analysis of the project. In chapter four, the sequence of operation and material selection f...
ABSTRACT Despite all attempt of the federal government to have not only an uninterrupted power supply for all cities in Nigeria, but a voltage that is inconformity with the recommended 220/230v for domestic consumption for example. The NEPA Plc is facing some difficulties in generating, transmitting and distributing the required voltage stabilizer, which could be connected, to the main and then the load is in turn connected to it.This automatic, AC voltage stabilizer has two major sections....
ABSTRACT The intruder alarm system was designed and build in order to let the industrial and commercial company know how important alarm system is all about. These can be of Good help if the intruder will look through this project and support for the development of this project as to let the Federal Government know that the young engineering of today can produce (construct) things that will help the economic and growth in developing this country is technology The intruder alarm system uses ...
ABSTRACT This project is he design and construction of a voltage inverter system with trickle charging system. This device is design to provide power supply for the need of offices, household etc. In absence of NEPA power supply. It would also prevent harm to our appliances caused by power holding company LTD (NEPA) Random power outage . TABLE OF CONTENT Title Page Approval Page Dedication Acknowledgment Abstract Table of Contents CHAPTER ONE Introduction Most Essential Circuit in the Devic...
ABSTRACT Mechanical Engineering Department of the named Institute has many non – operational malhiues. Sequel to the fact, maintenance was poorly excuted which resulted to the breakdown deep freezer. Quality and effectiveness of machine maintenance were well observed. Also, a minimized maintenance and a highly successful repair was adopted. In other words during the repair and rehabilitation of the facility Deep Freezer, appropriate tools, cost and quality of materials were well consi...
INTRODUCTION Power amplifier is an electronic device, which is used to increase sound energy. In other words, the final stage which must driven a given load e.g mechanical indicator, a loudspeaker cathode roy tade, magnetic deflection coil, a transmitting accrual of a communication network. Power amplifier is also used in regulation power supplies, chopper amplifier, motor controller etc. In general the load will by its nature, demand a certain power from the amplifier and the out stage...
ABSTRACT This work was centered on the Design and implementation of a simple scientific calculator for education organization. The study traced calculator system as a tool to completely change mathematical knowledge and sophisticated problems solving strategies had advanced the field of simulated engine in mathematic. This project work also focused principally on numbers and arithmetic operation. This researcher investigated the manual system in detail with a view to finding out the need...
ABSTRACT In this project (3) alternative design solutions were considered for the locally made electric run. The authors utilize the available local raw demerits of each alternative with respect to the considered group were discussed and the solutions of the alternative that best satisfied the limitations was selected for production. Material selection, design and cost of analysis, production processes and operation maintenance and problems encountered during the design were also included. ...
ABSTRACT In all types of air –conditioning work a through knowledge of basic principal is varying important. The report of the project “re pair and rehabilitation of a faulty Air–conditioner” serves as guide to project implementation. It explains and illustrates the import principle of operation and various maintenance procedures in an understanding manner. The report is divided into four chapters, which covers the practical application of air-conditioner in the field of domestic, bus...
ABSTRACT This write up outlines the design and fabrication of wood lathe machine. This type of lathe is capable of creating different wood designs using the cheapest available material and method. To achieve functional and efficient wood lathe of this kind, we analyzed as well as synthesized the different possible design solutions and concepts. The principle of turner is puts into consideration the case of its production, main finance and services, values durability , reliability and appe...
LETTER PRESS PRINTING 1.1THE BASIC PRINCIPLE:Letterpress is a highly versatile printing process. It is adaptable to both short and long printing runs, from a few hundreds to several millions of printed impressions. In letterpress printing the image area of the printing surface stands in relief, raised above the surrounding non-image areas. Ink is applied to the image areas with a roller and is transferred to paper under pressure. Letterpress printing process is derived from pre-industrial art...
ABSTRACT Description of a system and peripherals or devices in a computer system in which the operating of such devices is under control of the central processing unit is termed on-line. Because of the efficiency and fast services, this project is equally aimed at creating a computer based lottery which allows entire to be sold over the phone, ATM, POS Machine, E-mail or via kiosks in which participants are invited to choose at least one unique number from a defined range of numbers. The ...
ABSTRACT The ill treatment that take place in our motor vehicle Drivers licensing office today, one have to wait endlessly in order to get his driver’s licensing or renew his driver license and so on. This is a problem that is experienced daily, which robs the government a huge sum of money through fraudulent means. Being a system run manually, it is prone to many man-made errors both intentionally and unintentionally, which could be unnecessary delays in attending to customers due to the...