Mining and Geological Engineering Research Papers/Topics

Groundwater depletion at the Dukwi wellfield: causes and effects

Abstract: The main issue associated with groundwater supply in Botswana are the rate of its replenishment relative to its extraction rate and quality. This study aims to identify the possible causes and effects of groundwater decline at the Dukwi Wellfield. Specifically, it aims to investigate the contributing variables for groundwater decline at the wellfield area; the trend and significance of groundwater level decline using the linear trend model; the influence of groundwater decline...

Application of artificial neural network model to human body vibrations in large haul trucks

Abstract: The working conditions in oil sand mines in Northern Alberta, Canada, are greatly affected by the climate and geology. The ground is very hard and competent in winter but very soft during summer [1]. This changing behaviour of the ground has a great impact on the truck’s frame and the health of the operator because he is exposed to large Whole Body Vibrations (WBV). When the human body is exposed to large WBV for prolonged periods, it begins to have chronic back problems resultin...